Chapter 5

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*Zoey's POV*

I sit patiently while the boys think of questions. Alexis just looks at their faces, kinda studying them I guess.

"How old are you?" Harry asks.


"Are you single?" says Luke.


"Do you live near here?" Liam asks.

"About a half hour away in traffic. About 15 minutes without traffic."

"Whats your favorite color?" Zayn asks.

"Aqua. Why are these questions so simple and boring?"

"Fine we'll give harder questions if you'd like." offers Niall.

"I'd love harder questions please."

"Ok. Do you have any sibling?" Louis asks.

"Seriously? That's harder? Yes. Older sister."

"Where are you from?" Ashton asks.

"LA. In California. Pretty far."

"How did you two meet?" asks Michael.

"At age 7. In LA. She moved here and I was in LA then too. Met in second grade. Inseparable since." I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Aww thanks Z!" says Alexis. I lean over and hug her tightly.

"Who do you favor more in each band?" asks Niall.

"I favor you Niall and I don't know much about 5SOS. And no, I'm not shy and I'm proud to say I'm a Niall's girl! As for 5SOS, Alexis here tells me about you guys so I'm gonna go with Ashton. And finally, THE LAST QUESTION!"

"Do you sing/dance at all?" Calum asks.

"I sing in the shower but not in front of other people. And I CANNOT dance for the life of me!"

"I hear her in the shower though. She's really good but she doesn't believe that." Alexis states.

"You don't think your good either! So HA!" I shout in Alexis's face.

"Well now that we know some stuff about you, what about you Alexis?" Luke asks.

I look over at Alexis and see she has her head down and has a small blush on her face. I smile, knowing she likes Luke. I poke her shoulder and smirk at her, and she realizes I know and glares at me. I laugh and notice the boys looking confused at EVER! Ha. This just got even more better!

A/N: So know Zoey knows Alexis likes Luke! Ooh.. What's gonna happen? I know this chapter SUCKED but it was kinda a filler and so will the next chapter. Every 5 chapters, they switch POV. Unless a boy comes into POV. But otherwise they switch every 5 chapters. Next chapter is Alexis answering the questions. Again, these 2 are fillers at the moment. Helps get to know them! <3

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