Philip and his crush

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"There's my Dad!" Katie exclaimed, patting Philip on the leg, as George's car pulled up.

"Mmhm." Philip hummed in response, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach at the thought of George.

Katie pushed open the front doors and ran to her father as he stepped out of his car. "Daddy!" She squealed as he lifted her up and placed her on his hip. (If any of you make this kinky I s2g I'll unpublish this fanfic until y'all learn to behave, you horny fucks.)

Philip hesitated for a second before opening the doors to join them. It'd be weird if he didn't, he decided, and it might make George suspicious, for all he knew.

"Hello." He said, approaching the pair.

"Howdy," George said, making Philip laugh "How was Katie's day in school?"

"Oh, very good." Philip said "She's progressed a lot faster than most of her classmates when learning to read, and she's very polite."

Both Katie and George beamed at the praise.

"That's good to hear." George said smiling, making Philip's heart melt. "We'll see you tomorrow."

Philip smiled and nodded in response, turning back towards the school, before George could realize his smile was one of a dumb idiot in love.

Good God, he'd better get over this dumb crush soon.

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now