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You should of gone to drama school. My wolf huffed, clearly bemused at my amazing acting. What can I say? Imma natural at this. How can you not say swinging my arms like a ragdoll whilst Adrian walked was bad acting? I could see through the tiny slits of my eyes that he was taking me in a van.

He opened the back doors and dumped me on the floor, no pain yet.

Then it really hit me.

I tried really hard to not gasp at the delayed pain shot through me, like touching extremely hot water and staying like that for a minute. I rolled my head to the side, watching as Brittany threw Selene in. That son of...

"Can I kick her?" Brittany mused, bored. Betty growled at her words her temper going up in flames. And oh great, this son of a bitch wants to kick me? Well, good luck with that. I'm gonna kick you in the balls- oh wait, you don't have the balls to. HA. ( Author and Fella five-five and snicker like kids at lame attempt at pun- making , then a guy says to background music, ' Stop it. Get some help.' )

I shut my eyes quickly when Adrian looked at me, certain parts of my body heating up where he looked at. Boobs and private included. I scowled inside. Wait till that son of a bastard gets it. I'll rip off his balls and personally shove them down his throat and smile evilly whilst he begs for mercy which of course, I wouldn't give him. He needs to pay real bad.

"Of course, honey." I didn't need to be an idiot to finally realize, Adrian and Brittany were a thing. I felt like slamming into a concrete wall head-first. I'm such a dumbass.

Betty snorted. You finally realized? Sarcasm. ( Stop it. Get some help. )

I tried hard to not pull a face at Adrian and Brittany. I could sense Brittany's tall frame looming over me, and I drew in a sharp intake of breath.

Brittany lifted her foot and I prepared myself for a kick. Want me to take over? Betty said.

Nah, I can handle this. I'm going kick their butts. I tried to sound confident, but my voice sorta broke and cracked.

Sugar, if I take over you will twice as strong meaning I can take them down. Betty prattled on, in her voice she specially kept for lectures. Betty scowled. Don't forget we share the same mind, honey.

Oh I'm so scared. But I gave in. Fine, take over.  I whispered. Betty nodded in  triumph, and began a countdown from 3. Don't worry sugar, I got this.

And I blacked out.

Logan's POV

That bastard. That fucking bastard. I roared, letting Xavier know I found him. Seconds later I heard footsteps and Xavier appeared behind me, growling. Adrian watched our scene, a smirk playing on his lips.

I took a heavy step forward. " Where is MY mate?" I bellowed, fist clenching so hard my nails dug into my palms causing them to bleed. Adrian chuckled, not attempting to move. I took another step forward.

"WHERE IS SHE!" I ran forward and grabbed Adrian by the neck and lifting him up in the air by a hand. I let out a growl, and I felt my canines grow by the second. Adrian just continued laughing. I waited impatiently until he stopped.

I threw him against the wall, the impact of his frail body creating a large dent in the wall. Adrian's eyes flashed fury, but he quickly covered them up with yet another round of laughter. My blood furiously boiled along my veins, my heart pumping as fast as it can to keep up with the demands.

Let me take over. My wolf persisted. We have a better chance of finding our mate then.

Stubbornly, I turned his offer down and banished him to the back of my mind. I wanted to find my mate as myself.

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