Chapter Six// You're Perfect

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"I feel like I won't be good for anyone or anything. Maybe I'm just not meant to be loved."

- -- - - - - - - - - Zayn - -- -- -- - -- - -- -

Selena and I have been hanging around in her apartment for a few days. Anyways, Selena says she's never seen London, so I decided to take her back home. Anyways we were going into this small bakery for breakfast. I got behind Selena as she ordered her food and kissed her.

Suddenly I heard quiet feminine voice behind me mumble something. Somehow that voice sounded vaguely familiar. I quickly turned around just to see a blonde haired girl leaving the bakery. I started thinking about why that blonde left. I-it couldn't possibly be Perrie, could it? I told Selena I was going to be back in a few minutes and followed the blonde girl.

All of a sudden the girl started to run, I dove into the streets, running after this girl. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed the girl. As soon as the girl turned around, complete shock took over my face. It was Perrie. She looked as though she had been crying. She suddenly looked at me, but then Perrie shoved me away and started running again. I just stood there standing like an idiot. I quickly started walking back to the bakery.

Why was Perrie crying?

- -- - - -- - - - - - - Perrie- - - - -- - - -- -

I was suddenly pulled aside by a stranger. I quickly turned around, ready to slap the person, but then I saw Zayn. I looked into his eyes, but then I came to realization. I pushed him away, and ran, leaving him by himself. Running away from Zayn hurt so much. It hurt, my heart ached to run back to Zayn, but I know I couldn't do that. After I knew I was away from Zayn, I slowed down and started walking back home.

I sadly opened my front door an plopped my self on my couch. I lied there wiping off my tears, and reached for my phone. I quickly typed in my password, which was still "zayn". I really need to change my password. Anyways called Harry. Who else would I talk to? I'm pretty sure the girls would have their owns plans. I waited for Harry to pick his phone.

"Hello?" Harry's deep voice rang through my phone.

"Hey, do you mind coming over? I know it's your birthday and all, so you don't have to come." I sniffled.

"No, not at all. I'll be there in twenty minutes. What happened?" He asked.

"Oh, I uh. Can we talk about it when you get here?" I stuttered into the phone.

"Yeah, sure." He replied before he hung up.

I felt really bad about bothering Harry on his birthday, but I really needed to talk to him. I just sat around my flat and waited for Harry. I waited a while before the doorbell finally rang. I invited Harry in and we sat down.

"So, what happened?" he asked me.

"Well, I saw Zayn and uh he was kissing this girl." I stuttered again.

"Was it Selena?" He guessed.

"Yeah, and it just hurt. I just didn't know what to do and I just ran." I said as the tears on my face fell.

Harry sat closer to me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder.

"Harry, am I not good enough for Zayn?" I said as I released myself from Harry's grip.

"Perrie, I think you're perfect. I know Zayn still loves you."

"No he doesn't Harry. He loves Selena. I mean c'mon she's the one that's perfect."

"Well, to me she isn't perfect... because you're the one that's perfect." Harry said as he slowly leaned down to kiss my cheek.

I quietly stared at Harry and give him a smile. For the past few days, Harry has been the only one to make me smile. Is that a bit weird?

Suddenly a voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Do you wanna hang out with Niall? He's out bowling." He asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, oh and Harry I wanna tell you thank you and happy birthday."

"Thank me for what?"

"For making me smile." I replied as we started to walk towards the range rover.

"Oh, well that's what I'm here right." He chuckled.

I gave him another smile as we drove away. The drive was silent, but not awkward. As soon as we arrived, Harry and I were at the bowling place. Harry and I went in and we payed for our admission. I quickly searched the room for Niall and spotted him with a really pretty brunette. Harry and I put on our bowling shoes and approached Niall.

"Hey, Harry. Ya made it!" Niall said excitedly.

"Hey Ni, um who's the girl behind you?" Harry asked.

"Oh, it's my date, her names Barbara." Niall said as he blushed.

"I brought a date too, it's Perrie." Harry replied.

I decided to introduce myself to the brunette, so I walked up to her.

"Um, I'm Perrie." I said politely.

"I'm Barbara, nice to meet you." she grinned.

"So, are you dating Niall?" I asked.

"Oh, Niall and I have only been on a few dates, so I don't really know."

"You guys would look cute together." I smiled.

She returned the smile and Barbara and I chatted until it was to to bowl.

"I'm going to beat you!" Harry said as he grabbed a bowling ball and rolled it.

The ball rolled down the lane, but Harry only got a spare.

"Nice try, hotshot." I laughed at Harry.

It was now my turn and I grabbed a bowl and rolled it to the center of the lane. I waited for the ball to knock over, and to my suprise I got a strike. [Picture on side.]

"Yes!" I cheered.

After me, it was Niall and Barbara's turn. When Barbara finished her turn and sat next to me.

"Hey, Perrie I forgot to ask you a question."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Are you and Harry dating?"

"Yeah, Harry's just the sweetest boyfriend I could ever have." I smiled.

Harry and I had a great time bowling, and it turns out I won the game, but I didn't know that people were taking pictures of us.

- - - - - - - - - - - Zayn - - - - - - - -- - -

My phone buzzed with notifications and tweets, but there was one tweet that stood out the most.

@ZerrieLover: @zaynmalik How do you feel about Perrie and Harry together? I heard they went on a bowling date with Niall. I really miss you and Perrie together though.

What! They went on another date? Ugh why am I so worried about this? I have Selena, right?

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