Kam'ron Sanders

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Three months have gone by and me and Roe have grown closer than before, and the love we have for each other was a lot deeper than what it was before. I smiled lightly to myself as I thought about all we went through from the very beginning when we thought either one of us was shit. Now look at us we're together all the time and spending as much time as we can regardless of us being in school and playing sports. I shook my thoughts as I made my way over towards my lady to get ready to go home and get prepared for the dinner I had set for us tonight. I had decided to do something special and treat her to a night out on me just to make it a little bit special I knew one day I was going to marry this woman and she was going to be the mother of my child, and I just wanted to show her tonight just how much I cared about her and let her see what life would be like with me. I took in a deep breath as I made my way over towards her as she wrapped things up with practice causing me to smile as I wrapped my arms around her waist causing her to turn around to face me then smile as we both kissed each other on the lips.

"How was practice beautiful?" I asked her as I broke the kiss then looked into her eyes.

"It went very smoothly especially since I got rid of some girls then got the girls ready everything is going better now" she says to me with a smile as she pecked my lips yet once again.

"That's good baby see I told you all you needed was to start fresh with the squad and everything else would fall in place" I say to her with a smile as I pecked her lips once again.

"Yeah, I know and I appreciate you supporting me, but let me go get my stuff and then we can be out" she says to me as her smile was still planted on her face.

"Alright, beautiful I'll be waiting on you" I say to her as I unwrapped my arms from around her waist then went to go take a seat on the bleachers as I waited on her to get back.

I pulled my phone out then started checking my email as I waited on my future wife to get back. While I was deep off into what I was doing, I felt someone sitting down next to me causing me to stop what I was doing then looked who sat down beside me then smiled instantly when I saw that it was Mallory.

I pulled her into a hug causing her to laugh a little as it felt good to see her again because I hadn't seen nor heard from her in so long I was constantly thinking about her and wondering if all was good with her considering her situation she had going on at home. I broke the hug then smiled lightly as she had a smile planted on her face as well.

"Hey, Kam, how are you?" she asked me as she still had a smile planted on her face.

"I'm good how about you where have you been I haven't heard from you in a good little minute?" I asked her as I wondered what her answer would be.

"Well, for starters I had to get the hell out of dodge because you know my parents had it all set out for me how they want my life to go, and I couldn't do that shit no more, so I had to lay low for a while. I had family that took me in and looked out for me as I went to school and everything life is going good for me now. I'm so sorry with not calling you or nothing, but I've been hella busy with school, working, and playing basketball" she said to me with a deep sigh that soon turned into a smile.

"Wow, that's good mama I'm just glad to see you're good now I can have a clear conscience since I know you're good now" I say to her with a smile planted on my face as I was happy for her.

"Thanks, I'm here visiting and decided to see a few of my friends here before I headed back home or whatever" she says with a smile.

"That's good I'm just glad to know you're good and nothing happened to you don't be a stranger call me sometimes alright mama" I say to her with a smile.

"Alright, I will I promise by the way how are things for you are you with anyone or anything?" she asked me as she looked into my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm with Monroe" I say to her with a smile planted on my face thinking about my lady.

"That's good I'm happy for you if anyone deserves it; it would be you Kam" she says to me with a smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate that" I say to her as I pulled her into another hug.

"No problem Kam, but I better get going it was great seeing you again" she says to me as she broke the hug then kissed me on the cheek.

"It was good seeing you too remember what I said don't forget to call me and the next time you come here we need to hang out as well" I say to her as I kissed her back on the cheek.

"Alright, sounds like a plan to me" she says as she stood to her feet.

"Alright, Mallory see you later" I say to her as she waved at me then left.

I stood to my feet the minute I saw Roe coming towards me with a smile planted on her face as I wrapped my arm around her neck as we left out of the gym then made our way towards my car as we got in then headed towards our house to take our showers and get ready for tonight as I had hella thoughts running through my head.

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