Chapter 7: Who's there?

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After we ended our conversation I added his number to my contact list with the capital "J". I even scold my uncle for giving my phone number without my consent.

 He just shook his head and laughed. "Give him a rest honey, your uncle must have a reason why he did that to you" My aunt giggled. Oh my god!

"Can I stayed up late tonight?" I asked. "Sure honey but not past 12, I don't want your parents to come here with an army of huge people in black" My uncle said sternly. 

Dad can be a little sometimes overreacted, same goes with Mom. I swear those two were really meant to be with each other.

 There were one time a woman trying to trap my Dad when they were still in their 20s which doesn't end up good. The woman ended up with bruises and been sued that cost 10 thousand dollars for sexual assault toward Dad.

 I asked Mom why did she sued her, and she told me that she and Dad have been together since they were toddler. They play together and Dad always play the big brother role with her and now they married and have me.

 Mom says that she trust Dad no matter what happens because Dad is a bad liar when it comes to Mom. 

He can't lie to her because whenever he tried to lie, Mom always says "Honey, will you stop? Don't you know that you're a terrible liar? I will buy a new set of ceramic cups so stop lying will ya?" Mom scolded Dad.

 And by now he didn't lie to her anymore. He started to be honest and so does Mom. They trusted each other. When it comes to me, my Mom would turn into Momma bear which mean it best we don't try to mess with her when it comes to her daughter. 

Dad? He's worse than Mom worse. I smile whenever I think of them. I look up and my uncle and nod my head before he and my aunt went to bed. 

Once I heard the door shut close. I immediately stand on my feet. I put my phone in my pants and few cash slid into my phone case. I put on my shoes and grab my hoodies.

 I pulled down the hood across my head and walk slowly to the backdoor. I grab the keys that hang by the key hanger and slowly open the door before I leave the house I close it slowly and lock it. Now I'm going to take a walk.

I used to do this back home. I escaped from my room and wander in the city or sometimes I ask one of the guard to take me to see the town. 

I find it peaceful strolling down the street in the middle of the night. I took a glance around me and continue to walk. I walked pass the Chase's house till I hear someone sshh me.

 I looked around me and saw there was no one behind me. I decided to walk a little faster till someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I look at the person who pulled me and it was no other than Jacob Chase.

 I give him an annoyed expression and he chuckled. "What in the world are you doing outside don't you know it's dangerous to be outside at this time?" He scolded. I rolled my eyes and started to walk.

 But then he pulled me again. "Look dude, I can do whatever I want and it is none of your business, now will you please give me back my arm?" I asked annoyed.

 He let go of my arm. "I'll come with you" He said and stand next to me. "What? Are you mad? What if your parents find out you hang out with me a low standard kid like me?" I exclaimed.

 "I can be friend with whoever I want" He grumbled and start to walk by tugging on my hand. "At least let my hand go first" I said. He let go of my hand, and we started to walk.

 It was a very cold breezy night. I look up and twirled to see the surrounding. It was beautiful. "Watch where you walk" He scolded. I start to pick a pace and walk next to him. 

"Does your uncle know about this?" He asked. "Nope" I said with a popped. "Did you do this often" He asked. I nodded. 

"I've done this many times, it makes me relax actually" I said. He looked at me as if I was crazy. "I hear that you're going to the same school as mine" He smile. Dammit really? I just nodded. 

"Anyway.... won't your uncle be worry about you  left the house just like that?" He asked worried. "No, I left as soon as they leave the living room, you?" I asked.

 "I sneak out from my window" He chuckled. "Wow didn't know the heir of The Chase can be a rebel" I said sarcastic. He rolled his eyes and me and nudge my arm with his. "Any idea where you want to go?" He asked.

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