Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sounds of a door crashing open.
"Amberlyn!" I heard Tink's voice shouting. I opened my eyes groggily.
"Yeah?" I groaned.
"You poor girl. I'm surprised he didn't kick you out." She said, coming and sitting on my bed.
"I didn't puke on myself, despite what any magazine might say." I said.
"Indiana Jance. She was drunk, and threw up all over me. That's why she left. The Prince made her due to her being drunk." I said, sitting up.
"Oh. Then why does this say you were the cause of this?" She asked, handing me a magazine.
"I was with the Prince. We were going to the Library." I told her. "Photographers were there and they took the opportunity."  I said.
"Nerds. Going to the Library on a date?" She asked.
"We had our reasons. We never actually got there." I told her getting out of my bed. My door opened.
"Good morning Miss. I see Lady Tink is here." Amy said, smiling.
"Did you know about this?" Tink asked showing her the magazine.
"Yes Miss. The Prince explained last night." She responded, going into my closet.
"Who else knows the real story?" She asked.
"Just me, my maids, and Archer." I said.
"Archer?" Tink asked.
"He asked me to call him that." I said. Amy came out with a simple red dress with black leggings.
"What are you going to go about this situation?" She asked, holding up the magazine.
"I'm going to go out and face the music." I told Tink.


The music sucked. I was whispered and pointed at for the rest of the week. Harmonia wouldn't talk to me still, and I wanted so badly to just yell at everyone. If it wasn't risky, I probably would have. It was Friday night and was time for the News. We were told at breakfast on Friday morning that we would all get a chance to be part of the News. Many girls were excited, but as for me, it was just another chance for me to continue to be humiliated. I was siting in the women's room reading the book Evander had given me, when Harmonia walked in.
"Amberlyn, can we talk?" She asked.
"Sure." I said, closing the book. It was all about the war. I don't know why he thought this would help me.
"I'm sorry."
"Is that it?" I asked.
"No. I'm sorry for what I said. You're not here for the reasons I said. I was just mad, and I took it out on you."
"It's okay Harmonia. You don't like the fact that all of those girls were eliminated."
"That's not all it is though. They didn't even get a chance to meet him, and I feel sorry for them. I want to know how they feel." She said, looking down.
"You say that, but if you were eliminated you would be devastated." I said.
"I know." She replied.
"You know, I was told something. We are here for a reason. We are matches to the Princes personality. If you look at you, he would be able to pull you down to earth, think about things before you take an action, and you would be able to calm him down with your bubbly personality, making jokes out of things." I said.
"If you look at Tink, the two of them would find reasons to poke fun at each other, and make the other laugh in tough situations. He's tough and she's tougher, and they would help each other out."
"If you take a look at Shaeleigh, she has such a bubbly personality and can make anything sound good. Some days royalty needs that. She would cheer him up on dark days, and he could always make her smile with jokes and comfort her when she's sad."
"What about you?" Harmonia asked.
"How would the two of you help each other out?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. I haven't really figured that one out yet. He's been there for me though."
"Like when Indiana left?" She asked.
"Did Tink tell you?" I asked.
"Yeah. She's been making sure nothing too bad has been said. All he other girls are afraid of her."  She said. We laughed.
"Well that's Tink for you. Frightening people into doing what's right."
"She'd make one heck of a Queen, wouldn't she?" Harmonia said. I smiled.
"She'd make a good one. Maybe not the right Queen, but a good one." I said.
"You'd be the perfect queen." Harmonia said.
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
"The whole speech you just gave me. It was calm and perfect and everything people want in a queen."
"You would be a lovely queen too Harmonia. Your personality would be perfect for cheering up the country." I told her.
"Thank you." She said, and hugged me.
"No problem. It's nearly time for the News, let's go get ready." I said.


The News stage was huge. Much bigger than what I had thought it was based off my television screen. Harmonia, Tink and I sat together in the back row.
"Good Evening!" Joren said, loud and for everyone to hear. "Today we welcome the Ladies of the Contest! We will be interviewing a few of these ladies and the Prince as well! Let's start with his Royal highness shall we?" He asked. "Prince Archer!" He announced and the crowd went wild.
"Good Evening Patriam! Thank you for tuning in for today's edition of the News. I'm happy to share that yes, I have been on a date." The crowd gasped.
"Now for many of you, this girl seems like a complete fool, and if I explain the full situation I will make a fool out of someone else." I felt angry. Who cares if we made a fool out of her! I'm still in the Contest, yet my feelings are being put below someone else's.
"Now I want you all to be aware that when I speak this girls name, I think highly of her, and not the fool the cameras and magazines have twisted her out to be. This week my first date was with Amberlyn Baylock." The crowd became hushed.
"The girl who threw up on herself right in front of you!?" Joren exclaimed.
"While the magazines have made it seem like that happened, it in fact, did not. I'm afraid to say that someone else was foolish enough to throw up on her." The crowd gasped.
"I will not reveal who, for it would be personal and embarrassing, but it was not Lady Amberlyn herself." He explained.
"Well that's quiet the story! What happened before that whole debacle went down? How was the date?" Joren asked.
"Well it was lovely on my part. We ate dinner, and we talked about her for a little while. It's interesting to find out how a family with six children in Performance fares."
"Six!" Joren exclaimed.
"Yes sir!" He said, winking at me. I blushed.
"Well why don't we bring the lovely girl up here! Amberlyn Baylock everyone!" Joren introduced. I stood and smiled, walking to the interviewing podium.
"Welcome Amberlyn!" He said.
"Thank you for having me!" I said.
"Six siblings huh?" He asked.
"Technically five. You have my older sister, my younger twin brother and sister, and then my two youngest sisters."
"And you of course!"
"Of course." I replied.
"So tell us about your date with the Prince. How was it?"
"Well it's the first real date I'd ever been on, so it was spectacular!" I said, giggling. I looked over to see the Prince smiling, his face beet red.
"Just your first? A lovely lady like you?" Joren asked.
"I guess people in Performance don't see me as appealing." I said, shrugging. "If I'm completely honest with you, the dresses and make-up help a bit." I said.
"No way!" Harmonia shouted. The crowd laughed.
"Harmonia, right?" Joren asked.
"Yes. My best friend from Performance. We practically grew up in the same house." I said. The crowd "aw"ed.
"That's so sweet! So tell us, how was dinner with the Prince?"
"Well, I still haven't gotten used to the placement of the silverware yet. So far I just use one for every course, and put them on my plate when I'm done. Seems to be working pretty well!" I said. The crowd erupted with laughter.
"So what else did you and his highness do on this date?" Joren inquired.
"Well to be honest with you, it ended shortly there after. You're going to think we are ridiculous, but we were going to the Library when our date was interrupted."
"The Library! What in heavens name were you going to do there?" Joren asked.
"Well it wouldn't be much of a date if I told you everything, would it?" I asked, trying to play around.
"I guess you're right! So what happened after the whole...incident?" Joren asked.
"Well we went back to my room and I took a quick bath. Afterwards Archer hugged me goodnight. That was all!" I said. The crowd was silent. Joren's eyes were wide. I had called him Archer.

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