George and Katie (and Peggy)

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"Today Mr.Hamilton read us a story about a frog and a toad, and then he let us color for a while. I drew you some flowers, but Charlie kept on stealing my crayons with out asked to borrow them." Katie chattered on about her day from the backseat of George's car.

"That's to bad, did you ask him to stop taking your crayons?" George asked.

"Ya, I asked a bunch of times, and I was going to punch him, but drawing time ended before I could." Katie answered.

George suppressed a laugh. "It's not nice to punch people, Katie, you know that. If he does that again just tell Mr.Hamilton."

"Ok, I will. Also, today Mr.Hamilton said he had a twin sister! Which means that they're the exact same age! I wish that I had a twin." Katie said.

"I don't know, Katie-cat, I can barely handle one of you." George said.

Katie laughed. She continued to talk about a game she played with her friend, Aaron, during recess, but George didn't really follow the plot.

They arrived home and George got out of the car and opened the car door for Katie.

Peggy was outside, watering the rose bushes. Katie ran up to her and showed her the flowers she had drawn.

"Those look great, Katie!" Peggy said "there are cheez-its and Apple juice inside for you."

Katie ran inside. George could here the clatter of key chains on tile as she dropped her backpack.

"Did you ask Katie how her day was?" Peggy asked George.

"Yes, she drew those flowers, wanted to punch a kid, played with Aaron at recess, and learned her teacher has a twin." George reported.

"Oh yea, Philip and Frances. They were quite difficult to handle when they were Katie's age." Peggy said.

"Oh really?" George asked as they walked inside.

"Yup! They and their cousins caused quite a lot of trouble. But now they're a bit more calm than they were as children. In fact, Frances got married, and is one of Aaron's Moms." Peggy said.

"Is Philip married?" George asked.

"No, not even dating anyone. I'm worried he won't find anyone, and will end up old and single like me." Peggy said.

"He doesn't seem that old, he still has plenty of time to find someone, and so do you." George said.

"He's already your age and he hasn't had a girlfriend or boyfriend since high school." Peggy said.

"He's 26? I would've guessed younger." George said.

Peggy shrugged and went to find Katie and make sure she wasn't spilling her juice.

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now