Chapter 22

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Archer didn't show up to breakfast the next morning. Jaxon and Harmonia hadn't either, but for obvious reasons. I decided to go visit them in the hospital wing. After finishing my eggs, I got up and left, walking down the quiet hallways. I thought I was going the right way until I came across a picture. It was my mother's picture again. I sighed. When had I gone up a staircase? I shook my head and looked at the picture. They looked so in love, and I didn't know what to think. I heard footsteps and turned to see the King. I curtsied, and he nodded, coming to look at the picture.
"I had no idea this was still up." He said quietly. He took a look at me, and looked back to the portrait quizzically.
"You look just like Allison." He said.
"She's my mother." I said. A shocked look appeared on the King's face but was gone in an instant.
"That sure explains it. You have her...enthusiasm. I saw the way you behaved yesterday at the punishment. The girl...A friend of yours?" He asked.
"Yes your majesty." I answered.
"I see. I don't blame you, but what you did was inappropriate, and not how a Queen should behave."
"Pardon me, your Majesty, but I am not going to end up as Queen." I said. He turned to look at me.
"Why are you still her then?" He asked. I looked down.
"I don't think I have the heart to leave." I told him.
"Even after everything that has happened? The attack, your leg, your friend? You've seen almost everything royalty has to face in less than two months, and yet, you still want to stay?" He asked.
"Yes, your majesty. I have my motives." I said.
"And what might those motives be?" He asked.
"My mother, my family." I said.
"Your family?"
"There are six of us kids. Money is nonexistent in our family. With me gone, and my older sister gone, there will be more money for the rest of my siblings-"
"Your older sister? What is her name?" He asked.
"Amethyst. My mom said that it was a name given to her by someone special, and my Father liked it, so that's was she was named." I said.
"I'm sure she a beauty?" He said.
"The prettiest of all of us girls." I answered.
"Even more so than you?" He asked.
"Yes your majesty. I believe she is."
"I see. Now tell me, you say you don't want to go home, but if you won, your family would have more money than they need." He said.
"I don't think they would want it.
"Why not?" He asked.
"It would take some time to get used to, and even me, after all that has happened, am still getting used to it. Honestly, if I can't stand up for what I believe in, I don't think I will ever get used to it fully." I said.
"You see, the Queen has to be a picture of poise and elegance. She can never be tired, and stressed. Never upset, or outspoken. She always has to be working hard and be quiet by the Kings side. In order for the Kingdom to be a well-oiled machine, the King is the one who needs to make the hard decisions. Once the King has spoken, the country could become angry, but with the Queen's help, she can balance everything out, and return the people to a neutral state. If the Queen was being just as ruthless as the King, the people would become chaotic, and havoc would rain through the country. If a Queen is not at her best, the King has no one to lean on. It's the way things have always been." He said. I looked down.
"I see." I muttered, biting my lip.
"Precision and order. It's the way things must be and I'm afraid we can have none of "standing up for what you believe in." He said.
"Yes, your Majesty."
"Take a left, and head down the stairs. Hospital wing is right there." He said, and walked away. I stomped my foot quiet, and turned on my heel. I stormed down the hallway, going down the stairs. If I couldn't be myself as Queen, I wasn't going to be queen at all. I stopped in the doorway of the long hall. Harmonia was sitting a little ways away, reading a book.
"Mony?" I called. She looked up smiling at me.
"Hello." She said, her voice and face tired, but still happy as ever.
"How are you doing?" I asked, coming in.
"Shh, Jaxon's sleeping." She said, pointing to Jaxon, who was sleeping peacefully on the cot next to her. "I'm getting better. Not too good, but I'll be okay." She said. The sunlight streamed in from the window, making streaks of sunlight appear on her arms. "How's Archer doing?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. His Father pulled him off stage last night and then he didn't show up to breakfast." I told her.
"Hm." She said. Jaxon rolled over and opened his eyes.
"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." I said. He quickly pulled his covers up to his chin, and immediately winced. "Calm down, I don't mind." I said.
"That doesn't mean I don't!" He said.
"Here's your shirt." Harmonia said, balling up his shirt from the side table and throwing it at him.
"Thank you. Besides, the only people who have seen me shirtless are these nurses, Harmonia, and my parents when I was like, three." He said.
"Shirtless, huh?" I asked. Harmonia turned crimson.
"Well you know, when you need to get bandages on something on your chest, it is very hard for them to put it in a place where clothes are obstructing the view." Jaxon said.
"I was teasing. I truly don't mind." I said.
"I'm putting a shirt on none the less. I look just like my brother, and you've seen how that turned out for you so..." I felt my face get hot.
"I...t-that's-" I stuttered. Jaxon laughed, and then doubled over in pain.

I shook my head, looking back at Harmonia. She was wrapped in bandages that went up to her collar bone.
"How bad is it, really?" I asked.
"Excuse me when I say this, but it hurts like hell." Harmonia answered. I smiled at her, and placed my hand on hers.
"I'm here for you." I said.
"I know you are. You stopped the whole thing, and that's all that matters. Thank you." She said. "What were you saying about Archer not showing up for breakfast?" She asked.
"He didn't? That's odd. He's always at breakfast unless he's sick or...oh no..." Jaxon said.
"What?" I asked, alarmed.
"Go check that room." He said, pointing to the door. I got up and walked the short distance to the room. I knocked gently.
"Come in." A feeble voice answered. I opened it. Archer laid on the bed, bruised and with swollen cheeks. His eyes was bruised and puffy, and his lip was cut and purple. I opened my mouth to say something, but the words got caught in my throat.
"Im okay, Love." He said.
"What happened?" I asked, finally finding the words to speak.
"I fell down the stairs." He said.
"No you didn't." I said.
"I'm fine, Lynnie, I promise." He said.
"Don't lie to me." I demanded.
"I'm not lying, I really am fine." He said.
"But you didn't fall down the stairs." I said.
"Maybe not." He said.
"Archer, please. I'm just scared." I said, remembering the things the King had said. "I've been going through so much, and I've been here for less than two months. I was thinking about...leaving." I said. He sat up straight suddenly, causing him to cringe in pain.
"Please don't go." He said.
"Archer, everything is my fault. Everything would be better without me here. It's my room that was destroyed, it's my fault the whole punishment was stopped. I should just go." I said, looking down.
"I need your help." He said, and I looked at him. "You're the one who is making me keep this whole thing going. If you left the whole Contest would fall apart in a matter of seconds. I'm eliminating four girls tonight, hopefully things will calm down. Harmonia is eliminated, but she will not leave the castle. Plus we have to figure out more about your mom." He said. An alarm rang, and I jumped.
"An attack." He said calmly. "Come over here." He told me, struggling up. I went over to him and helped him over. He pushed a button on the wall and a door opened. Harmonia and Jaxon were helped in by nurses, and they shut the door. I heard a lock click. Harmonia went to Jaxon and he held her in his arms. We heard crashing and yelling.
"I'm eliminated eight." Archer said.
"What?" Harmonia asked.
"Well nine including you." Archer said. "I think these girls will be safer at home and we need less girls here to become safer here." Archer explained.
"So you'll have...thirteen left." Jaxon said, thinking for a moment.
"Yes. I need to pare down these girls, and they need to go protect their families. This is the second attack we've ever had here, and it's only been since we started the contest." He said.
"Are you eliminating me?" I asked quietly.
"No, of course not love." He said, pulling me into him. I laid on his lap, and he stroked my hair. A huge crash and a gunshot came from outside the door, and something banged across the wall. Archer wrapped his arms around me, protecting me from whatever the noise had been. I pulled my arms up and held his, holding on tight. I cried, but it was emotionless. I looked at Harmonia and Jaxon. She had her arms around Jaxon's neck, and he was holding her tightly. The outside room went silent.
"I'm scared." Harmonia said quietly.
"I know my love." Jaxon answered. "I am too." He said quietly. He kissed her forehead. I shook from fear and my heart raced.
"Amberlyn? Are you okay?" Archer asked.
"No." I admitted. "I'm scared." I said. The lock on the door clicked, and it opened.
"We found them!" A guard shouted to the others. Nurses came in and helped us out. There were considerably more people in the hospital wing. I looked around. Guards and a few maids. I spotted a blonde head being rushed past me on a stretcher.
"Amberlyn..." It muttered. It was Evander. I ran to keep up with them. They put him in a section and hooked up machines to his body.
"Evander..." I muttered. He looked at me, and I finally saw the bullet wound in his side. He was struggling to breathe. The nurses left, but one faced me.
"You can't be here miss." He said.
"Let her in." Evander breathed. The nurse nodded, and I ran to his bedside.
"Evander, you idiot." I said, crying through my tears.
"I was helping that one selected girl...the redhead?" He wheezed.
"Tink." I said through my tears.
"She was stuck, I had to help her. I WANTED to help her. I closed the door to the safe room, and someone shot me from behind." He told me.
"I know. You're always so helpful." I said, smiling. I took his hand.
"We could've been the greatest story. You and I." He said, squeezing my hand ever so slightly.
"We still can be the story. You're going to live. You're not going to die." I said, crying.
"I never got to tell you. I love you." He said.
"You did tell me that. I love you too Evander. I do. I'm sorry I never made up my damn mind, I was so stupid." I said, sobbing.
"You're...not...stupid." He struggled.
"Hold on, Evander. Please don't leave me." I said, squeezing his hand.
"I promise I will." He said. The heart monitor began to squeal.
"Evander?! NO! NO!" I screamed, as a few of the nurses tried to take me away. Archer came over.
"Lynnie, come on." He said.
"No! NO!" I screamed, trying to pull away. The nurses pulled out an amphibulator.
"Clear!" One of them said, and pushed it on Archer's chest. The electric shock ran through his body. He didn't wake up. I buried myself into Archer's chest and cried.
"Clear!" The nurse said again, and pushed it on Archer's chest. The electricity coursed through his body. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. He didn't open his eyes. I collapsed in Archer's arms, feeling weak. All of a sudden, Evander took a breath. He opened his eyes and all the nurses went into a frenzy. They were hooking things up to him, and cleaning him up. I could breathe again.
"Thank you Lord." I muttered, thanking him in an almost silent prayer

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