Chapter Two// New Album

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- - - - - - - - - - Perrie - - - - - - - - - -

"Girls, I think we have some inspiration for our new single!" Leigh-Anne said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a curious face.

"What I mean is that we could use some of our experiences and use it as inspiration for our brand new album!" she replied.


"Yeah, and then we could show Zayn what he's missing out on!" Jesy said with a smile on her face.

"Sounds like a good plan!" Jade said as she got up.

- - - - - - - - - - Three Weeks Later - - - - - - - - - -


"So, Perrie. We've heard some rumors that you and Zayn broke it off. Is that true? [Perrie's picture on the side.]

I winced at Zayn's name. Ugh, I really wished that people would mind their own business.

"Oh, um. Yeah, Zayn and I broke it off 'cause we didn't quite feel the same about each other." I answered. 

"Okay, I see. So do you want to tell us about your guys new album?" 

"Yeah, It's all about girl power. Some of the songs we wrote are based off of some life experiences." Jesy replied.

"Wow! It very sounds exciting. Do you mind singing your new single?" the interviewer asked.

"No, not at all. We'd be happy to perform for all you mixers." Jade said to the audience.

We all went backstage to get our microphones and waited for the music to cue. Once the music started we all started to sing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - Zayn- - - -- - - - - - - - 

Here I was standing in front of Selena's front door with a bouquet of roses. I flew all the way to America just to ask her one question. Is that crazy? Eh, I don't care, it doesn't matter anyways. I took a deep before I knocked on her door. Once I knocked, the door opened and I was face to face with Selena.

"Uh, hi?" I asked.

"What do y- Whoa! Zayn, uh, what are you doing here?"

"I-uh, wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, what's your question?" she asked with a curious face.

"Um, do you mind if I come in first?" 

"No, not at all."

I quickly entered her house and sat down on the sofa. 

"Okay, so what's your question, and why do you have a bouquet of roses?" she asked once again.

"Selena Gomez, do you, uh, want to be my girlfriend?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Yes?" she replied with a big happy grin on her face.

I went to give her a hug, but instead she gave me a kiss on my cheek. 

- - - - - - - - - -Selena- - - - - - - - - - -

I have no idea why I just said yes to Zayn. Ugh, I am so stupid, why did I even kiss him? I feel like I betrayed Perrie. I mean Zayn and her were going to get married! Besides, I'm fine with being single. 

"Hey, um sorry for kissing you so fast." I apologized.

"Oh no, it's fine. You are now officially my girlfriend." he said while giving me the bouquet of roses.

"So, are you going to go back home, or are you staying in America for a while?"

"I think I'll stay here for a few days." 

"Oh, okay." I replied simply. 

When I got up to find a vase for the roses, I quickly saw someone snap a picture outside my window.

Oh shit...

- - - - - - - - - - - -Perrie- - - - - - - - - - - 

"You know that I've been waiting for you. Don't leave me standing all by myself. Cause I ain't looking at no one else." I sang in to my microphone. [Song on side.]

After the girls and I finished our song we all said our goodbyes to the fans, and left. We all hopped into the van and waited until our driver finally drove us away. Our driver dropped us off at my flat and the girls and I decided to chill out at my house. Once we entered my apartment we all sat down in the living room and watched the TV.

"Um, Perrie, I think you should see this." Jade said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Okay, what is it?"I asked.

Jade said nothing, but she handed me her phone. As I looked at her phone I saw the article she was reading, "Zayn Malik's new girlfriend is... Selena Gomez?!". I started at the phone in shock, there was a picture of Selena kissing Zayn on the lips. Suddenly my world just crashed, and all of my tears started pouring out. I quickly tossed Jade her iPhone back and ran upstairs to my room. I heard the girls calling my name, but I didn't care. There was only one question I kept asking myself.

How did he move on so fast?

Move //ZerrieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin