Get Up

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The sun was up as my groggy eyes open to the looks of my room mates looking at me. I don't know why other then I maybe forgot about my boxers till I felt a light lump in my hip. I looked to see who it was to remember that night I had.

"eh wake up pup. you have things to do" I try to wake him with a nice tone as possible. he didn't respond as he held me close.

hours past and he woke up and look at me in the eyes. he had brown ones with a light blond hair that flow to his neck. I can tell his family wanted a girl or he just don't like his hair cut.

"morning... can I get up now?" he asked as he slides off me.

I was going to yell but didn't as my body was to stressed from him laying in me the hole night. man how can people do that? he took a shower and didn't shut the door. I was about to and looked at his body again to see if it's fine and shut the door.

"You didn't tell me your gay dude!" one of 'friends' yelled in my ear.

"ear can't you just tell us sooner and we might have gone under the sheets" the other guy in the room laughed.

I hated those two but knowing this they might force me into bed with them with logic. I just nod and head out for something to eat. the line was full as I made way for the other but to my fault it was only salad and all that stuff grown here. I just took two plates and leave as eyes looked at me. I can tell that others was questioning why I had two plates since I never eat with anyone nor do I eat a lot. I made it to the room to see the kid butt ass naked and laughing with the others.

"get away from the kid you baby nappers."

"awe is daddy bird trying to fight for the little cutie?" they both asked.

"Alston and Coda stop teasing him" my only friend laughed.

"yes Mr. Salt" they both said.

"so wait a second. your name is salt? as in the salt in water and stuff?" I asked more confused.

"no silly. they named me salt because we'll my dad's last name is salt and they want to make it sound funny."

I just nod and gave him a plate. I could tell he wanted to eat so bad even if it's the type off food. he took a bite and start grabbing anything on his plate. I was not even done with my water bottle as he was a ready done with everything.

"wow you picked keeper champ" Coda laughed.

"well I have not at since I got here" Salt said with a mouth full of food.

"but wait I though I seen you before around the lake at night. you would just set there and fall asleep till morning and head off." Alston asked with his eyes open.

"I have stayed here for a few days and I didn't eat thus food for reasons."

"I know the  food it bad but come on. you need to eat or you will die" Coda laughed.

I looked at this Salt of mine and wonder why could that be? I know he has been here for a while and he had to see everything. I just hope that it don't add up to those guys.

later we played a few sports. Salt was good at most of them and act as if he was not even good at them from swimming to climbing that kid had so much energy in his little body that it shocked me how fast of a healer he was.

"Hey Jackson we are taking Salt to his old cabin to grab his things before the others get there. make him a spot in your bed" Coda yells and waves to me then ran off.

I can't say I trust them with Salt but it's better then the others last night. I grab my towel and head home. I felt someone poke me to see it was a girl.

"Hello miss. how may I help you?" I asked in a tone of boredom.

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a get together with me and my pals this noon." she asked.

I looked up at the sky and back at her. she was a little shorter then Salt but I can tell she was not scared of eating in front of others.

"yeah why not. meet you at 3:30pm just meet me at the cafeteria. "

"Will do. can't wait to see you there buster" she walked away and smiled.

"I swear something is up... no girl wants a date or get together with me from what I done or she probably don't know about it yet."

I head home and done as I was told and gone to bed. it was a few hours to kill so why not. I just hope it's not a date.

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