Chapter 16

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Harmonia hated me, Jaxon wouldn't speak to me, and Archer was constantly angry at the two of them. I flopped back onto my bed as Tink came in.
"Harmonia mad at you again?" She asked, sitting next to me.
"Yeah. Thanks for using the door this time." I said. She laughed.
"This castle is having an affect on me. I'm becoming," she shuddered, "polite." She said. I laughed.
"You're pretty cool either way." I said. "I'm sure the Prince loves you."
"He loves you Amberlyn. Honestly I've never seen a smile so big than the one he gave you when you opened your folder at the breakfast table."
"What do you mean? He always smiles like that." I argued.
"No he doesn't. If you don't think you're going to win this, then you're wrong, and if you don't want to win this, then you're playing with his heart and need to leave." She told me. I laid there looking up at the top of the canopy.
"I...don't know if I like him Tink. There's Evander too." I said, suddenly remembering what he had done to me. "Never mind." I said.
"Never mind Evander? What happened?" She asked.
"He...grabbed me. He wouldn't let go. All he wanted to do was talk to me, but I was so scared." I told her, curling up into a ball on my bed.
"Oh my gosh. Okay I'm gonna beat him up. If I know what he looks like." She said.
"Please no. I love him so much, and I don't want him out of here. Plus you would probably get kicked out." I said. Tink shrugged.
"I'd do it for you." I didn't answer. "Listen, Jessica's party is soon. If he's there guarding, I'll make sure you can go talk to him, okay?" She said.
"I'll help you get ready." She said.
"You don't have to, Miss." Amy said.
"But I want to, and she's my friend." Tink said. Amy nodded, and I got into my dress.


Tink and I went to the party together, and we kept an eye out for Evander. Tink was in a beautiful lavender dress that went to the floor and I was in a blue dress that was to mid thigh with a shimmering light blue over layer that went to my knees, making the dress seem modest. My maids had outdone theirselves with this one. My hair was curled and pinned, with rhinestone tipped pins. I looked amazing. Just as I was about to leave with Tink someone pounded on my door. I opened it to reveal an angry Archer.
"Archer?" I asked, concerned.
"I can't find Jaxon anywhere and I went to Harmonia's room and she's gone too."
"Oh no..." I said. He dragged me out of my room. I could practically see steam coming from his ears.
"Wait for me okay?" I called out to Tink as I was dragged from my room.
"I heard from a guard there were two people out in the garden. We're going there." He said.
"'re hurting my wrist." I said, but it was barely a whisper. I was dragged to the garden.
"JAXON!" Archer shouted, calling around the area.
"Harmonia?" I called, trying to make my voice sound urgent. I didn't want her to get hurt. I saw them. Through a bush. I saw them. Harmonia was clinging to Jaxon. She looked terrified. I was terrified. Archer was sure to kill one of them, if not both.
"JAXON!" He shouted again, angrier than he was the first time.
"Harmonia!!" I called, my voice shaking becoming scared for her. I saw them moving, a few quiet rustles made Archer turn his head.
"JAXON WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Archer shouted.
"Archer please!" I shouted at him, a few tears escaping. He turned to look at me and his anger disappeared instantly.
"Amberlyn...I'm so sorry." He said, wrapping me into a hug.
"Archer?" I asked.
"Why are you so mad at Jaxon all the time?" I asked.
"It's a long story." He said.
"I have time."
"Not really."
"Archer please?" I looked up at him.
"Okay. When we were younger, about fifteen or sixteen, I was told I had to do this Contest. I rebelled. I went and dated this girl, Isla. We were a secret for a while, but Jaxon found out."
"Did he tell your father?" I asked. We sat down on a bench.
"No, but he did try to warn me. Isla was beautiful, and I thought I loved her. Jaxon warned me that Father was serious about the Contest and that I couldn't be running around with some girl. That she might get in trouble."
"Like Harmonia." I said.
"Exactly. Well my father did find out. He gave me a warning and left it at that."
"You didn't listen?" I asked.
"You know me pretty well. No, I didn't. I kept seeing Isla and Jaxon kept warning me. He kept telling me I shouldn't do what I was doing. My Father found out that I was still seeing her and one night my father dragged me out to a canning."
"He caned her!?" I exclaimed.
"Yes. I never want to hear screams like that again. She lives in section right now, and I haven't seen her since. Plus I got this to remind me of the experience." He said. He pulled up the back of his shirt to show me a long scar on his back. I gasped, horrified.
"So...that could happen to Harmonia?" I asked, scared of what the answer might be.
"Yes. I couldn't live with myself if she got hurt. If Jaxon got hurt. I would die."
"Archer nothing's going to happen!" I said, taking his hand.
"You don't understand! I already lost Isla, I can't loose Harmonia or my Brother too. I can't do it." He said. I watched as a tear ran down his cheek.
"I can't loose you, or her, or him. I can't loose any of you no matter how you rank in the Contest." He said, more tears coming down. I never wanted to see him cry again.
"Archer. You won't loose me. I'll tell Harmonia-"
"No! Please you can't. I can't let that secret out. My reputation would be ruined."
"Your reputation? Harmonia could die, Jaxon could die, and you're worried about your reputation? I knew I was right about you. You're conceited, and self-centered."
"W-what? Where is this coming from?" Archer asked, hurt in his eyes.
"I let you kiss me. I let you convince me that you liked me. I let myself think I was special. No, this was all for you and your reputation wasn't it? I can't believe you!" I shouted at him. "I want to go home. Right now." I said. He looked at me, his face looking like someone had just shot him.
"I...I can't allow that." He said.
"You're going to forbid me to go home?" I yelled at him.
"I don't think you want this." He said.
"How could you possibly know what I want?" I asked.
"I think I know you a lot better than you think." He said.
"You think so much of yourself." I said, and stormed away.

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