Chapter Thirty Two

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I hate humanity...

I trudge myself over to my closet and put in this:

I trudge myself over to my closet and put in this:

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I brush my teeth and all that jazz. And I hop down the stairs.

"Oh hey! Kyle?" I say with confusion, he barely comes over here...
He looks at me with worried eyes,

"Hey Annie, have you seen Katie. I haven't seen her and she won't answer any of my calls.." He says

"Huh that's weird, well she not here but did you guys get into a fight or something? Or did you try her house?"

"Oh, well.... We didn't get into a fight me I tried her house.. No answer."

Wait that's so weird.. Hold on OH MY ICE CREAM!

"Kyle! Get your car right now and call 911, tell them Katie's been kidnapped. I'll get Hayden!!"

He nods and goes to his car  while I stay outside and try to call Hayden (Luke's in the car btw he came with Kyle)

"Pick up.. Pick up.. Pick up... Come on Hayden." I whisper

"Hello." I hear him say.

"Oh thank god Hayden you won't-"

I got cut off by him laughing

"Hahhaahahaa! I'm sorry I had to. Anyways leave a message after the beep and I will get right back to you!"

I groaned. Of course Hayden would do that

But what's worse is.... He has Katie...

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