Chapter 4

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The rest of the week passed about as fast as a slug. My mother and sisters talked about the Contest all the time, it got to a point where I was regretting signing up. This wasn't the first time I had felt regret for signing up.
I went to the grocery store two days after the pictures for the Contest were taken. Ashton came with me. I got through most of the grocery store picking out my things, when I spotted Evander. I still wore the ring around my neck. Evander didn't see me, but I rushed out of the store quickly and made my way home. Ashton asked about my haste on the way home, but after not getting an answer he piped down.
Amethyst and Harmonia were still the only two who knew about Evander's proposal and I wanted it to stay that way. No way to ruin my chances of getting into the Contest.
I had asked my mom about Tesla a few days after the pictures.
"Mom, did you ever know a woman named Tesla?" I had asked. My mom smiled, thinking back.
"Yes, Tesla was my maid when I was part of the Contest. Why do you ask?" She inquired.
"She was the one taking pictures the other day. She said she knew you, so I just wondered." I explained.
"What did she say about me?" She asked.
"Just that you were her favorite, and she told me that I would be a favorite too, if I got in."
"I wish I had gone with you, how I miss Tesla." My mom reminisced. I smiled at her.
The day of the announcement finally came. That Monday was hectic.
"Amethyst don't go!" Addie pleaded, tears streaming down her face. Abby held her in her arms, trying to remain put together, but failing. As tears rolled down the two younger girl's faces, Ana, Ashton and I were helping pack up the little amount of clothing Amethyst had. As we threw everything into the small van, (there are never cars around sections 4-8) I remembered something.
"Wait right here!" I told her, and ran into my bedroom. In the back of the now half empty closet, was the purple dress. I took it, and then walked back outside.
"Here." I handed it to Amethyst.
"No I want you to keep it. I'm not going to use it." She giggled.
"But its yours!" I protested.
"Wear it tonight, or tomorrow when you get to go to the castle. I smiled.
"I'll wear it tonight." I said.
"I have something for you." She said, and fished in her pocket. Amethyst pulled out a long purple ribbon, the same color as the dress.
"Oh it's beautiful!" I exclaimed.
"It's for the ring." She told me.
"You didn't have to. I'm probably not even going to wear it around my neck much longer." I explained.
"On your hand, or back to him, no matter where it goes, I want you to keep the ribbon. Use it to...tie up your hair." Amethyst shrugged. I smiled.
"Thanks Ammy." I said, and hugged her. She wrapped me tightly in her arms, and it felt like when we were little girls. We weren't little girls anymore. Amethyst was married and moving away and I was signed up for the event of the century. As I backed out of the hug, Darren walked over.
"Ready to go?" He asked. Amethyst nodded. They got into their car and left. I stood on the sidewalk as they drove away, watching their car fade into a speck. I walked into my house, where my Mom was preparing dinner with Ana and Abby. I went over to Addie who was still sniffling on the couch.
"Hey Addie. May I sit?" I asked. She nodded.
"I'm going to miss her too." I said, sitting down. "But she's with someone who loves her just as much as we do. Its going to be good for her up there, and she will come and visit I promise you." I told her.
"I know she will, its just that you might be leaving too, and soon all my sisters will gone." She told me.
"I had never thought of it that way Addie. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I just wish leaving wasn't so difficult."
"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. Remember that Addie." My mom called us for dinner.

Dinner for me was more like three bites. I was nervous. This would change my life. This result would change what I was going to do for the rest of my life, whether I would be living it out with Evander, or if I would be competing to be the Queen. Two out of three options landed me with Evander, so why hadn't I just said yes then and avoided this whole mess? Avoided hearing his words ringing in the back of my head every time I went to sleep. As I set my plate on the counter, I ran into my room and slipped on Amethyst's dress.
I untied the ring from around my neck and changed the ribbon. I looked at the ring one last time. Three years. He had saved up three years to buy this and I had turned him down. Why had I turned him down? Something about his proposal? Maybe because he felt so much like a brother to me? I didn't know. I loved Evander, but did I love him enough to marry him?
I went into the living room, where my family was gathered around the television.
"There you are, the Prince is about to announce the girls!" Addie said, obviously more cheered up than she had been. I sat down, and watched.
"This was almost and impossible decision to make. We have so many lovely girls in the Kingdom of Orion to choose from. I went through each and every letter and picked out some girls that I think you all might enjoy. Here are the contestants. Evangeline Greenway, Celebrities!" He called. Of course the first girl was a celebrity. A picture of her popped up on the screen. I had seen pictures of her before. She was slender, blonde haired and blue eyed. She wore a powder blue dress, making her look even paler. She was beautiful alright.
"Josie Krasinki, Thinking!" Josie had black hair that came down to her elbows. Her eyes were an amber brown, and her skin was deeply tanned.
"Ember Rever, Thinking!" Ember had deep red hair and dark black eyes. Her skin was freckled but pale. Her name fit her looks. The Prince called many more names. A few Celebrities, many more Thinkers along with quite a few Business. Only one girl from Performance had been called. He called about thirty names, when he held up a paper.
"Last one! Harmonia Nuonce, Performance!" Harmonia's picture came on the screen. She was absolutely radiant. Her eyes sparkled, and her blue dress made her black curls stand out beautifully. I was so happy for her, that I forgot that I hadn't heard my name.
"That's alright baby girl, you tried." My dad spoke, breaking the tension in the room. I smiled.
"I'm happy for Harmonia. I'm not really disappointed." I lied. After all of these people telling me I was going to make it in, including the Queen herself, although she never said it directly, I hadn't. That was slightly disappointing.
"You want to shut it off?" My mom asked.
"No, leave it on. I'll be fine." I tuned into the television.
"Congratulations to all the girls who-"
"Archer, that's only thirty one." Jaxon spoke up from the back of the stage.
"What?" He asked.
"You only called the names of thirty one girls. You are supposed to have thirty two." He pointed out.
"Where's the last one?" The Queen asked. Archer looked around. Just then a small blonde head walked up to the podium.
"I found this on the floor. You dropped it when you were walking up." Princess Isabel said, handing Prince Archer the paper.
"Thank you Isabel. Would you like to read the name on the paper?" He asked. She nodded enthusiastically, and Archer picked her up. She studied the paper for a moment, reading the words. She whispered something into Archer's ear, and he nodded.
"Amberlyn Baylock, Performance!" She squealed. My heart leaped. Ana, Abby, and Addie tackled me in hugs. I could faintly hear Mama shouting,
"I told you! You're going to win, I just know it!" Ashton smiled and clapped, although I knew it wasn't a huge deal to him. Papa sat in his chair beaming. I looked at my picture on the screen.
My hair fell in waves on my shoulders, and the purple of the dress matched the color perfectly. All I could see was my eyes. They sparkled. I never knew how much my eyes could sparkle. Was it hope in my eyes or something else? All I could do now was listen to the television as Archer spoke.
"A huge congratulations to all the girls who have been called here tonight. Tomorrow you will be escorted to the airport, and meet at the castle. Goodnight, and get some good rest. You'll need it!" The television clicked off.
"Bed time!" My dad announced. We all got up and began to make our way to our respective bedrooms.
"Amberlyn, one moment dear." My mom said, and grabbed a box from her bedroom. "These are some of the things I have left over from my Contest. I thought you might enjoy looking at them. I'm not really sure exactly what's in here, just a few things. Sleep well honey, I'm so proud of you." She said, and kissed my cheek. I walked into my room with the box, and placed it on the bed. Opening it, I found a few surprises. One, was a long dark blue dress with a pair of elbow high white gloves. The dress was velvet, and the gloves silk. It was beautiful.
Under the dress, I found many pictures, including one with her and the King. His looks had stayed with him through the years. Another picture showed her and a few girls laughing. On the back was written;
"Fawna, Jemma, Olivia, and I, during Olivia's birthday ball." I smiled at the girls in the picture. These must have been the last four girls Mama had spoken of. Jemma was blonde and thin, Olivia had raven black hair and baby blue eyes, and then there was my mother. My mother had lovely cinnamon brown hair and her green eyes were dancing. The slim figure I had seen in other pictures in the box, seemed different in this photo. Finally eating well, I suppose.
There were a few more things in the box, and under pictures. A bracelet with the initials SL, a rose broche with a tag attached to it, a stack of letters, and a small journal. I picked up the broche and read the tag.

To Allison
With all my love.
Happy birthday.

I put it down, and picked up the letters. They were all from my father. Many of them talked about what was going on in the section, and people that I had never heard of. I read what seemed to be the last letter carefully.

Dear Allison,
                What a week it's been here. Mother freaked out when I told her the news. She's giving me her grandmother's ring. When will you be telling the Prince? Soon, I hope, or he will find out on his own.
                I can't believe it's been four months since I last saw you. I wish I had been with you for your birthday. You turned 19, that's amazing.
                I'm so glad you and Fawna have become good friends. I've met her once or twice going into the city. She worked for my grandfather as a receptionist before the Contest. She's awfully beautiful, but could never compare to you. You still light up my life like you did before you left.
                I miss you, Allison. I know I've told you that before, but this time it's ever more so than ever before. I wish you would just come home. I love you my dear, and I want to hold you again.

                Please write soon.

My mom was hiding something from the Prince? I picked up the journal, but my mom came in.
"Bedtime Amberlyn. You can look at the rest later." I nodded and put the book back in the box. Tomorrow. That was going to be exciting.

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