Chapter Three

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*Andy's pov*

I was with the boys in the car on our way to the nearest shopping center, it's about 10:00 at night. We ran out of tea so we decided to run and get some!
"So what did you guys do?" Mikey asked as he was driving down the sketchy road that we must take in order to get to the food store from our flat.
"Hello... Earth to Andy..." Rye said from the back seat
"Shhhh!" I said and i put down my window
"Wha-" rye started
"Shh! Stop the car." I told Mikey
"Dude, I'm not stoping the car because you hear what could just be a cat" Mikey answered
"Mikey. Stop. the. car." I said serious and Mikey did.
"What is th-"
"SHHHHH!" Rye was cut off
"Do you hear that?" I asked
"It sounds like someone yelling for help" I explain
"Oh come on, we don't have time for your jokes" Mikey said
"NO REALLY! LISTEN!" I said and both Mikey and rye listened
"Yeh, Mikey, I hear them.." Rye said concerned
"Mikey, drive, but slowly" I said and Mikey did so
"Wait stop!" I said and i looked down an Aly way between two buildings. Then i hear the yelling agin it was definitely comeing from down there. I got out of the car and ran towards the noise
"ANDY WAIT!" Rye and Mikey yelled then they parked the car and chased after me! Rye, Mikey and I turned the corner in sync to see three boys surrounding a lady and her back is to the wall she's the one yelling
"Stop! Get away from me!" She said then one of the men reply
"What's a pretty girl like you doing around here All alone?"
"She's not alone!" I yelled
Then the three men turned in fear and started running away down the Aly, rye and Mikey chased the three guys while I went to see if the girl was ok
"Hey- cass?" I said recognizing her from the plane
"Andy?" She asked and the she hugged me, I hugged her back
"Are you okay!?" I ask her
"If they did anyth-" I started
"No I'm okay, but I wouldn't have been if you hadn't come right when you did" she told me
Rye and Mikey come running back and catch their breath
"They got away..." Rye puffed out
"Damn they were fast for old men" Mikey added
"Is she okay?" Rye asked me
"Yeah, we got here just in time" I answered
"Do you want us to call someone?"
Rye asked cass
"Shouldn't we call the cops?" Mikey asked
"No! No cops!" I say trying not to sound suspicious.
"You told me you had a ride coming"I asked her
"Wait you know her?" Mikey asked
"We were on the plane together" she answered him
"Are these the band members you told me about?" She asked me
"Yeah that ones rye, and this ones-" she cut me off
"How'd you know?" Mikey asked
"I pay attention to people when they talk" She smiled
"So where's.. Brooklyn and...Jack was it?" She asked
"Sleeping" rye answered
"Do you have someplace to stay tonight?" I asked her

*Cassandra POV*
"Do you have someplace to stay tonight?" Andy asked me
"Yeah my friends dad is paying for me to stay in a motel all week" I answer
"Oh which one?" Andy asked
"Motel panzo?" I say
"Wait what?" Rye said
"That's the worst place in LA" Mikey added
"It's in the middle of the worst town and it's run by a bunch of gangs" Mikey explained
"Well I'm only there for a week... Or until I find somewhere to stay" I say the three boys exchange a look. I knew what was coming
"For your information I'm not staying with five stranger teenage boys" I say and I start to walk away
"Cass, wait!" Rye yelled and I turned to face him
"At least let us take you out of this town? What just happened might happen again, it'll probably get worse..." Rye asked sympathetic
"Fine, but only because I need to charge my phone!" I say and we all walk back to their car
"Before we drop you off we need to go get tea, so we're running to the shopping center" Mikey said as he started the car
"Okay..."I sigh and wait for my phone to turn on.
It takes forever and when it finally turns on it says I have 53 missed calls, and over a hundred texts from aly. I quickly give her a ring.
"Oh my god thank god you picked up! My dad realized that the place we paid for for you to stay at is not a good place! So don't go there!!" I hear Aly say from the other line
"Yeah, I'm okay, im with some friends there going to take me some where safe" I explain
"Friends?? Who??" She almost yelled
"I met them on the plane, there cool, there a boyband, believe me they are not the bad guys!" I say to her
"Can I talk to one of them?" She asked
"Hey andy?" I turn to Andy, he sat in the back with me because we knew each other better
"Yeah?" He said looking at me
"My friend- well she's more like my sister, but she wants to talk to you" I said
"Uhh okay," and he took the phone from my hand

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