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I looked at him. He looked back. This was going on for about a minute, with Logan studying my face and my body.

"Mate!" He growled, his blue eyes flashing.

Logan had dirty blonde hair that stuck up randomly in several places, and I resisted the urge to flatten it down. He had dreamy blue eyes like the moon and a square jawline that added masculinity. He had plump lips that just asked to be kissed and he had a thick neck that just said, 'mark me.' all over it.

Blushing, I hid myself under the fluffy duvet.

"Come out." Logan ordered. His voice was low and husky, and could make an females go head over heels. Including me. I practically shivered in delight that this, domineering man was my mate.

I poked my head over the duvet and gasped when I saw myself looking into the dark eyes of Logan. How had he moved so fast and silently? I pondered the thought for a second, before coming back into reality to look at Logan's even darker eyes.

Why are his eyes really dark? I asked Betty.

Betty licked her paw before answering. He's turned on hun, can you not smell it on him? Be careful though, I'm pretty sure he wants nothing better than to ravish you right now in bed. Dark eyes mean he's lusting for you.

I shivered at the thought. I wasn't ready for this! And, the air did smell sweet and sour. So that's his turned on smell.

"Umm.." I cleared my throat. "Can I put my clothes on?"

That didn't help for Logan's eyes turned midnight black. Great. Not another horny wolf. I'm pretty sure he's done it with other she-wolves I mean look at him! He's a walking sex machine!

"Be careful sweetheart. If I see you like that again I won't hold back. Got it?" He warned playfully in his low and sexy voice. He leaned in further and sniffed my hair, breathing in it's strawberry scent.

" I want you so bad."

My lower half  tightened. Betty was putting images in my head, I thought she was a wise wolf!
I grabbed my clothes, pushed Logan back by his chest whilst trying to ignore the tingling sensation on my fingertips where I touched him. My fingertips were on fire.
They could feel his 6 pack.

Betty urged me on, wanting me to touch his again.

I only just met him!  I exclaimed to her, though deep down I was craving more too.

Logan stood up straight, turned around and walked to the door as if nothing happened between us.
"I want you ready in 5 minutes, and if you still aren't dressed, well..." He moved his eyes to the bed, smirking.

My insides fluttered and my intestines did a double front flip and rounded it off with back handspring.

Damn, I only just met him and know I want to cover his jawline in kisses. Betty howled at me, wolf-whistling. A bob in my throat rose and grew.

Logan turned to go. The bob grew in size.

"Wait!" Oh, I can speak. Logan turned, a smile playing on his lips. "Want me this bad eh?"

I facepalmed. Why is he so damn sexy? Was it just the mate bond?

"Erm, well I don't know you very well and.. I want to get to know you, because you are my mate." I stuttered and stumbled for the right words to say. He eyes shone when I said the last word.

"Well darling, that's why you're sleeping with me tonight." He winked, then shut the door.

Then, Betty went crazy. She practically was June, pinging off the walls of my mind and howling, and I could imagine her heart beating so hard and love hearts replacing her eyes. She is, dreadfully in love with my mate.

Tough, he's mine!  I said. Then I stopped. Did I really just say that? Betty cooed. I kicked the duvet off. Stupid mate bond.

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