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Fella's POV

"Hello?" I shout out into the white blank space of my mind. Who knew that my mind was this lonely. "Anyone? Betty?"

No answer.

A pregnant pause.

A knot tied in my stomach, as I wildly looked around the empty space, hoping for a cream colored wolf with a grey heart on her snout. Betty, where are you? I swallowed, the knot getting tighter.

"Betty?" I tried again.

This time, I heard something. "Betty?"

The noise got louder. The noise- like a low growl. It was slowly getting louder and more audible. I pinpointed the noise and spun briefly on my heels to face the noise.

Nothing. I cocked my head, confused and a little bit freaked out. What was this noise?

"Betty. This isn't funny now please come out." Worriedness showed in my voice. Now I'm getting desperate.

"BETTY!" I yelled, echoing off the walls of my mind. I crumpled to the ground in pain.


A howl.


Rapid movement heard behind me.


A roar.


"Hold on sugar! I'm coming!"


"Please! I'm so sorry!"


My eyes slowly closed...


A wolf like-figure loomed over me.

"I'm so sorry."

Everything went black.

Logan's POV

"She needs help! Get the pack doctor ASAP!" I roared, holding Fella's fragile body in my arms. The wound was bad. It could of taken off her left arm. It was infected too, to make matters worse.

Zac bowed down low, showing submission and scuttled out the door to run to the pack doctor.

I tried to stop him.

I tried to stop him from doing anything worse.

But he did this.

He did this to my mate.

He will pay. They all will.

Calm down buddy. My wolf said.

I roared at him, the polished wooden floor shaking between me. Anger hinted in my eyes, having gone red, and I bit into a cushion, ripping the fluff out to shreds.

Fella stirred in her slumber, cuddling closer to my chest.  She snuggled into my warmth, smiling slightly.

At least she wasn't dead. I stared at her pretty face, her gentle features and ran a hand trough her silky soft hair. She snuggled down closer, her smile broadening.

I wish on a WerewolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang