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Jay's POV

Three months has passed by since I seen her. Three fucken months, but now im coming back to take whats mine.

Stefanie's POV

I have been happy these past few months with the love of my life. Michael started to be around me more often, but there would be a couple of times that he would come home late or not come home at all until the next day.

I park my car in the driveway, and get out my car, and head inside my house. I go to the kitchen put my bags down on the table.

I turn around, and widen my eyes as I see these beautiful white roses on the island. When I picked them up a card falls out. I bend down to get the card.

When I got the card I flip it over. It was the king of the spades, but what stand out more to me was that on the card it said "I Can't Wait To See You Again My Love." I found it strange but the only people who can get in my house were Michael and Lu.

The roses could of been from Michael and the card probably from Lu since she likes messing with me.

I sigh and look at the time it's 7:00 P.M. I was about to head upstairs until I heard the door open and close.

"Hey babe how was work???"

I didn't get a response weird. I go to the entrance but nobody was there.

"Michael???" No response.

"Lu is it you???" No response.

"Lu are you here." No response.

"Lu don't fuck with me." No response again I head to the living room but everything is quiet.

"Lu plz answer me don't play wit-."

Everything goes black and I start panicking. I was about to scream when I hear giggling then it turn into laughter. The person removed their hands away from my eyes.

"You should of seen yourself Stefy it was priceless. Lu says while still laughing.

"What the fuck Lu why didn't you answer me I was about to get the fucken gun. "

"Awe Stefy I just wanted to play with you, but I did forget you had that."

I sigh.

"Anyways Stefy let's get you ready you didn't forget that were going to a party right."

"Nooo really I thought it was next year No shit i didn't forget Lu You we're sending me texts today at work." Crossing my arms.

"Heheh sorry Stefy I was excited, but you didn't forget the rules right."

"No I didn't." I look away from her.

"Good now lets get you ready." She says while giggling.

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