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Hey guys... it's been a while hasn't it? I don't know if anyone still reads this story anymore but I've logged back on here to check how things were. If you guys have been around since this story first began, you'll know it originally belonged to an author that deleted her account. I'm here to say that I am that said author. My name's Angel for people who don't know. It's been such a long time since I've been on here. I kinda miss it, you know?  I entrusted 2 people to continue writing this story for me. As you can see they were unable to do that; I don't blame them though because life gets in the way. Reading everyone's comments made me laugh. It really touched my heart. Myself and the other two authors shared this account, but for years I forgot and lost the password. Just now, maybe thirty minutes ago, I logged on because I found out that my computer saved it. I'm here because I'd like to know if anyone would've liked me to continue the story how I imagined it. Please leave comments, they're always appreciated.

Thanks for everything,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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