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Stefanie's POV

I get up from bed and look at my phone.
"It's 10:30 A.M."

Im not a morning type of person. I go to the bathroom and started the shower. I waited until the water was warm I started to strip and went inside the shower. The warm water made my muscles relax.

When im done I head to room to change back into my pjs. Once im done I go to the kitchen and cook up some pancakes with egg and bacon. I get a plate and put my food on it. I go to the fridge and get syrup and milk. Once im done eating I head to the couch and put on cartoons.   


I look at my phone and its a text from Michael.  I get excited and open the text.

"Hey babe😘"

"Hey Micky😊"

"How's the most beautiful girl doing?"

"Im good hbu?"

"Im great and hey babe are you going to be busy today"

"No not today how come Micky???"

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

"Yes ill like that😊"

"Alright well meet me at The Melting Pot at 8:30"


Its 12:10 P.M.. Hmmm I guess I can text her for she can help me dress up.

"Hey Lu"

"Stefy hiii"

"Hiii Lu😂😂hey umm are you busy today??"

"Nah I got the day off why??"

"You think you can come over to my house and help me find an outfit I have a date with Michael"

"A date with Michael😏😏😏So if I come over would and help you find an outfit would you wear a sexy dress😏😏😏😏"

"Lu you know how I hate dresses"

"But Stefy if you wear a sexy dress your curves are going to show 😫😫😫and if you do Michael would be all over you as soon you get to your or his house"

"Lu😂😂No not yet😓I haven't even told him about that yet"

"you haven't but Stefy how long have you guys been dating"

"We been dating for 2 years"

"Stefy you should tell him"

"I was planning to tell him today at our date"

"Ok hey Stefy"

"Yes Lu?"

"You should turn around"

Huh I was about to turn around as soon I felt someone jump on my back and hear giggling. "Hi Stefy" she says giggling and squeezing me tight. "Hi Lu didn't know that you'll come that quick."

"Yes I came running since we live 15 min away" still squeezing me tight. "But Lu I just told you if you can come over 7 min ago" trying to get her off my back. " I was coming to visit you since you also had a day off and as soon you told me you needed help to find an outfit I came running to your house" she came off of me and went to get some water "and besides you gave me a key so I can come in and out" she says while drinking her water. She's so stupid but I love her Lu is like my sister but at the same time shes like my mom.

Lu's POV

I set down the glass cup and run up to her room. I hear her yelling at me to stop but I don't care and just kept running until I reached to her room I lock the door and hear her turning the noob and bangs the door. "Lu open the door." "No" I yell to her and open her dresser to see her panties I pick one up and yell to her "Hey Stefy you should stop wearing boy shorts and start wearing lace underwear if your trying to persuade Michael" I say giggling. I hear her trying to break down the door but I know she can't. I go to her closet "BINGO" I open it and look around and get really upset she doesn't own any dresses ugh.

I open the door and see her rushing in and looks at me. "Hey Stefy lets go to the mall I already check your clothes and didn't like any of them." I tell her with a serious face I needed to convince her she did have some cute clothes but I want her to wear a dress. I haven't seen her wear a dress since 8th grade, prom, and graduation.

I remember she use to go out with the guy named Jay. He was really sweet to her and treated her so nice he always opened doors for her and payed for her lunch. Sophomore year was when she found him no correction he found her he fell for her beauty. I still remember when she told me she lost her virginity to him she thought I was going to be mad but I didn't I straight up told her did he wear protection and started laughing.

"Alright let me get my keys for we can go." "K" I say giggling.

Stefanie's POV

I head downstairs and get my keys form the counter. "Lu hurry up or im leaving your ass and your going to need to walk" I yell to her. I see her running downstairs and ran outside waiting for me. I close the front door and lock it. I walk up to my challenger and unlocked it. "I love the color of your car Stefy black matte doesn't look bad" she says will putting on her seatbelt. "Yea its my favorite color." As I start to drive I see Lu jumping up and down. "Lu stop getting excited and that looks wrong people are going to think ur having sex in the car " I say laughing at her. "They can think what ever they want I don't give a fuck im just happy cause Ima get some dresses for ma self" she grins.

We get out the car and head to the mall

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