Chapter 9: 20 Questions

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Ringgggggg..... I open my eyes in surprise and jump up on my bed and look around. What the hell? I saw an alarm clock on the cupboard.

 How in the world didn't I realize that stupid machine? I grab my pillow and throw it at the alarm clock I slump my body on the bed and sigh. My All Time Low ringtone ring. 

I grab my phone and check on it.

J : Good morning sunshine :)

Me : Go away.

J : Someone a little grumpy this morning.

Me : That's what happen when someone put an alarm clock in my room without notice.

J : Ohhhhh....

Me : Yeah Oh now go away.

J : you still can't get rid of me easily.

Me : Dammit.

J : Anyway... do you want to play 20 questions?

Me: Don't you think it's a little early to do this?

J : Nope. So first questions

Me: I'm going to kill you :/

J: Hahahaha.... You can't do it because my house is pretty far from yours

Me: You won't let this go aren't you

J: Nope.

Me: Hit me up.

J: Favourite flowers?

Me: What are you five?

J: Come on!!!! I need answers so I could jolt this down in my journal

Me: Don't you think that's a little creepy?

J: I'm trying my best to impressed you 😉

Me: I'll get back to you later

J: I'll wait 😉


I sit up and started to stretched my arm. I took a glance at my phone and roll my eyes. "Em! Breakfast!" Aunt Marie yelled.

 "I'm coming!" I yelled back. I put on my slippers. I plugged in my phone to the charger and went to the kitchen. 

"You want some eggs dear?" Aunt Marie asked as she turned away from the stove with a sunny side up egg in the plate. "Yeah, that will be great" I said. 

I took a sit next to my Uncle Peter. He was distracted by the newspaper, and he didn't even notice my presence. 

"This is for you and Peter will you put down the paper and start to eat?" Aunt Marie put my plate down in front of me and scold my Uncle. 

"Oh Em, didn't see you there" He smiled as he put down the newspaper. "Of course you didn't you were busy with the paper" I said as I picked up my fork and start to eat my breakfast.

 "Any plans for today dear?" Aunt Marie asked. She took a seat next to Uncle Peter and start to pour orange juice. " I need to be at the store today" Uncle Peter said. 

Aunt Marie turned to me and I stare back at her. "Actually I don't really have any plans today but....-" "Wanna help with me with the store today?" Uncle Peter asked.

 "Well she can help me with moving the boxes today, she doesn't need to help with the store today dear" Aunt Marie objected.

 Okayyy... I took a gulp of the orange juice and finish the last pieces of the egg before I went to the sink to wash the plate. "It's your choice Em" Uncle Peter said. 

" Well... I... was thinking maybe I could help Aunt Maria with the boxes and if I have extra time I could make a stop by the store and help you with things, don't you agree?" I suggested and turn away from the sink and lean back against it.

 Aunt Maria and Uncle Peter stare at each other before agree to my suggestion. "That'll be great" Aunt Maria smiled at me.

 I just nodded and bit my lips. "Okay then, I'll just gonna take shower" I said and left the kitchen.

I slump my body on the bed and grab my phone. I saw few text from Jake.

J: I'm waiting 20 minutes ago

J: Hello.... 45 minutes ago

Me: Yo

J: Hey... so the answer is?

Me: *Drum rolls* Primrose

J: Primrose?

Me: Yeah, what's wrong with liking Primrose

J: Oh wow... I thought you were going to says Roses or Sunflowers

Me: Wow... not one second and you judge me already huh?

J: I didn't mean to offend you it's just...different

Me: Different? -_-'

J: Yeah different, I don't mean bad different, I meant good different. 😊

Me: Uh huh, so my turn right?

J: Yep, I promise I'll answer with honesty and sincere

The questions go on till my aunt yelled my name and told me to get ready. 

Things that I found from the questions is I find out that his dad actually has collaborated with Dad's business which is shocking.

He likes the color grey and I told him I like the color purple. He likes to eat Pizza with pineapple on it, he likes dumpling, and his most favorite is his mom's famous shepherd pies.

 In exchange I told him what's my favorite food. I told him I do enjoy pizza with tuna on it, I do enjoy pasta and I like to drink hot chocolate on cold weather. 

Which he found insanely cool. Both of us agree on disliking drinking. Other than that, there's so many differences between the both of us. 

He likes the cold, I like the hot weather. Hobbies? He likes basketball while I like to swim in the sea. Oh and almost forgot he scare of his father most of the time. 

It seems like his Dad does control his life, that's explained why he's with Miranda.

 I feel bad for him because even though both of my parents are overprotective of me but they never pressure me to do things in my life that against what I want. 

We ended our questions with something that surprise both of us. Future. He asked me what I want to do with my future.

 I told him I don't plan to work in the office, I plan to work outside. And his future is to take his Dad's place in the business.

 He never questions why I want to work outside rather than office. It's just, my dad's work can be stressing and I might not be able to come home with piles of paperwork waiting on the desk. 

"You do know that you don't have to come down to the store today right Em" My Aunt asked while she give her full attention to the road. I took a glance at her.

"It's alright Aunt Maria, I would like to help around" I smiled at her. 

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