Chapter 8: Midnight snacks anyone?

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Chapter 8

"So... your idea of walking around at night is getting lost in the city that you barely know?" He asked. I shrugged and walk a little faster, didn't bother for him to catch up with me. 

"Wait up!" He said as he started to take a faster pace to catch up with me. I stopped while waiting for him and turn around to face him with my hand in my pocket.

 "Will you leave me alone?" I asked while staring at him with boring eyes. He shook his head and held my arm. "Let's go" I said as I turned around and start to walk again.

 I took a deep breath, breathe in the cold air. "So... what do you do in your pastime?" I asked. 

"Most of the time, I went to a meeting with my father, took care of my granddad, hang out with my dad and my cousin for a guy night out, play basketball, company Miranda which include cook for her, and do her laundry" He explained while his hand cling to my arm.

 I try to hold back my laugh which didn't work. I mean come on being someone maid is kinda funny for a guy.

 "I feel bad for you, kid really" I laugh as I rub his arm which earn a grunt and glare from him. "I think the idea of having an escort is not a bad idea" I smirked at him.

 "I didn't ask to be hers alright, my parents make me to, they afraid she would be lonely, she's not from around here" He said. 

My parents didn't send me an escort cause my dad is very protective of me in a way which he would send me to a stranded island just to avoid boys and any males in the world. 

"Okay dude" I said. "What bout you, what do you in your past time" He asked as he took a glance at me. 

"I read alot, I spent most of my time in my dad's library, play with my dad's driv- I meant my dad's friend, he came to our house a lot back at home, I like rock climbing, I drive to town almost every night after my parents gone to sleep, I also get into trouble every time my parents take me to some kind of party and gatherings that's the same as your mom's" I said and smile at him. 

"Okay okay" he chuckled. " I always want to leave, but when I think about my parents and my little sister, I changed my mind" I said.

 "I wish I have a strong guts like you, you can do things that you want and my parents won't let me do that, that have been trying to control me" He trailed. 

"Then it sucks to be you" I snickered. "you hungry?" he asked.

I took a bite on my burger. "I never think you were the girl who don't give a damn about their weight" he chuckled. 

"Let's just say I don't give a damn thing about what people says about me and have you see my stomach?" I said as I pull up my shirt to show him my stomach.

 He ended up laughing really hard. "Okay I've seen enough" He nodded and shook his head. I push down my shirt and continue took a bite on my burger. 

"By the way thanks for the burgers and the fries" I said mouthful. He flick my forehead and I glare at him. 

I throw a piece of the fries at him. He laughed. " When will be leaving?" He asked as he eats the fries. "Once I finish these whole things" I point at the food. 

He laughed. He stared at me and I saw that his eyes sparkles. I cleared my throat and took a sip of my coke.

I blow and saw there were smoke came out from my mouth. "You need to stop doing that" He said as I saw smoke came out from his mouth. I stuck out my tongue at him.

 "Maybe we should do this again, some other time" He said as he took a glance at me. I nudge his arm.

 "I don't know, I don't think your parents would like the idea of you hang with me" I point out. "Well lets make this thing became our little secret" He said. "Wait what? Little secret?" I asked and glance at him. 

"I swear I'm tired of your sassiness..." He said. "Deal with it" I said. He grab my hand and hold it.

 I looked up at him. "I'm just trying to warm you up" He said as he looks forward. I just let him be.

 One thing I know for sure is we won't be like this for a long time. I can feel something bad going to happen between us.

 I lean my head against his arm. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. 

He walk me home more like helping me sneak in back into the house. 

Once I'm in my room I feel my phone vibrate. 

J: Goodnight 😊

Me: Goodnight dork.

 I take off my jacket and hang it on the chair and slump my body on the bed. I turned on the lamp and start looking through my phone. I checked my Instagram account and my email.

 I receive the email from Eagle high. It was my slip form including everything that I need for school. I send it to my phone. 

I might going to ask my uncle to print it off for me tomorrow. I get under the blanket and turn off the lamp. I grab my fluffy pillow and hug it before I fall to sleep. 

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