Chapter 24

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*Zoey's POV*

I jumped awake after hearing a noise. I wasn't exactly asleep and I'm acting like a mother right now why not investigate?

I got up and started towards where I heard the noise.

It came from around the bedrooms.

"What on earth?" I mumble to myself.

I went up to the first bedroom and opened the door. All I saw was Alexis and Luke lying on the floor.

Wait... Alexis was on the bed. Was this where the noise came from? From Alexis falling off?

I start to creep forwards to see but both of them are asleep.

And I hear the noise again.

I quickly, but quietly, leave the room and go to the next bedroom.

Nothing in there.

Next one. Nothing there.

Next one. Noth- Wait.

"Louis? Harry? What are you two doing in here? I thought I left you two in the living room asleep!" I whisper-shout.

"Well you see, I wasn't tired so I poked Harry until he woke up. But he didn't. So I dragged him in here to, I didn't think through what I was gonna do personally. Maybe tickle or attack or something. I thought it would be quieter in here" Louis states.

"Harry. Is this true? And if you lie to me, you better hope you still have them curls tomorrow" I threaten.

"Yes it's true! I didn't want to wake up so he dragged me in here. The first noise we made, that you probably heard, was 'cause he hit me against a corner. The noise you just heard was 'cause I woke up fully and smacked him which he shoved me into a wall" Harry says, almost like he was scared of me...

"Hmmm. I believe it I guess. But seriously Lou? I can think of names to call you but for now, you can deal with stupid" I say smirking.

"Hey!" Louis states. "Actually, I'll deal with it. You said if wasn't the worst name so...

I walk behind the boys, pull Harry up, and push them out into the living room. I put Harry back to where he was originally and put Louis next to me.

"Why do I need to sleep here?" he questioned me quietly.

"'Cause you'll find a way to wake everyone if you sleep anywhere else" I whisper back.

"Fine" he whispers while getting comfy.

"I have a feeling we could be very good friends... Very best friends.. Just not like me and Harry. Just no" Louis mumbles loud enough for me to hear and Harry to hear.

I look over at Harry and see he is sitting up and smiling at us. Louis is silently snoring next to me. I smile back at Harry and he lies down to fall back asleep.

I move my hand around the dark to find my phone. I find it under ZAYN'S pillow.

Eh as long as I have it.

I turn it back on an see it says 2:58 am.

And I'm wide awake 'cause of SOME BOYS.

I unlock my phone by putting my passcode in (Larry Stylinson) and go on Wattpad to read stories.

I silently laugh as the app opens. I haven't been on it since before the concert. My whole library is just Larry Stylinson books and like 2 normal books..

"I should probably delete some of these" I mumble to myself.

"Yeah, you probably should" I hear over my shoulder.

I quickly snap my head to look at who said it but see no one. I turn slowly back to my phone but don't see it in my hand.

"Do you want this book Zoey?" I hear someone say while shoving my phone at my face.

"Yes. I've been dying to read that one" I say back.

The phone goes back to the face and I see Niall. I laugh quietly but just enough for him to hear me.

"What'd you laughing at?" he asks me.

"You. Why are you first, up, secondly, why do you have my phone, thirdly, going through my stuff?" I ask.

"First, 'cause Lou talks loud so I heard him and I was hungry. Second, 'cause you dropped it in your lap so I took it. Thirdly, 'cause you have a lot of weird things on here" Niall says while scrolling through my phone.

"Well," I start while grabbing my phone back, "I need to decide which books I keep and delete. I haven't been on this app since before the concert so this is really awkward for me..."

"So your a Larry shipper eh?" Niall smirks while nudging my shoulder.

"Yes and I'm very proud" I say while puffing out my chest.

"Eh you should be. Most people aren't proud. But I ship them too" Niall mumbles.

"Wait. What?" I ask suddenly.

"I ship them too. They are so cute together! But I'm not one of those CRAY-CRAY fans. I ship them a a bromance, not romance. Well I guess sometimes as a romance" Niall mumbles quieter.

"Ooh Niall ships Larry just like me!!" I say excitedly.

"You tell anyone,'" Niall says while stabbing his finger at my chest, "you die."

"Promise I won't tell anyone, but can you get your finger off my boob?" I ask while smirking, trying to hold back my laugh.

Niall quickly pulls his finger away and blushes while getting up to go to his area/bed.

"Awww babe it's alright! Things happen! I forgive you!" I say while getting up.

"Still.. That was embarrassing for me!! But fine, I can get over it" Niall mumbles.

"Night Niall" I say while kissing his forehead.

"Night Zoey" he says while yawning.

I go back to my area next to Lou and delete the books I don't want.

So basically, I deleted 10 books out of 42.

Oh well. I'm gonna read them at one point.

I put my phone down and lie down.

I slowly drift off to sleep as I feel something warm on my lips.

(A/N:hi. i felt like updating. AND BTW. IM A HARDCORE LARRY SHIPPER. but i can handle elounor shippers as long as u aint cruel.

anyways, my chicken *cough zara's chicken i named after her *cough* is brooding so we put fertile eggs under her. in bout 21 days, some of the 7 eggs will hatch. so we already have 10 chickens and now we get more!!! YAAAAYYYYY!!! (sarcasm)

maybe i'll try this out but comment and vote cause idk what favorite mean:) anyways, much love to whoever reads this <3

p.s. when i finish explaining alexis' date and her 'cancer' issue, its dakota's turn. YOU WELCOME JAZZY.)

An Unforgettable Night *NO LONGER WRITING*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang