George, Peggy, and whether or not he's going on a date

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"So, how would you feel about me setting you up on a date with someone?" Peggy asked after Katie had been put to bed, making George choke on the water he had been drinking.

"Peggy!" He gasped once he was finished choking, "I was drinking! And where did that even come from?!"

George leaned against the kitchen counter, hand on his chest like he just had a near death experience, which he kind of did.

"You said at the beginning of the school year that I could plan a date for you. And now I'm getting around to doing that. Look at me, not procrastinating." Peggy said, pleased with herself.

"That's not what I said, I said you weren't annoying enough to get me to go on one. I wasn't giving you permission to do what you pleased with my love life."

"Well I've been plenty annoying, and now I'm arranging a date. It's gonna be great, I've-"

"No, Peggy." George interrupted her, straightening up and beginning to walk out of the kitchen.

"So, is that a maybe?" She called after him.

"No! I said no!"

"A hesitant perhaps?"


"I'll bring it up some other time." She resolved, waving her hand at him in a dismissive way.

"It's gonna be a 'no!' then, too!"

"Shush, you'll wake Katie."

George sighed in defeat, and marched up the stairs towards his bedroom. Peggy was not easily swayed.

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now