Chapter 28

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*Ginger's POV*

I slowly wake up with a throbbing headache.

"Uugggh.. What just happened?" I ask.

All I get back are mumbles. Not even a complete sentence.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask while trying to get out of the position I was in. "Ow!"

I went to move my leg out of the way and a sharp pain ran through my whole body. I tried to ignore it for the sake of Louis and Zoey.

I try my hardest to get over to Louis when I hear all three phones go off at once. I can't get to any of them, so I leave them be.

I watch as some girl comes over and answers Louis' phone. I can't hear what they are saying but she hangs up and calls the police and all them.

As soon as flashing lights come into view, quite a bit back, I watch as two girls climb into their car and quickly leave the other direction.

I struggle to pull Louis from his position and he is all bruised and cut up. He slowly opens his eyes and mumbles curse words under his breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask him while putting him in a sitting position.

"I'm okay. I've been better though," he mumbles while trying to help me put him in a sitting position.

"You're all bruised and cut up!" I exclaim.

"Eh. They aren't really bad though" Louis says while trying to get comfortable.

"The ambulance is right behind us so they can help bandage you up" I mumble while examining his injuries.

"Well while they help you, I need to get Zoey," I say while turning to face her.

I move to quickly and a sharp pain goes through my leg again. I hiss in pain but try to play it off.

"Are you sure you're alright Ginger?" Louis asks me.

"Um yeah. I'm good," I say while moving slowly to Zoey.

Louis stares at me like I'm lying, which I am, but I know he knows I am too.

I ignore him and get Zoey out from her spot. She is passed out, her side is smashed in, and her chair kinda folded.

I unfold the chair and try to open her door. I notice she has cuts all over her head and right side, the door side, and she's bleeding badly.

I start to worry for my sister and I try to get out of the car to talk to the medical people. They have already arrived and were currently helping Louis.

"Excuse me! Please help me! My sister is in great need!" I cry out from where I stood, on my right leg, and hanging onto the car.

Three men quickly come over and help her while a woman comes over and helps me to a gurney.

"What happened dear?" the woman asks while helping me up.

"Well, my sister was driving me back to her house from the airport when a car was following us and came full speed at us. They hit us, answered Louis' phone over there, called you guys, and took off" I recall.

She hums to tell me she heard me and starts poking my knee.

"Ow! That really hurts.. Could you please not?" I ask while wincing.

"Hmm. Something is definitely wrong with your knee, but I'm not positive if my guess is correct," she mumbles.

"Well what do you think is wrong with it?" I ask worried.

"I'm thinking it's broken but I can't tell you positively," she replies.

Great. A flight over here then an accident within 24 hours of me being here.

An Unforgettable Night *NO LONGER WRITING*Where stories live. Discover now