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Werewolves? I cocked my head to one side, but I had no time to think as Adrian grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out the throne room and out the doors of the castle.
The Queen yelled and protested, with guards at her words. Guards came from every direction, cascading down the stone steps, charging through the side, from the back, Adrian and I were... trapped.

Our only hope was.. I don't know a fluffy frilly unicorn neighs with its ever strong voice and every vampire dies so I can jump on its back and fly away... Happy days. Of course Adrian would die so that's a win-win.

Searching the sky like the stupid girl I am, no unicorn was found. The unicorn was replaced by bats shrieking and screaming vividly. Oh so now the bats replace unicorns huh? Well bats are better than nothing.

"Come rescue me bats!" I yelled, waving my hand so they can see.

"Stupid! Bats are part of the royal guard! Now they know where you are they will attack!" Adrian hissed angrily in my ear.

But I thought bats could see.....

The bats above shrieked and swooped down on us, trying to fly into our heads to kill us. Nah, I'm sure a bat wouldn't do tha- A bat slam dunked me in the face. Pain shot through me in ripples, but I recovered after a short amount of time.

Letting out my battle cry ( A series of shrieks and girlish yells about ponies) I punched another one in the head, sending it off to the side. It made a noise like an airplane losing control falling through the sky. It exploded after contact on the ground. Sheesh.

The bats whimpered, then retreated back out of the sky. Good.

"Now we have at 50 guards to deal with." Adrian mumbled, clenching his fists and signaling he wasn't going down without a fight.

But luckily for us, we didn't have to fight a single one, because behind the guards ahead was a loud thunderous growl. Slowly starting from the guards at the back to the front, guards went flying in every direction. All of them neatly crumbled to the ground, lifeless. The guards behind started to attack whatever was attacking them.

Is it.. Possibly, a werewolf?

My hopes suddenly fluttered up. Perhaps the werewolf can help me to escape! Purrrrfectio!

The guards that charged were easily taken down. Adrian and I shared a glance. The guards at the sides called for back up.

A huge snarl erupted from the beast that leapt forward. Fury was in his eyes. The beast was twice the size as me, big and powerful, and he let his power be shown by letting out a thunderous growl. It shook the vampires off their feet.

The Vampire peasants skedaddled and skittered all over the place, even trampling over it's own kind to get away faster. The guards at the side soon got their reinforcements, and they made a charge for the wolfbeast, trying to hide looks of fear with the looks of bravery. But bravery wasn't projected on their faces as soon as the wolf toppled them over like skittles on a bowling alley.

Then suddenly, one guard got out something shiny. The wolfbeast hissed in pain, and backed up. Towards me.

I yelled trying to run away but the wolfbeast stopped me from escaping. Did it want to eat me? If it did, make it quick.

"If you want to kill me, make it quick." I said to the wolfbeast. A bright red mark shone on his left flank because of the shiny object?

I looked down, ready to me my death. I held my breath, preparing for the wolfbeast to do a single effortless swipe to erase my existence. Adrian looked like he would turn to stone a shatter into ungraceful large boulders.

Instead of a swipe, I got a chuckle. Was the wolf, laughing? Staring in utmost wonder, I was rooted to the ground with amazement that this massive wolfbeast was.... in howls of laughter? (Nice pun eh?)

He stopped when the guards advanced with the shiny object again, this several more shiny objects. The wolfbeast sensed this, and bowed down, like he was inviting me to climb onto his back.

As exciting as it is, I don't think this wolf looks too friendly. Maybe the wolfbeast will kill me in a more private area.
I stepped back from the large beast, shaking my head.

"You're going to kill me somewhere else aren't you?" I stated.

The wolf looks like it could face palm itself with a paw. It groaned in annoyance, and edged further towards me, nodding towards the approaching guards. They were carrying  large burdens of the shiny object.

Adrian looked largely distressed.

"There's no time!" He shouted, becoming to the wolf." Climb on his back! NOW!"
The harshness of his voice made me do something I've never done before. Obey him. Slowly, I climbed onto the wolf's back, feeling its soft but matted fur. I could snuggle up to this wolfbeast thing for ages, he's so soft and cuddly.

When he raised himself up, he was easily the size of a full grown donkey. Suddenly the Castle Doors opened, and the Queen marched out taking in the scene before her. When she caught sight of the wolf and me, she let out a scream.

"Do something you fools! Don't let that beast and girl get away!" She really need to get her throat checked. She sounded like a dog coughing something up. Pride perhaps?

Obeying their 'Queen', the guards charged at full speed. they were almost 50 meters away. I turned to Adrian quickly.

"Will you be alright?" I asked earnestly. For once I cared for his fate.

Adrian's face brightened up at my thoughtfulness. "I hope. Good Luck, Fella."
 He slapped the wolfbeast's good flank, and he let a growl before bounding away quickly and agilely even with me on his back.

I looked back to see Adrian's eyes never leaving mine, even as he was tackled to the ground by at least ten guards. He gave me a faint smile of hope, even when he was dragged up by the collar and forced along back to the castle.
My mother's look of victory reigned down on him.

Her eyes never left mine- this time yellow eyes followed us, not blue. She had this disturbing smile on her face that made wan to puke. Even when she ordered guards to follow us her eyes remained fixed on mine with a cold bloody glare.

I cleared my mind. At least I won't have to deal with Vampires again.

SUCK ON THAT VAMPS! I gave them the finger.


We scampered into the dark woods that were the borders of the Vampire Kingdom, deeper and deeper until we couldn't hear the voices or sounds of the Vampire guards. I thought the guards could run quicker than us, they were vampires were they not? 

The journey seemed to take ages but I don't know how many hours passed- 5?

I sat of the back of the wolfbeast, pondering what would happen to Adrian. Was he trialed as a betrayer? Or stripped of his Aristocrat title? Maybe, worse?

I hung onto the wolf with my life, my hands digging into its fur and grasping them by the clumps.

That back looks so fluffy....

I laid my head down his back, and no longer... I fell into a deep slumber.

Jeez, vampires and werewolves existing all given to me in less than a day?! I have some serious brain to handle this.

Gee, my brain wants credits.

Creds to my  COUGH COUGH 'Brain'.

I wish on a WerewolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ