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I quietly followed Adrian out of the room- thank goodness! If I had to stay another minute in that room I was die of boredness. True everything is very modern and cool but I've seen enough of that room, especially the doors. With Winnie tip-toeing behind me nervously, and Adrian leading us onwards ahead, I was left sandwiched in the middle.

I had a look at the corridor we went down. It was the classic hotel décor wallpaper, cream colored stripes from the floor till halfway where it meets the red wallpaper with dark maroon red roses.
It gave me an old eerie feeling. It was the Vampire Kingdom- what do I expect? Sunshine and rainbows and frilly filly unicorns?

We made it to the end of the hallway, and Adrian turned to the left, which showed a lift decorated with detailed golden bars lining at the lift's borders. This had to be an old gothic hotel, what else can it be? A youth hostel?

"Hold your breath when we go down the lift ok? This lift travels down really fast and the air rushing up your nose will make your lungs explode." Adrian explained in a low tone.


The lift declared it's arrival by dinging. The doors opened, and we stepped in. Adrian pressed the lowest button possible and the doors flew to a close.
"Hold your breath now!" He shouted as the lift descended at a high rate speed.

I wanted to scream- it was like going down a rollercoaster without the protection of the bars to stop you falling off. I felt the lungs forcefully leaving my lungs, like I was punched in the stomach- minus the pain.
This was crazy, this could allegedly be an attraction in Disneyland if it wanted to.

Holding my breath. I swiveled round to Adrian and Winnie. They stood still, not moving. They were practically motionless. I stared, not taking my eyes off them. How can they not move when a lift is pretty much dropping down?


The lift quickly slowed to a halt, and I looked up to see the level we were on. Negative 43.

My jaw dropped. These vampire lifts can go below the surface effortlessly. As the door swiveled open, I prepared myself for the same wallpaper.

Without much disappointment, it wasn't.

Outside of the lift, I was face to face with a grand old magnificent gothic castle, stone towers and all. It was like a childhood fairytale, a pretty castle for the princess. Except I wasn't the princess- my mum was the Queen with this Larry was it?
No his name was harry.

As we stepped out of the lift, loads of people clotted up my view of the grand castle. They were vampire peasants. Remembering what Winnie said, they were the bottom of the bottom. They got the leftovers.
I tried to shrink away from them, but more and more peasants got in my face. They all bared their yellow stained fangs, their eyes swollen and bruised, their faces deathly pale. They looked undernourished.
They hissed and screamed, some even daring to try bite me, but Adrian easily tackled all of them.
Some vampire peasants even had the cheek to yell out sexual remarks. I felt my cheeks heat up. Winnie stood behind me, placing a cool hand on my shoulder.
Adrian snarled at the peasants, who shrunk back in fear.

They didn't mess with the Aristocrat.

He yelled and they stopped, but they carried on eyeing me. Adrian remained calm, but pushed aside any peasants and led me up to the front gates of the castle.

10 guards patrolled the castle gates, and halted us to ask us questions.

"The queen wants to see the lady." He answered simply.

The guards looked each other in the eyes, and nodded.

"OPEN THE GATES!" One yelled hoarsely. His fangs were noticeably long. I shivered at the thought of him sinking his fangs into my neck, I would never let anyone come near me again.

The gates opened stubbornly (Welcome to the party gates!), creaking and groaning, protesting because it was old.

Suddenly, the peasant vampires shrieked and leapt forwards, trying to get into the castle. The guards fought to hold them back, successful but only just. There were 10 guards and god knows how many vampire peasants.
One managed to escape the crowd and run into the castle, but he didn't get far. He screamed when the guards of the castle doors plunged a spear into his heart. One guard put on gloves and took out a cross, holding it to his face.

His body went limp.

I stared in horror as I passed him, his face drained and lifeless, as if it wasn't white enough, and his eyes glassy. His lips were a little open moving slightly, like he wanted to say his last words. It was kinda disturbing.

Adrian bent down and whispered in my ear.
"The gloves are to protect the guard from burning his hands from the cross. The cross to the face is lethal here."

Stupid Adrian.
"Why did you just tell how I can kill you?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide a smirk.

Adrian stopped walking, turned sharply, a devilish look on his face. "If you dare, that is my girl." He carried on walking, nodding to the guards as the opened the second set of doors to the throne room.

I gasped. The throne room was magnificently large! It was golden and silver strings hung from the ceiling, with ribbons and curtains and frilly bows encrusted on the walls, and iron bars protecting the windows.

Wow, they really don't take chances on a break-in...

The floors were covered in red velvet, with stone bricks bordering where the wall meets the floor. Tapestries hung behind the thrones ahead, one of the moon and the other of the stars.
A large chandelier made of pure fine silver hung gracefully in the middle of the large room, several jewels freely suspended on a piece of string.

A fanfare played out, and I looked to the side, seeing several men playing through cornets.
A fake cough echoed through the room.

My eyes quickly looked straight ahead, to the two thrones placed on top of gradual ascending steps lined with red velvet. One was gold, the other silver. The gold throne was vastly detailed, with patterns and a scene engraved onto the head. The silver throne was plain, noting special radiated of it.

"My word, when you said a lady I didn't know she was to be pretty."  A rich voice layered with malicious evil purred.

I wish on a WerewolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora