Down hills.

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I couldn't believe that we was going home. I been begging for years for those sorry good for nothing family members to take me back in but I guess they finally needed me to watch over there kids. getting everything ready I started to finish off the last few hours getting all I had when I was hear and gone back to bed. I almost forgot about him.

"yeah it will be a great time going home and running away." I told my self not notching that Alex was close by.

from what I can put together he was filled with rage and hurt from my comments and took a breath. it was unlike him to do so since it is ungental men like he says all the time. He looked ice cold as if he never wanted to come here or leave. all that was shown as a clear few of his dark grey eyes looking at the clock tick he got from the money he worked for.

"Hey Alex are you ready?" asking him trying to give him a rest.

no response as his soulless body had spoken for him. a gasp of a cry could be heard but no mouth to be seen. a cry that only took a moment to pass like the wind throw his long hair.

"hey I'm getting worried. why are you acting this way? don't you want to go home! "

looking me dead in the eyes with soft lips to make a opening to speak.

"home.  I don't know that place as I don't believe a thing."

"How you could you think that? I mean hey look at me! I been hear all my life and I don't even know what my own family is doing since they took everything away from me." I was in pain but worse of all hurt.

he stood on up. walking away to the door as the sound if his dancing shoes taps softly in the stone floor. A rush of emotions had came over me. ones I never knew I had in my life and there for him.

hours past as I looked at the clock seeing that the feeling was worry and regret but I never had this feeling. how could he blame me for having this. it's not like anyone in my life cared for me or worse loved me. I'm new to this.

a breath of deep thoughts over came. stood up my self I walked out of the door to see everyone out and about. I was sure he would not be here since they would just laugh at him from what happened to him.

"If I was Alex I would go... yes that's it. the old swings that hurts your rum due to being out in the rainy days. no one would ever go that way for just that swing but him.

walking to wear I would find him I seen the tree that stood the set but only behind not able to see if he was there. a soft weep was being made behind it.

"Hey" walking the other side to see him all banged up and thrown out.

the sniffles stop when he seen I was there. it was dramatic of him to go hear just to cry. who would just make a guy go this far for tears and nothing important to that person?

"can you stop crying. I know you just got bullied but I'm sure you are used to it by now." sounding like a dick.

he just seat there cold again as if I spark it back.

"CAN'T YOU SEE! I HEAR YOU OK! IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM OF MINE YOU WOUL...YOU WOULD...." he stops for a second to chock up the words. "would understand that I didn't mean any of this to happen. I never wanted to be made shit my own mother told me I was a mistake to my safe. my own father let me hurt my self and gave me the stuff to do so. I almost killed my self at the age 7 for..."-he fall off hugging his self.

"what was it?" hearing him out with petty and confused .

"My sister was with me at are dad's house. normally I'll never go unless she does for her safty. I would come home with scares from this. no matter what I always love my sister and will go throw the pain. but that one day. it was normal I got my daily punishment and gone to fix my sister something to eat but knowing my dad only buys mostly beer and smokes he only had was a few things kids can eat but after I got it hard." he looks away from me trying to not look at me.

I know he wanted to stop. his clothes now damp with salty tears as if he was being forced to re live it.

"he took me to his room. It was normal to strip down and let him hurt me with what ever he had at the moment but there was nothing in his hand. those black eyes he had. I knew it was game over when he..."

"s-stop it. you know it's the past now come on let's go get ready."

he looks at me and nod. I never new this would still go on till a few years we know one another.

heading back it was time to go as his mother took him home and I a bus pass to hell.

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