Chapter 1: Free

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Please note that this is a furry boyxboy story. If you don't like that then kindly remove yourself from the page because I won't read your bitching :D...Or maybe I could be amusing.

Italics signify a person thinking to them self.

Bold can mean

1. Breaking the 3rd wall.

2. A character emphasizing things.

3. Yelling. (Sometimes)

Underlined can mean

1. Emphasizing in a less serious way.

2. A subject header.

Now without further ado, lets get into the story.

--- ??? ---

"Umnf...what time is it?"

I turned on my phone to see the time, half awake and realizing it's only 8:29. Geez that's still pretty early. Annoyed I slammed my head down back onto my pillow. I think ill just get back to my dream...wai-


I jumped and slammed my paw onto the alarm clock. Damn it! Right in my ears as well. Guess it's time to get up. A yawn escaped my mouth as I took a nice long stretch, getting up and out of my bed. I went to the washroom and splashed my face with water to freshen up a bit. I already showered yesterday night so no point in doing it again. Next I went to my closet and got out a plain white t-shirt and put it on, then picking out my favorite blue hoodie, putting it on as well. It had side pockets! Then grey sweatpants which also had pockets and string to adjust the tightness. Yeah, I sleep in my underwear.

Thank god I live alone for now or my family would see how much effort I put into looking nice. I grabbed my phone and then the next second I'm out the door. I'm meeting my friends at the mall to have fun before-- huh? -- NOT THAT TYPE OF FUN -- college. Huh. My first day...

I guess I never did tell you who I was, did I? My name is Teko Keyone! If you don't know how to pronounce my name it's sort of like tech-oh key-own. I'm about...I don't know how tall I am...damn it. I have green-ish yellow-ish blue...ish eyes and grey and white fur. I'm also a wolf! My belly to the bottom of my muzzle is white and the rest of my body is basically grey, besides my some what darker ears. I don't have muscle but I can fight when I need to! I am pretty fast however. I'm bisexual but not everyone knows that. I'm a pretty nice person but can be sort of shy when you first meet me. I like being fun but my emotions can be where they need to. I LOVE the wind. As in fresh air and a nice breeze.

"I wonder if everyone is already there." I started to ponder, putting my earbuds into my ears and playing a song from my phone. "Swept away, by a rolling wind..." the calm song continued to play in my ears. I was almost at the cross walk when----


Now normally that wouldn't be so bad but since I wasn't expecting it- imagine ear rape, on full blast, with the best headset you can possibly get. One of my friends had called me to see if I was still coming. "Hello? Hellooooo?? TEKO!"

"Oh! Hey! Thanks for almost killing me." but I guess it was my fault for being an idiot and leaving my call volume on full blast.


"Nothing. Never mind."

"You're telling me later. Are you still coming?" the way he said that caught my attention. I crossed the road as the signal changed.

"Yeah I'm on my way right now. Be there in about five minutes. How come?"

"Oh uh no one is here yet so I called everyone.

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