Kam'ron Sanders

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It's been four weeks since I took Roe out for our special occasion to one of the many places she's been wanting to go for the longest and it placed a smile on my face as I wondered where I should take her next for our coming up date this weekend.

I sighed as I grabbed my phone then decided to call up Mallory to see what she thought I should do next considering she was a girl and my lil homie and go off from there.

I ran my hand over my face as I took in a deep breath then dialed her number then waited on her to answer the phone.

"Wassup Kam?" I heard her say on the other end answering her phone.

"Shit, nothing just calling to see how you're doing and what not and to get your opinion about something" I say to her as I laid back then ran my free hand over my face once again.

"Oh, okay that's wassup and I'm good thanks how about yourself?" She says on the other end.

"Shit, I'm cool just chilling and going to school nothing too major" I say to her with a shrug.

"That's bet same on my end thankfully we don't have that long to go until we're out of school and we're graduating" she says with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I feel yah I can't wait to be the fuck up out of school to take a break before I start school all over again" I say to her as I waited on her response.

"Yeah, of course I might come through during our break and see a few people then come back home so I can prepare for going to school" she said as she yawned slightly.

"Alright, bet that don't forget to come see a nikka on the real" I say to her with a little chuckle.

"Oh, of course not bestie I gotcha on the real, but forreal though what's good whatchu called for and where is your baby love by the way?" She says as she coughed a little then sighed.

"My baby is at work and you better come see a nikka too or I'mma find you and beat your ass!" I say to her with a chuckle.

"Nikka, you are something else, but forreal I'mma come see you so you don't gotta worry about all of that" she says with a laugh of her own.

"Alright, cool but I was calling to get your opinion on something" I say with a sigh as I ran my hand over my face again.

"Oh, Lord it's nothing bad is it Kam?" She asked me as it sounded as though she was sitting up.

"Naw, nothing bad at all I just wanna ask you a question and get your opinion on something" I say to her with a chuckle as I sat up then grabbed me a blunt from the drawer then lit it as I took a few puffs then waited for her response.

"Oh, okay good cause if you hurt Monroe I'mma fuck you up nikka" she says to em with a chuckle.

"Oh, naw not that at all I love the hell out of Roe too much to hurt her like that, but I was calling to see where should I take her out this weekend?" I say to her as I took another pull from my blunt.

"Oh, okay cool so you wanna know where to take her huh?" She says with a sigh.

"Yeah, cause four weeks ago I took her to Mastro's now I'm trying to think of where to take her next" I say with a sigh as I took another pull from the blunt.

"Wow, that's so sweet isn't that the place that plays live piano while you eat and what not?" She asked as you could tell she had a smile on her face.

"Yeah, that's the place, but now I gotta think of where I wanna take her next" I say with a shrug as I waited on her to tell me where to go next or something.

"Shoot, how about you do something simple from the heart and just cook her a nice little dinner and either have a picnic at the park date or a stay in set it up nice and romantic and have an dinner date at home?" She says to me as it sounded as though she was laying back down.

"Hmm. I didn't think about that at all it actually sounds nice plus I haven't done anything like that at all" I say to her as I nodded my head then took another pull from my blunt then ashed it out then laid back down.

"Well, do something like that then instead of taking her somewhere fancy and what not just do something of that nature and cook something nice like maybe Steak and Shrimp or some type of pasta or something you get what I'm saying?" She says to me as she coughed a little then sighed.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan actually I probably will do a dinner date from home this time cook something nice then the next weekend take her out on a picnic at the park" I say with a smile as I yawned a little then ran my hand over my face.

"Alright, well problem solved and when it comes to that special time I want you to send me an invite to the wedding alright" she says to me with a chuckle.

"Alright, I gotchu you just make sure you be there alright?" I say to her with a chuckle as I looked at the time then smiled as it was getting close to time for my baby to come home.

"Alright, cool but I'm about to go take me some medicine for this coughing call me again and let me know how the date goes" she says to me with a sigh.

"Alright, bet mami will do that and you be easy take care of yourself beautiful" I say to her as she chuckled a little told me bet then we hung up the phone.

I laid there as I sighed then decided to take me a little nap for the time being so I would be well rested as I waited on my baby as I thought of what exactly I wanted to cook for this stay in date with nothing too major floating through my head.

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