Week 3, Friday.

14 7 3


"Why do you look like you saw a chicken without feathers?" I asked Cassie as we walked through the hallway.

"Because I did looked for how chickens looked like without feathers and I am severely uncomfortable to be honest."
I stopped and passed a confused smile at her. "W-What?" She smiled at me and pulled me by my wrist to make me start walking with her again. "You're crazy."

"Yup yup. That's what I've been told." She winked at me.

"I miss Alex!" I quenched as I said that. Alex had to stay at his dad's house as he is getting married again. Yeah, his parents have been divorced and this is the third time that he'll have a new step mother. Poor Alex, Though he doesn't give a shit. 
"Yeah, me too." Cassie pulled her lips inwards. We waved goodbye as we headed in different directions for our classes.


I turned around to find Sasha standing behind me. I rolled my eyes to show how uninterested I was in anymore of the drama. "What do you want?"

"I just- Can you come with me to the restroom for a minute?" The look on her face was really decent and innocent, but considering that she was in Nicki's posse, she could be a bitch too. I shrugged and went to the washroom with Sasha walking behind me.

Every other girl Walked out as we entered the bathroom. Sasha bit her nails in nervousness, but why? She looked pretty though, curly brown hair all around her with clean dark skin and a perfect winged eyeliner around her brown eyes.

"Look. I'm just so fed up of Nicki. The day you stood up to her, I realised what I should be doing. I just-" She put both of her hands on either sides of her forehead in frustration. "I just don't want to be her shadow! I want good and real friends. Like you." She lifted her hand at me and put it down quickly.

I thought about what she said with my arms crossed. She waited for me to speak but I couldn't think about what to say to her. There was genuine concern in her eyes.

"Look Sasha. I don't mind being nice to you, and yeah Nicki does suck and you should know when to stand up for yourself." She still didn't look convinced. She looked down at the floor like she was really depressed. Like, A day ago I saw her hanging out happily with Nicki and here she is now saying shit about her. "So maybe we can be freinds." At least she smiled to that and to my surprise, came up and hugged me. I didn't know what to do, the hug was mainly one sided.

"We'll be great friends!" She said excitedly as she pulled apart.


She was smiling madly and waved at me before going out.

"What the hell." I said to myself and walked out too.


I was waiting outside Cassie's class but Mrs Crawford just won't let them leave. Don't know what eternal knowledge is she sharing.

I noticed Jason walk out from the next class and he walked up to me when he noticed me.


"H-Hey." I haven't talked to him after he gave me the mixtape. It was really great, with all my favourite party songs and with love songs at the end, which
I couldn't stop dancing to, imagining him in my arms, dancing with me. Every line of those love songs made me feel like Jason was the one saying these to me. But I'm just too scared. Scared that feelings are not constant, they aren't concrete. I'm scared of letting him in. Even if I think I already let him.

"Lost somewhere?" I snapped out of my thoughts as he waved his hand in front of my eyes. That's what I like about us. We can get lost in each other again and again and we can still find the way. He feels like a place I'd never been.

"Did you like the songs I picked?" He ran his hand through his hair.

"Y-yeah, they were great." I smiled at the floor. Though he made butterflies flutter inside me, but a part of me said I wasn't even good enough for him. I didn't deserve this perfect human being.

"So do you want to come over today too?" He asked. I moved my mouth but words didn't come out.

"No, I-I have work to do. I'll solve the sheets, don't worry." His smile faded away and he nodded his head to the floor. "I'm sorry, I think I need to go." I picked my bag up to my shoulder, smiled at him and turned around to walk away.

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow." He said behind me.

"Yeah." I answered without looking at him.

I feel all the emotions for him that I've never felt. It scares me.

This was Not included in the deal.


A short and sweet update! Who's excited for the weekend?? Cuz I am!
Hmmm, let's see what options we have. Maybe a second kiss?? Maybe a Confession?? Or Maybe..heartbreak?? *Evil laughter* You'll have to wait a little more for that tho!

At last..

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~Loveee, Ria. ❤️🐾

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