Chapter 17

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The door crashed open, freaking everyone out. It was Archer.
"I was looking for you everywhere, are you okay?" He said, going to Tink and Marlowe. "Where is Amberlyn?" He asked.
"Over here!" I called, through gritted teeth. He came over.
"What the hell happened!?" He asked, not sounding angry, but more concerned.
"What does it look like, I was shot!" I said, as the nurse pulled the bandages tighter on my leg. I cried out in pain. Archer grabbed my hand.
"You're only giving her bandages? Are you sure she doesn't need more?" HE asked the nurse quietly.
"I'm sure your highness. It's not a deep wound, just a large one. It should heal properly with bandages and some good care." The nurse said.
"Are you sure?" Archer asked. The nurse nodded.
"Okay." He said. He let go of my hand.
"No." I said, wanting him to come back.
"Okay." He said, taking my hand again. He stroked it with his thumb, making me feel better. After the nurse finished with my leg, Archer pulled me to him. I looked up, my chest hurting with pain.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's okay." He said, immediately forgiving me for everything I had said. My lip began to quiver. "It's okay." He said again. I began to sob. Quiet sobs, but the kid of crying that is so much, you can't even make a noise. I sat there in Archer's arms, getting out all of my fear. I could have died tonight, all because I was mad at him. All because I was scared of being locked up forever. All because I was scared of someone finding out about Evander. All of these things came out in my tears. While I'd never say them out loud, they were spoken in my breath. My ragged, shaking breath, and my unstoppable tears.

The days passed and my leg healed as slow as a snail. As the days grew closer to my party, I got more and more nervous. No more raids happened, and we hoped none would ever again. We didn't know where they came from, and no one figured out who let them in.
I watched Harmonia dart around the ballroom, checking decorations, tasting appetizers, and organizing everything. Today was her day. Jaxon's birthday party. Shaeleigh, Tink and many of the other girls had all held their parties already, and no one had any terrible problems. A few slip-ups here and there, but nothing bad. This was the first birthday party. Mine would be held tomorrow evening, on Archer and Prince Jaxon's actual birthday. I was worried out of my mind, but I tried to be excited. I could tell Harmonia was too. Even though the two weren't supposed to be together, I knew he would love it no matter what, because she was giving it her all. All odds seemed to be against Harmonia, and while I could tell she didn't necessarily want to impress Archer, she didn't want to leave either. That would mean not being able to see Jaxon.
"Miss Harmonia?" A maid asked. Harmonia turned. "Which color do you prefer?" She asked, holding two rolls of maroon colored streamers. Harmonia laughed nervously.
"They're the same aren't they?"
"They're different shades, miss. I was told to ask you." The world smiled sheepishly. Harmonia studied the two for a moment, looking around the room to study her other decorations.
"This one seems to match the tablecloths a little closer," She pointed the one in her right hand. "Let's do that. Thank you." She seemed stressed out. She looked around the room, noticing something was off.
"I know this isn't my party, but may I offer a suggestion?" I asked quietly from the doorway. Harmonia spun around.
"Um, sure I guess." She said.
"I can see something is off, and I know you notice it too. Maybe add more fabric along the walls and...dim the lights a bit?" I suggested, giving a playful smile.
"You're a genius!" She exclaimed.
"Just have an eye for minor detail. That's why we work so well together." I said. Harmonia smiled, and went to a butler and maid nearby.
"Yes, miss, how can we help you?" The butler tipped his head.
"This just doesn't feel completely right. Is there any way we can get more fabric along the walls and dim the lights?" She asked. "I'm sorry..." I could tell she felt bad putting more work on them.
"No, miss, do not worry!" The maid assured her. "We will get right on that."
"Yes, miss. Silver fabric along the walls might look nice with delicate string lighting, what do you think?" The butler offered.
"That sounds wonderful. Thank you." I looked into their eyes, hoping to convey how truly appreciative I was.
"Of course, miss!" The maid ran off and started gathering everything. Harmonia came to me.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you when you caught Jaxon and I. You were just trying to do the best thing and-" I interrupted her.
"No, you were right to get upset. I came down on Archer the other day actually. He was afraid you two would ruin his "reputation." I called him selfish and self-absorbed, and almost left the castle for good. The raid got to me though, and I'm still here. If he does anything like that again though, I'm gone." I said.
"I don't think he would continue the Contest if you left. The way he was looking at you and holding you while you cried the other night, he loves you even if he hasn't said it." Harmonia said, looking at me with a smile.
"There's no way. I blew up at him. If he liked me before, he doesn't anymore." I said.
"You keep telling yourself that." She said giggling. "I've got to go, but thank you so much for your help. I can't wait to see your dress!" She said, running off. I giggled. She was so happy. I decided to go look at my dress. I walked down the hall on my way to my room.
"Amberlyn!" Someone called. I turned and saw Archer.
"Hey!" I said. "What's up?" I asked.
"I kinda wonder what your mask was going to look like. I want to make sure I can tell who you are on the dance floor." He said.
"Nope." I said.
"No?" He asked.
"I want you to dance with other girls tonight. Figure out who I am and sure, you can dance with me, but you like me way more than the other contestants." I said.
"I do not!" He exclaimed.
"Harmonia thinks so, Tink thinks so, and a lot of the other girls think so. Listen I like hanging out with you too, but the other girls shouldn't suffer because of that." I said. Archer's face fell.
"Oh." He said.
"Archer, listen." I said, taking his hands in mine. "Please don't be mad. It's not your fault." I said.
"I know." He said.
"Come with me. Let's go to my room." I said. He brightened a little, and we went in. It was empty. As the door closed I turned to him.
"Have you found any more information?" I asked.
"Nothing. Not anything." He said.
"We could read more of the journal." I said.
"Why don't we just skip to the end? It will be faster that way." He suggested.
"You're not wrong." I said, giggling. I grabbed the book.
"Wait." He said. I turned to see him basically nose to nose with me.
"Yes?" I breathed. His head inched towards me, as he hesitated. Deciding against his previous judgement he pressed his lips to mine. This one was different than our other kisses. Longer and gentle. He wrapped his hands around my body, and they slid up my back to a position they liked. I dropped the book as a shiver ran up my spine. He flinched as the book hit the floor, both of us jumping apart. I burst into laughter, and he chuckled. He pulled me back into a kiss of laughter. The laughing faded as he moved his lips open and closed. His hands instinctively went into my hair, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. I hadn't felt close to someone like this in a long time. The intensity of the kiss quickly grew, landing us on the bed. He pulled back, smiling at me and playing with the ends of my hair.
"You're beautiful." He said. I giggled. "You are, don't even try to argue with me." He said.
"Why thank Love." I said.
"Love?" He asked, a small grin on his face.
"Yes." I said.
"Does that mean I can you that?" He asked.
"If you want." I said. He stood up and picked me up, spinning me around in the air. I laughed, and he set me down and kissed me.
"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!" He exclaimed. I laughed harder, bending over.
"I've known you for less than two months." I said.
"And that is what I consider to be my entire life thank you very much." He said, pointing his nose up. I giggled.
"And why's that?" I asked.
"Cause you're my whole life." He said, pulling me in again. I gave a tiny gasp.
"Of course." He said, kissing me harder than he ever had before. As he kissed me my door opened.
"Oh! Again..." Emma muttered.
"Emma!" I exclaimed.
"I can leave." She said. I noticed she was holding a dress bag.
"No no come in. Harmonia's party starts soon and if my dress needs alterations I need them to get fixed soon." I said. "And that means you..." I said, poking a finger into Archer's chest. "Need to leave." He smiled at me, his grin cocky.
"Fine, fine. I'm out. Goodbye Love." He said. He left and Emma helped me into my dress.

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