Chapter 3 : Why did I agree in the first place?

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"Honey, the Chase family just hand out some invitations" my uncle said as I sat next to them on the couch in the living room.

My aunt groaned. "Do we have to go Peter?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Sadly we have to go and we also have to prepare something to give to them" He said and kiss her cheeks.

"How bout you kiddo you wanna come with us?" He asked. "It doesn't sound like a bad idea I think" I said.

When we arrive at the Chase's the house were huge just like my parents back at Blackview town.

My aunt make me wore a dress just to make a good impression which doesn't sound like a great idea.

I told her I could wear my own clothes instead of using hers. But she wouldn't listen. She make me wear a dress which doesn't look like appropriate enough for me. I wore it with long sleeve which have stars stamped all around it and I wore shorts beneath my dress.

When we arrive, the man open the door for us and I step out from the car. I smile at the man and thank him. We enter the house.

My aunt greets the lady which I assume Mrs Chase. "Welcome, welcome to our home" She said. I just smile at her. "Come in" She say as she makes a way for us to enter her home.

I step inside the house and look around. There're girls running around the house and the house were very crowded with people.

I hold my aunt arms as she greets the guest. "Em why don't you go to the backyard and found yourself some friends" My uncle said. I look at him.

"Uncle Peter I don't exactly think it was a good idea" I said as I rub the back of my neck. He grab my hand and walk me outside to the backyard.

There were lantern hang onto the wire, few tables and chair have been arranged properly.

"Just have fun Em, I won't get into trouble by not letting my brother's daughter not having any fun" He sighed.

I punch his arm playfully. "Alright uncle Peter I will have fun now go be with Aunt Maria" I said as I push him away.

I put my arm behind me and walk to the long table fill with multi cultural food. I grab the chocolate brownie and eat them.

I look around while munching on my food. And it tastes damn good. I grab a plate and grab more brownies. I even scoop some ice - cream onto them.

I grab some fork and search for a table with no people sit and sit there and enjoy my food.

Meanwhile, I saw a bunch of people around my age talking to each other while me here enjoy my food. I just ignore it. I'm the new kid.

When I start to grab more brownies I hear a group of girls snickers at me. I turn around and face them.

"Oh my god I wonder how many times did she stuff those in herself?" "Is she not worry about her weight, she could gain her weight" "She doesn't like she from around here tho" "But she still can't be like you Mir" "Obviously not" those girls keep talking trash.

I put my plate on the table and walk to them. "Did I do something wrong toward you ladies?" I asked as I crossed my arm.

"No, why don't you start stuff yourself till you fat" The ginger hair girl said and all of them laugh.

"At least I don't look like anorexia who starve themselves to death" I fight back, and they stop laughing. I smirked and flip my hair at them before I leave.

"You better watch who you're talking to, I'll tell Mrs Chase if you do something toward me" She threatened.

"Who? I don't even interest in whatever you want to do, I came here with my aunt and my uncle because they make me" I said.

"You should be careful new girl" She sneered. "Or what?" I threatened.

She was going to raise her hand at me but I grab her hand and spin her around and hold her arm behind her back.

"Ow ow ow.... let me go please" she cried. "Apologize then I'll let go" I whispered at her. "Oh my god what's going on here?" I hear a woman voice shrieked.

I let her hand go and someone pushes me away. It was Mrs Chase. "What's going on here" She asked as she looked at the two of us.

"She hurt me Auntie" She whimpered at her. I was really surprised when Mrs Chase look at me with a glare. "Is it true did you hurt her?" She asked.

"It's true, but she was the one who-" "No stop" She said sternly at me. I look down. "I don't want a girl like you ruin my party" She said.

"I didn't start all of this she did!" I defense myself. "This is my house I expect you to lower your voice and watch who's you talking to" She said.

Ginger snickered at me. "I'm sorry for her behavior Samantha" my aunt apologize and pull me arm. I look at her and saw her pleading look.

But... I huffed and apologize. After the accident happen I didn't talk or stay. I leave and sit by the sidewalk.

Who do they think they are? Pfft... "What are you doing here?" I hear a guy voice behind me. I turn around and saw it was the guy that I saw at the market.

"Nothing just chilling" I slumped my shoulder. He took a sit next to me. "I saw what happen, are you okay?" He asked again. I nodded.

"I'm sorry about Miranda and my mom" He apologize as he rub the back of his neck. "Yeah sure I guess" I said.

"you're not from around here aren't you?" He asked. "No I just move here from Blackview Town" I said.

"Oh, so may I ask why you came here if you don't mind" he asked. "My parents thought send me away for awhile was a good idea cause they barely came home" I said.

"You're not the only one, my parents came home late at 2 just because of the meeting." He said.

"Then that's make the two of us" I said and smile at the road. "I'm Jacob by the way" he held his hand out. "I'm Emily" I said and slip my hand into his and shake it before I let it go.

"Nice to meet you Jacob" I said. "Me too" he smile at me. "Do your mom do these party often?" I asked.

"Yeah sometimes on weekends with several reasons that you won't understand" He said before he laugh. I smile.

"And about Miranda, err.... she's not around here, her parent send her here to stay with us because her parent's couldn't watch her so I've became her escort and yeah I'm stuck with her" He said.

"It must be sucks to be you" I said as I push her away plafully. "Nahhh I'm the cool guy" He said. "Yeah right cool kid" I snickered.

"Jacob!" I hear someone called his name. "That's my call" He said and stand up he brush any dust off his pants.

"Yeah" I said and look up at him. "I'll see you around" He said before he leave.

I just nod and look around me after he left. Seems like I only have to wait for those two to leave.

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