Chapter 29

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*Taylor's POV*

I hug Alexis as hard as I can. Right now isn't the best for any of us.

"How long have you known?" I ask her while crying.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I told Luke that one night he took me on a date. Otherwise, nobody else knows. Not even Zoey!" she cries out.

She burrows her head in my neck while she cries. I pat her back soothingly while crying with her. I look around at the rest of the room and see everyone is now crying. Luke is whispering into Alexis' ear with tears in his eyes. Heidi is sobbing into Dakota's shoulder while Dakota is watching us while crying. Niall had to excuse himself outside because he couldn't handle it. Liam is trying to be calmed down by Michael. Calum, Ashton, and Zayn are sitting there with tears in their eyes, or dripping down their cheeks, and watching Alexis.

"I'll never be able to tell Zoey now," Alexis cries out again.

"No, no, no! You will be able to tell Zoey. She's gonna be okay. Trust me on this. She's a strong warrior. She'll fight to wake up from her concussion. Just like how you'll fight your battle. Don't give up just yet," I try to say without my voice going weak.

"But I've already given up Taylor. I've been fighting my battle for so long now. I'm already losing hair, hence why it's always in a ponytail. I had to go and buy a wig a few days ago! My doctor says that it could get worse, where I'll be living in the hospital! I'm already giving up because I don't know how to fight it!" she cries out frustrated.

"Either does Zoey! No one knows how to fight a battle when they are sent in! Not even in a real war! It's a lot of pressure and stress put on you, yes. But you'll find a way to fight it! Take counseling. Visit your doctor weekly about it! Find a way to fight it. But don't give up on me, Luke, anyone. Especiallyy Zoey. When she wakes up, she'll wanna see you as quick as she woke up."

Alexis sniffles into my shoulder as I speak and everyone is looking at me while I talk. Besides Alexis.

"Look at me sweetie," I say softly to her. She slowly looks up at me, eyes all teary and cheeks stained with tears. Her face is red and her eyes are puffy.

"You and Zoey are both in a battle. Two completely different battles. But still battles. If she is fighting to survive, you should two. If one of you left the other, it's basically leaving your family. Imagine a sister dying of yours," I say looking at her.

She smiles and mumbles, "I don't have any siblings."

"Well imagine you do!" I say laughing. "Anyways, imagine if they died."

"I would be the most depressed person probably," she says, her facial emotion dropping it's smile.

"Exactly. If Zoey didn't fight her battle, she would die. You would be depressed, probably couldn't handle yourself, cry a lot, and never leave your house yes?"

"Basically. Maybe a few other things but those are the basics."

"So Zoey would do the same if you died. You two would be the most depressed soul in the whole galaxy," I say with a small smile.

"Thanks Taylor. Loving the good, happy vibe here," Alexis says while rolling her eyes. I slightly nudge her making her smile.

"Point is, fight your battle, and Zoey will fight hers. You both will win at the end if you don't even give the option of giving up a second thought in your mind."

Alexis hugs me tightly while whispering in my ear "thank you." I hug her back and rub her back soothingly. I pull back and smile.

"We can go visit Ginger and Louis tomorrow to see what really happened. And ask the doctors more about Zoey because hopefully they'll know after a day," I say while giving her a wink and smiling at the others around me.

An Unforgettable Night *NO LONGER WRITING*Where stories live. Discover now