Week 3, Monday.

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Ok so I know I can't just cover the delay that I've made just by an apology!! *Flushing embarrassment behind the screen* But I'll be uploading almost daily for this week as I have holidays in school with no projects to do! Yayyyyyyyyyy!  So moving on.....A new chapter after so long, I hope all the readers are tuned. Are you?

Rose's POV

I didn't wanted to do anything today. Not even wake up. Me and Jason didn't even talk to each other properly after that kiss happened. Imagine sitting in the car for five hours straight and only awkward love songs playing on the radio which only made me remember our moment. I'm telling you, It's not easy.

I pushed my blanket aside with my leg and stretched my hands out with a yawn.
"Ten minutes!" I heard Cassie scream from the living room which ruined my movie like waking up scene. I glanced at the clock real slow with annoyance on my face.

"Shoot." I whispere to myself as I jumped from my position. Ten minutes left to leave for school. Taking a shower would probably be a bad Idea, but what do I do I can't go out without bathing. I rushed into the shower after settling my thoughts.


"We're already so late, why can't we just skip?"Cassie mumbled behind me as we walked down the lane. Thanks to my missing shoe that I missed the bus and was forced to walk with Cassie.

"We can't skip Cassie, I have Calculus." Calculus, is equal to seeing Jason.Just the thought of him in his usual messy appearance made me bite my lower lip, partially trying to taste the presence of his lips there.

"Oh?" She raised her eyebrows at me. The perfect Cara Delevigne. "I bet it's not calculus that you're worried about but more like who is WITH you in the class." She grinned after finishing her statement. And believe me, Cassie grins more like goofy than a human being.

"Don't grin like that!"

"Oh really? Watch me bitch!" She started running into the school campus  as I chased her.  I lost her in the crowd of students who basically just realised that they were going to be late and rushed in with us. I left her running across the hallway and turned right for my class midway, Studies are more important right? Who am I even kiding, Anyways.

I looked at myself just for a minute to see what I actually looked like cuz I just wore what I found first. A black hoodie and skinny jeans. Ok this is my fav combination so I assume I look bombass. I breathed in and opened the door. The class was full, students sitting on their regular places, no teacher. But I felt my heart drop and disappointment rush in when I saw someone else sitting in Jason's place. That just didn't feel comfortable. Accepting the fact that there was no other option, I went and sat at my regular seat.

Mrs. Crawford entered just behind me and started sorting out the papers on her desk. And without Jason's presence here it was going to be a long lecture.


Cassie and I were supposed to meet outside the school after it's over cuz she was going to be dispersed earlier. I was already late as Josie, my English project partner for the week just made me stand and watch her write the recipe for a strawberry cake. Totally the time wasted, but she's always so sweet to me, I couldn't say no. Apart from all the odds I am a good human inside right...?

The hallway was packed. Like fully packed not even space for a soul to move. Though souls can fly. I was pushed out of the crowd when I crossed it and turned left. And guess who I rushed into!?

"Walk with your eyes open! Stupid!" She blurted out as she stood with two other girls, in front of me, one on her right and one on her right.

Nicki, The typical Diva of the school. Perfect black hair shaped in waves till her shoulder, A sharp diamond face, a perfect nose, an uncomfortable amount of makeup on her face and perfect curves, and she never leaves a chance to show cleavage in every of her dresses. I'm sure I would have mentioned her before, but encountering her in person? That's a real kind of hell.

I just stood there in front of her, chewing my gum (which had lost all it's sweetness as I've been chewing it since morning. I know, Unnecessary information by the author right?).

"What are you glaring at? Rusky Rose." She tried to poke me and her minions, Sasha and Fiela laughed at her comment, but all that escaped from my mouth was a slight laugh.

"I'm just waiting for you to spontaneously combust." I said with my arms crossed to my chest. Both Fiela and Sasha looked at each other behind Nicki and a look of annoyance appeared on her face. She pushed some of her hair from her shoulder to the back and walked up to me.

"Where did you even get this Sweatshirt from? A roadside seller? You are insulting yourself by even standing here in front of me darling. "
I've already had the idea of why Jason left this bitch. Does she even know what feelings are?

I would have smacked her beautiful face to the locker if I didn't sense a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. The figure walked beside me.

Cassie smiled at me with her hand still on my shoulder. "Rose...Is Jason coming home today?" She asked me with a teasing tone in her voice. I knew what her intentions were but I was fighting with myself on whether to answer to that.

"What? You both hangout together daily at our place right? So he is coming today too?" She asked again and looked at Nicki. Her face filled with confusion. This is the point where it really hits her, not that she loves him or anything, because she wants everything to herself whether it's good for them or not.

"Y-yeah." I mumbled after fighting for an answer and looked at Nicki who was staring at me with narrowed eyebrows that were ready to shoot arrows at me.
"Yeah, he is coming." I collect all the confidence again.

"So let's not waste time on unnecessary things Rose! We need to get home." Cassie flashed her smile at me as we turned to leave.

"I hate you!" Nicki shouted in the now empty hallway.

"Why!? I'm lovely!" I winked at her and we left with giggles.

"Did you hear that?" I heard Nicki stomp her feet in anger.

"It's fun to annoy the mean girl. Isn't it?" Cassie asked me as we got out of the campus and were headed home. "And also when that mean girl is your boyfriend's ex." I stopped walking at that statement and looked at her.

"Jason is not my boyfriend."

"But you're his girlfriend so that makes him your boyfriend."

"We are just pretending!" I started walking faster than Cassie to avoid any kind of communication.

"By the way. He wasn't there in school today right? Is he okay? Did something happen between you two?"

Yes. Something happened between us, we kissed. I think I'm falling in love with him. He gives me a zoo in my stomach every time he runs his hands through his hair and he nearly kills me with his smirk. But I have absolutely no idea what he feels about what happened between us.
"I don't give a damn." That's all. That's all I said. I walked even faster and this time, I did leave her behind.

"Ohhh." She shouted from behind me. "You give so many damns that they're visible from space! And now don't blush." That's what I heard between her giggles and snorting.



First things first, let me tell you that I wrote this chapter at 3 in the morning, half waking and half sleeping so there might be errors, typos as this is unedited. I'll edit it after sometime when I am not so upset with my life and the blank screen of my phone doesn't reflect back how I am doing absolute shit with my life. *Deep Breathing*

So be prepared for the next update, which I expect will be by next 24 hours, And do let me know if you thought that the hand on Rose's shoulder was of Jason. 😂 But that's the truth of life people! Best friends are always there for you whether a boy comes or leaves! *Saying this cuz I've been single for so long* *Light Sobbing*

At last.. Don't forget to




And Follow me!

~Loveee, Ria ❤️🐾

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