Week 3, Tuesday.

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All the love that you readers have given this book is the reason that makes me write my heart out in this book❤️ So keep reading and keep spreading love ❤️❤️❤️


{Song used ~ Side to Side by Ariana Grande ft Nicki Minaj}

"Everybody has a dark side. Can you love me? Can you love mine?"
~John Legend

I just had to share this line from the song All Of Me by John Legend! It's so good! And one of my favourite songs.


"So you're telling me that you set the chem lab on fire!?" I said while rubbing my head through my hair. We here just got the news that our school lab was on fire yesterday and Cassie here just told me that MAYBE she set it on fire as she left the chemicals open. There wasn't any huge damage but we don't have school today because of the construction work going on there.

"I said maybe! I don't remember." She sat back on the couch and rolled her legs to her chest. I sat beside her and laid back and exhaled sharply.

"How do we keep getting into these kind of situations?"

"Seven years of friendship and I still don't know." She shrugged and walked up to the kitchen. I would have drifted off to sleep again if I didn't feel my phone buzz under my butt.

"Who the he-" I stopped as I saw who it was. Jason. He's calling me..
I rushed with the phone in my room and locked it, the phone still buzzing. I finally picked it up.


"Rose!" I could hear his cheery voice on the other end. This sent butterflies all inside me.

"Jason. You were supposed to come yesterday."

"I know. But got caught up in something. Anyways, what you up to tomorrow?"
Why is he suddenly so cheery and all sunshine? Maybe he is trying to dust off everyhting, Should I do it too?

"Nothing. School, then studying." I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes.

"Then..I was wondering if you could come at my place to study tomorrow?"

"Ok.." None of us spoke after that. We were both processing things in our heads, I could even feel him sigh.

"Um, Rose?"


"I-I'll see you tomorrow." I just whispered a yes to that.


"Ah, yes bye! See you. I hope you know where my house is. If not then just ask any girl from school ok?" I could imagine a smirk forming on his face.

"Shut up Jason!" I said and he started laughing, I ended the call with that.

Jason's POV

She ended the call and I smiled at the phone in my hand. Ever since we kissed, I couldn't get the taste of her lips fade away from mine. She tasted like roses, real sweet. I placed my phone on the side table beside my well made black and white bed with black flowers and leaves drawn all over them. Everything in my room was the combination of black and white, I never thought that I would need any colours but now that I look at them, I feel like taking a colour and paint the whole room blue by myself. I just feel the need of colours now.

"Sir?" I turned around to find David, my butler standing at the door. He's a real nice old man, who has been there and watched me grow all along. "I just wanted to remind you to call your mother. She's been trying to call you but you didn't pick up." He looked at me with concern.

My mom's been out in different countries for business trips with my dad ever since I turned 15. They call me only when they feel like and it really annoys me. That's why I'm not picking their calls these days. I act like all grown up and mature but what I don't show is how much I want to be loved by them. To have my mom cook food for me, for her to watch my football matches, but they don't even care about asking me about any of it.

"Ugh. Don't worry, I'll call her." David smiled sympathetically and nodded while closing the door.

I picked my phone up again and stared at the blank screen for a minute. I don't want to call her, but I know that I need to. I dialled her number and waited for any of her assistants to pick up and ask me to wait for her.

"Jason!" My mom exclaimed.

"Yes Mom."

"Why do you sound so sad dear? Is everything okay?" I could sense concern in her voice. No matter how mad I am at her, her voice always melt every thing away.

"Everything's perfect here."I sat back on my bed with a sigh.

"Ooh, prefect? Let me guess, you like a girl?" She giggled on the other end.

"Mom! That makes no sense."

"Ok so you don't like anyone."

"I didn't say that." I just took me a second to realise what I admitted to and why she was laughing at my response.

"Oh Jason. Who is she?" She said in between her giggles.

"Ugh, where do I start." I started swinging my legs on the edge of the bed and playing with the end of the sheet with my free hand. "We study together and-and she's so lovely, and sweet, and smart." I realised my voice getting lower and lower as I started imagining her beautiful face. Rose laughing, Rose being sarcastic, Rose being angry...even Rose tripping down the stairs.

"My Baby's in lovee." Love? I'm not sure about love. But I'm sure it does feel like falling. It takes all my senses away from me, it feels like all my emotions mixing up in my stomach. It feels like fireworks and explosions, but is it Love? I don't know

"Jason. I know what you are thinking. Just, don't break yourself and don't break her."

"Never in my wildest dreams. Mom." Never in the world would I ever want to break her. She's worth breaking for.

"Just be careful Dear..."


Again...! An early morning written, unedited update. Do let me know what you think about Jason inviting Rose at his house! 😈😈

Next update: Anytime in next 24 hours.

Also I'm giving my own book a shoutout. If you're interested in challenging yourself in writing then you should enter in the contest 'Blossom Monthly Writing Contest' by me. So go ahead!

At last..




And Follow me!

~Loveee, Ria ❤️🐾

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