Chapter 6 : Its all start from the text message

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My uncle send me home after we both having lunch. "I hope you enjoy working at the store I know your dad won't let you work atleast you have work experience" He said while driving.

I just nodded at him. "Your aunt want to know when you want to go shopping for school essential?" he asked.

"Maybe tomorrow" I said. The next day we went to the mall Riverwood Mall. My aunt were the one who shop the most. She told me the school have dresscode such as wearing uniforms.

I don't really like the idea of wearing uniforms cause at my hometown uniforms means private school. Private school mean preppy clothes.

And I'm not a fan of wearing blazer or vest to school. I don't think I will win this fight with my aunt. I still don't understand why they send me to private schools.

We were at the uniforms aisle. I wander around for while she try to search for my size. I grab some books, binders, colourful pens cause I love my notes colourful other than plain black and blue, that's not my thing.

Usually mom were the one who go shop for my school stuff while I like to shop for grocery and my own clothes.

No matter how many times they stop me from shop those two things. I never listen.

"Em, honey come here quick I want you to try on these skirts" she called. I groan and went to her.

After a very long shopping, me and my aunt decide to have lunch by the Coffee & Cookies Cafe or should I say 3Cs.

They sell any kind of cookies, drinks, muffins, scones and cakes. I order some cookies and two ice Americano while my aunt wait for me by the table and recheck all the thing that we have buy incase we forget or should I say she forget.

The cashier's lady told me to sit and they will send our foods and drinks. I go back to my aunt and sit next to her.

"It seems like we have everything Em" She exclaimed. "Yeah sure I guess" I said and stare at her.

"You mom told me that she bank in some of the pocket money for you" She said without looking away from the screen.

I just nodded. Mom just being mom. Always look after her one and only child. When our food came I took a sip of Americano before I eat my cookies.

After dinner I decide to hang in the living room with my aunt and uncle watching tv. I hear my phone buzz and there were a text message.

Unknown number: Hi :)

Me: Who's this

Unknown number: Its Jake

Me: How did you get my number?

Unknown number: Well... I get it from your uncle.

Me: I should have known -_-'

Unknown number: Anyway, now it will be easier for me to talk to you then :)

Me: No and weren't you suppose to be with Miranda right now?

Unknown number: She's with mom, she's not here so I decide why don't I talk to

you Instead.

Me: Well I'm kinda busy right now

Unknown number: Well I'm not :P

Me: You're not going to leave aren't you?

Unknown number: Nope.

Me: Okay.

Unknown number: Okay.

Me: Seriously? Are we on the friend base zone right now?

Unknown number: I don't know what you meant but I'm in!

Me: Hahahahaha.... you're funny I kinda like that

Unknown number: Oh my god did you just have a crush on me? :O

Me: -__-'

Unknown number :3

Me: Seriously? LOL

Unknown number: I'm dead serious.

Me: you still not going leaving right?

Unknown number: Sadly it's difficult for me to leave you right now.

This is how it feel to be in Patrick's shoeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora