Chapter 26

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My sisters and I walked into the ball. It was amazing. Pumpkins, candy, and apples were everywhere. All the costumes were amazing. I immediately spotted Tink, dancing with a Peter Pan. I watched the two turn, and was surprised to see Evander in the green hat.
"Addie and I are going to get some candy." Abby said. I nodded, and the two little girls ran off. Harmonia came up to me with Jaxon in tow. He followed her around with puppy dog eyes and it was adorable.
"Amberlyn, you look stunning! Archers around here somewhere if you want to see him." Jaxon said. I nodded. I spotted my mother and father a ways away in matching 20th century outfits.
"Mom! Dad!" I said, going over. Mom smiled at me.
"Amberlyn dear! You look lovely!"
"Thanks momma." I said, kissing her cheek. "You and papa looks amazing!" I said. They looked at each other, a forced smile coming from both of them.
"Thank you dear. Go have fun!" She said. I nodded. Evander came up to me.
"Walking like a true Peter Pan!" I said. "How are you holding up?" I asked.
"I have to rest every so often, but I'm okay pretty much. I'm lucky they got to me when they did. I could be..."
"But you're not." I said. He nodded.
"I'm not. And you're here. You love me, remember?" He asked. I giggled.
"How could I forget something like that!" I exclaimed.
"Good point!" He said. He held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked.
"Of course you may!" I said, taking his hand. That's when I spotted Archer. He was watching me, his face hurt. He had been coming over. He had been wanting to dance with me. No chance of that happening now. I shook the thought from my mind and looked at Evander, who was grinning at me from ear to ear.
"Your smile! I haven't seen it this big since-"
"Since we were kids?" He asked.
"Yeah. Why is that exactly?" I mused.
"Well you see, you haven't told me you loved me since we were kids." He answered.
"I have too!" I argued.
"You haven't meant it. Not like you do now, and it makes me happy to hear it again." He said. I smiled, giggling.
"You're my favorite." He said offhand.
"Favorite what?" I asked.
"O-oh well..." he stammered, "Well, just that. My favorite pair of eyes to look into. My favorite name to hear. My favorite way to spend an afternoon. Fill the blank, beautiful." He said, smiling at me. "I left it at favorite for a reason."
"You're my favorite too." I whispered.
"What was that?" He asked.
"I said you're my favorite too you idiot." I said, nudging his shoulder gently as the song ended. He looked at my costume.
"I never told you how beautiful you look tonight. Did you plan to match with Archer?" He asked, his face falling slightly.
"I match with Archer?" I asked, looking around the room trying to spot the costume.
"Well that answers that question." Evander chucked. He kept talking, but his voice faded from my mind. I spotted Archer, his blue coat and white dress pants sparkling in the ballroom light. He was dancing with Tink. She was laughing at something and so was he.
"Ber?" Evander's voice cut through my mind. I whipped around.
"Hm?" I asked, looking at him.
"You were...staring into the distance there." He said, grinning at me.
"Sorry." I said, giggling slightly. Marlowe came over.
"Amberlyn? May I speak with you?" She asked. I nodded, and stepped away from Evander.
"What's up?" I asked.
"T-the sky?" She asked, confused. I giggled.
"Never mind. What did you need?" I asked.
"I was wondering if you would come with me?" She asked.
"Let's get a guard and sure!" I said, going to get Evander.
"No, no, I have one." She said, gesturing for me to walk with her. I went with her, looking at her detailed tinker bell costume. She looked amazing, her dress short and sparkly. Her hair was up in a bun, revealing her pale and perfect skin. We went into the hall where a guard met us.
"Please, stay behind." Marlowe said. The guard nodded once, and we walked down the hall.
"I want to know...I heard your with words?" She asked.
"Arguing, yes. I don't know what caused it, but they never argued like
This before." I said, looking down. Marlowe and I slowed to a stop, and she placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I should be, yes. I'm scared for their relationship. I'm scared for my sisters. I don't want them getting hurt." I said.
"Y-you should leave with your sisters tonight. Go out with them." Marlowe said.
"They love it here. I can have them stay in my room. It should be fine." I said.
"But you could become even closer with them!" Marlowe pushed the idea.
"I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to leave." I said.
"Please see if you can. I don't want you getting hurt." I wasn't sure why Marlowe cared so much about my sisters. Why she cared so much about me. I was competition, wasn't I?
"I-I can see." I said. "But why?" I asked. She paused, and her eyes glistened. She looked up at me, desperation flooding her face.
"There's an attack coming tonight, and I know who's doing it." She whispered.
"W-what?!" I exclaimed.
"Please, quiet!" She begged, her eyes flowing over.
"Marlowe, you can't keep this a secret!" I told her.
"Someone you're very close to is an ally with the enemies. Someone you know well." She told me, tears streaming down her face.
"Who, Marlowe?" I asked, grabbing her by the shoulders. She looked at me, her blue eyes full of tears.
"I'm sorry." She said. She stepped back from my grasp.
"Y-you?!" I exclaimed, stumbling back.
"And someone else." She said.
" tell me right now or I go and tell Archer everything you just told me." I threatened, scared to be even alone with her. She could kill me.
"I don't want to tell you. I don't want to hurt you." She sobbed, her accent and the tears making it hard to understand her words.
"Marlowe, I swear..."
"Your papa!" She exclaimed. I gaped at her.
"M-" I couldn't finish the sentence. I saw the guard disappear. "No, stop!" I shouted after him, running down the hall. Marlowe ran after me.
"Oh my gosh Marlowe, I'm going to kill you!" I exclaimed, running down the hallways. I ran into the ballroom to watch guards go to my father and begin to pull him away. I pushed past the crowds of people who were off to the sides of the dance floor.
"Stop!" I screamed, my vision going blurry and my heart racing. "Archer stop this!" I screamed at him. He looked down at me, his eyes hurt.
"Archer please!" I pleaded, my voice shrill. I looked at my father. He was being dragged out of the room.
"Dad why!?" I screamed at him, going up to him. The guards stopped moving.
"I had to baby. For you-"
"DON'T-" I started. I closed my eyes, holding back the sobs that threatened to escape. The sobs I did not need right now. "Don't tell me you did this for me. How could you do something so...fowl, so awful, so..." I thought of all the words that could come out of my mouth right now. The word that would hurt him the most.
"I can't believe you're my father." Was all I said.
"I love you with all my heart. Would you just remember that?" He asked me. Tears rose in my eyes. "You're my pride and joy Am, I love you so, so-" my reflexes took over. I slapped him. The sound resonated through the hall. My father looked up at me, and I turned around, my back facing him. I started to cry, but my tears were silent. I heard them drag my father away. Archer walked up to me. I shook my head. Mama came up to me, and I threw my arms around her, sobbing. I don't think I had ever cried harder in my life. Mom wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.
"Come on Amberlyn, let's go to your room." She said.
"Please, resume the festivities." The Queen said. The room burst into chatter. My mom, my sisters, and I all left the room. We went to my room. I walked into, and sat on the bed pulling a pillow to my chest.
"How long did you know?" I asked my mom.
"When you left, your father told me about it. He told me he was scared for your safety. I nearly killed him. I wanted to leave the house with your siblings. I don't know what caused me to stay. I think a part of me always knew this was coming." My mom said. I nodded, looking down at my knees.
"Amberlyn, you okay?" Ana asked me, sitting down on the bed.
"Not really." I admitted. She nodded.
"Momma can we go back to our room?" Abby asked.
"That's a good idea. You'll be okay Amberlyn?" My mom asked.
"Yeah." I replied simply. She kissed my head, and left with my sisters. All my mother had done for him and he did this. All the love my siblings had given him and he did this. All I had chosen, the Contest, leaving for him to have more money, for him. And he did this. I began to cry. As hard as I had with my mother in the ballroom. I cried so hard, my stomach began to hurt, and as soon as that began, I heard a knock on my door. I gasped, catching my breath.
"One minute." I called. I wiped the tears off my face, looking in the mirror on the wall. I cleaned off the mascara that had run down my cheeks, and opened the door. It was Archer.
"Hey there." He breathed. I looked at him, my mouth opening, but no words coming out.  "So, we haven't talked in a few days...I'm sorry about that...I was wrong, and I'm sorry. Um...I really wanted to just make sure you were okay, and-" I didn't let him finish. I flung myself into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. I sobbed out words as coherent as I could.
"I-i-i don't underst-stand." I sobbed.
"I know, I know." He muttered, rubbing my back gently.
"H-how c-c-could he!?" I exclaimed.
"Your screaming and tears were terrible to listen to. I've never heard anything as awful, and I hope I never have to hear it again." He muttered in my ear. His voice was shaky.
"Archer?" I asked.
"Yes?" He asked.
"You're crying too." I stated.
"It's killing me to see you this upset. It's hurting my entire body. It pains me to think you'll have to deal with this, but you won't be alone. You'll have your family." He said.
"They have to leave eventually." I said.
"That's true." He muttered.
"I won't have my family for much longer." I said.
"That's why...I think you should go home." Archer said.
"What?" I backed up, looking at him.
"You should go home. Your family needs you more than ever right now and you need them. We can't do anything for you here. I'm going to miss you so much, but it's better than having a broken heart your entire life." Archer said. We sat in silence both unsure of what to say. I looked at him desperately, trying to find the sparkle in his eyes or the curve in his smile, but the sparkle had faded and the smile was gone. He looked up and me for a split second, and I saw that spark ignite, but then it was gone again, as soon as he looked away.
"Oh." I muttered.
"Please don't be upset with me. I'm doing this for you."
"Sure. Yeah." I said, looking up at him, and nodding.
"Can I tell you something before you leave though?" He asked. I bit my lip and shrugged slightly.
"I love you." He said. I looked up at him, my mouth open ever so slightly.
"N-no you don't." I muttered. "I don't matter anyone, least of all you." I said quietly, turning around.
"Stop." He whispered, almost painfully. "So what, the stars may not light up in your presence, and the moon may not light up the night sky to get a glimpse of you. But people smile because of you. People laugh because of you. You make people happy, and I think that's pretty special. And for the record, you do matter. You're the moon and the sun and all the stars in the sky. You're my universe." He said. I stood, my back to him. "And if you don't think this is breaking me as much as it's breaking you, you're wrong, because I love you Amberlyn Baylock. I love you so freaking much." He said, and with that, my door closed.

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