Chapter Seven// Cuddling

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- - - - - - - - - - -Perrie- - - - - - - - - - -

After Harry and I left the bowling place, we just went to my flat. Harry was to tired to drop himself off at his apartment, so he just decided to spend the night at my place. After we got to the apartment, Harry and I went to sleep. I took my bedroom, while Harry took the guest bedroom.

- - - - - -

I rubbed my eyes open as I woke up. As I fixed my bed and went to the bathroom I decided to make breakfast. When I reached the kitchen I heard an unfamiliar noise. Quickly, I grabbed a frying pan. It was the closest thing to me. I heard the noises coming from the guest bedroom. Suddenly the door swinged open, and on instinct I hit whatever was behind the door as hard as I could with my frying pan.

"Ugh! What the fuck! What the hell was that for?" a manly voice yelled out.

Wait, why is there a man in my house? Soon I looked up and saw Harry holding his head and groaning in pain. I am so stupid. I should've remembered Harry was here!

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to hit you." I quickly said as I ran to the fridge to get Harry some ice.

As soon as I found some ice I gave it to Harry.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat Harry down onto the couch

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." he replied.

"I'm sorry, you know, for hitting you with a frying pan." I said quietly, clearly embarrassed.

"It's fine." he replied.

"Um, how about I make us breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great!"

I went into the kitchen and quickly got some milk and cereal and poured it into two bowls for Harry and I. As I went back to the living room I saw Harry playing with his hair.

"Here is breakfast!" I said as I handed Harry a bowl.

"Cereal? Are you serious?"

"Yep. What were you expecting?"

"You know, maybe some eggs or bacon could've been nice."

"Well to bad, I don't feel like cooking."

I quickly finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink. I then headed past the living room and down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked as he looked up from the couch.

"I'm gonna take a shower, feel free to make yourself at home." I replied.

"Oh ok."

I went into the bathroom and started up the shower. As I shed my clothes I felt the cold air hit my bare skin. Anyways I hoped into shower and when I was done showering I got out and put on a new pair of clothes. After I got done getting dressed I went back into the living room where Harry was still holding ice to his head.

"Harry, does your head still hurt?" I asked.

"Yes, my head still hurts because you hit me with a frying pan."

"Sorry, again. Anyways do wanna could maybe watch a movie?"

"Yeah, sure."

I quickly put in "The Notebook" and sat down next to Harry. As soon as the movie came on Harry started to complain.

"Really Perrie? Couldn't you have picked a better movie?" he scoffed.

"Oh, shush." I said as I told him to quiet down.

About half way through the movie I snuggled under Harry's arms. At first he kinda pulled back, but then he reached around me and cuddle next to me. Soon after that I felt my eyelids get heavy and I fell into a peaceful slumber.

- - - - - - - - - - - -Harry- - - - - - - -- - - -

Perrie fell asleep in my arms, but I must say she did look beautiful. I not going to deny that I actually like her now. I mean she's pretty much perfect, but I really wonder why Zayn would breakup with her.

Anyways I decided to put Perrie to bed. I walked down the hallway with Perrie in my arms. As I entered her room I set her down onto the bed and covered with blankets. Since Perrie was now sleeping her house was pretty boring.

I guess I'll make her dinner since it was now 4 c'clock. I carefully inspected her fridge looking for some ingredients. I started cooking some spaghetti until i heard my phone ring. Now where did I put my phone? I quickly scurried to where my ring tone was coming from and it led me to the guest bedroom where I had slept last night. I answered my phone, not looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Um, hey Harry. It's Zayn." a manly voice said though my speaker.

"Zayn, what do you want?" I said in an aggravated voice.

"Well, I just wanna talk to you about Perrie."

"Zayn, if you're trying to get her back I think it's a little too late for that."

"Harry I just wanna make sure that you're not gonna hurt her."

"Why the hell would I want to hurt her? I'm cooking her dinner, I don't think that's very harmful."

"Wait, you're cooking her dinner?"

"Yeah, why? Do you have a problem with me cooking her food? Besides Perrie's sleeping, I just wanted to make her some food."

"I don't have a problem you cooking her food, I just have a problem with you at her house!"

"Zayn, I don't see why you would care. I mean you broke up with he-"

Wow, Zayn just hung up on me. Some friend he is. Anyways I continued to make dinner until I heard a ringing at the door. Maybe it was one of the girls?

As I opened the door I saw the one face I didn't want to see.

"What do you want Zayn?!" I yelled.

"I just wanna make sure you don't hurt Perrie." He said as he barged past me.

"I'm pretty sure Perrie doesn't you here because you were the one that hurt her." I said as I closed the door."

-- -- - - - - - - - Perrie - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up and found myself covered with a blanket. How did I get in my bedroom? I quietly got up and headed for the living until I heard two voices. I heard Harry's voice, but there was another voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Harry, I'm sorry for calling you a man whore before, but this is really important." the unknown voice said

What! Why would someone call Harry a man whore? He is a freaking cupcake! Okay so maybe I was exaggerating, but I know Harry isn't someone who would use somebody.

"Zayn, why is this so important? I'm pretty sure I can take of Perrie. I know you used to be her boyfriend, but I'm her boyfriend now."

Zayn was here?! I quickly walked down the hall and peered into the living room. I was watching Zayn and Harry talk until a pair of brown spotted me. I slowly came out of my from behind the wall and stood up walking into the living room.

"Perrie?" Zayn said as he got up from the couch.

"Oh, I um, why are you here?" I asked quietly.

"Perrie I know you don't want me here, but I came here to talk to Harry."

My eyes glanced over to Harry who was know in the kitchen.

"Um, I don't see why you need to talk to Harry." I replied.

"Perrie, you don't understand, Harry is using you." Zayn whispered, not wanting Harry to hear.

"How could you say th- mph."

My lips were attached to Zayn's and I couldn't think.

What was I doing?

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