Chapter Ten

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**Cass' POV**

The space between us gets smaller and smaller until our lips finally meet. Fireworks went off inside of me. It was so perfect! Everything I've ever imagined it and so much more. We both pull away and just look into each other's eyes for a bit.
"So" he spoke up "does this mean you wanna be my girlfriend?"
I Peck his lips again. "Id love to!" I say and we head back to the flat hand in hand. As soon as we walk in all the boys 'oooooooo'. Damn that means they saw the kiss... I blush and hide my face."like I said... I ship it" rye said
"Okay so tomorrow Shelly will be coming by to give me the key and I need to sign some papers then we can start moving stuff." I explain
"YAYYY!!!" Jack said
"So tomorrow morning me and the boys are going to take apart the bunk beds, Blair said we can keep em, but the sofa and table needs to stay here, along with the tv so...." Andy explains
"Okay I'll need to see when Aly is coming up, she said she'll have a bed for me, a sofa, tables for the living room, and a few other things" I say to them.
"Okay cool!" Mikey said
"Alright I'm tired, I'm gonna get ready for bed." I. Say getting up and going to the bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth. There's a knock at the door.
"Come in" I say and it was Brooks
"Hey beautiful" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.
I finish brushing my tears and turn to him smiling.
"Do you think we could cuddle tonight?" He asks hesitant "it's okay if it's too much too soon..." I cut him off by kissing him
"It's fine, but no funny business!" I say to him as I walk back to his bed. Most of the boys are doing their own thing. Jacks asleep on the couch, Mikey's editing a vlog , Andy is playing a video game, rye is watching Netflix. I crawl onto Brooks bed and he does too I put my head on his chest and watch him scroll through Instagram. I soon drift to sleep. I wake up to see Brooks already up.
"Morning beautiful"
"How long were you up for?"
"A few hours"
"Why didint you wake me?"
"You look peaceful when you sleep" he said to me I smiled and kissed his cheek
"I gotta go get ready for Shelly" I say and I hop outa bed and head for the shower. I take a fast shower and get dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a purple crop top. I put my hair into two fishtail braids for the day. Then I check the time. I'm late!
"Be back soon boys!"I say as I rush out of the room to see Shelly already there.
"Oh uh hello" I say to her
"Ready?" She said
"Yup!" We went inside I signed some things and the she handed me they key
"Thank you so much Shelly!" I say and I hug her
"Oh no worries!" She said and she left. I went back into the boys flat to see them trying to take the bunk beds down "do you guys need help?" I ask them
"Nope we're good" they say and I laugh
"Why are you laughing?" They ask confused
"You forgot a bolt" I say pointing to a bolt holding the beds together.
"But guess whattttt!?!?" I say happy
"What?" Mikey asked. I just jungles the keys in front of him and me all jumped with joy
"We need to go make a few more keys for you boys and one for Blair, but we can officially move in!!!" I say and we all group hug. Suddenly the door bell rings. Who could that be?
"Get that would you Cass?" Andy said and I go to answer the door. Standing right in front of me is the one and only Aly Fairchild! My bestest friend in the entire world!
"AHGHGH ALY!!!!!!" I nearly yell and I hug her. "How'd you find me?"
"I was texting Andy..."
"surprise!!!" All the boys yelled from behind me
"You guyssssss!!!!!!" I say smiling "so these are the famous boys that saved your life" Aly said gesturing to the boys
"That's us" Andy said as she came in the apartment
"Well it's nice to finally meet you in person!" She said as she went To hug them. They all hugged her then we went back to taking apart the beds.
"Cass my dads down stairs with some things for your new home if you wanna help us bring them up stairs" Aly said
"Okay yay! Let's go! Good luck boys!" I say as Aly and I walk out and down stairs
"Soo???" I ask her smiling
" Brooklyn?" She asks
"What about him?"
"Come on! I saw the way you looked at each other... Are you together yet?"
"WHAT!? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!?" She yelled as we walked out the main
"Last night, I was going to text you but I realized the time zone differences and u were already asleep so I waited till this morning" I say smiling
"Oh my god you two are the cutest! Hey dad did you hear Cassie has a boyfriend!!" She said as we went to grab boxes from his trailer
"Boyfriend? I need to meet him... Have a talk" he said
"Oh come on...." I chip in
"Your like my second daughter you best bet ima go all protective dad on his ass" we laughed at his choice of words. The three of us brought boxes up to the apartment. And Jeff-aly's dad went back down while me and Aly got some water.
" hey do you guys need help outside?" Brooklyn asked as we were about to walk down stairs
"Yeah sure!" Aly said running down the stairs like a child
"She's just excited!" I exclaim
"I can tell" he laughed
"Okay fair warning... Aly might have told her dad that we were together and he might wanna have a little talk with you..." I say
"What already?" He asked me
"I mean he is the closest thing I had to a dad, and he can only stay tonight but Aly is staying the week" I say to him
"Just be calm, be yourself, answer honestly, and call him sir! He loves people that call him sir!" I give him som pointers
"It'll be fine... I promise!" We walk outside and Aly is already being back in with another box, while Jeff is pulling the sofa out
"Here let me help" Brooklyn said and he ran to help
"Thank you" Jeff smiled
"Why don't we just take it right up stairs?"
"Smart idea"
I grabbed a box and followed them. Up stairs. After about an hour or so it started to actually look like a home, we had a couch, two chairs, the boys' beds were together, Mikey, and Jack in one room and a small couch for Brooklyn, we still need to get him a bed, Andy and Rye in another, me and aly were getting set up on blankets on the floor in my room bacause my bed hasn't come yet. This is going to be the best week ever. I've got my best friend! My boyfriend and my boyfriends band... Can you say amazing?
"Hey Brooklyn wanna help me outside a minuet?" Jeff asked
"Yeah sure?" and they both walked out

***Brooklyns POV***

Shit this was it, he's going to talk to me... I wasn't planning this! I'm not prepared for this. I'm freaking out! What if he doesn't like me! Oh my god... Calm down Brooklyn... it's okay...
"The dresser that's still outsides a bit heavy, I think you could help me" he said as we walked out of the room
"Yeah of corse" I say and I smile
We begin walking down the stairs
"So you and Cass are together right?"
"Yeah" I smile thinking about her
"But you only just met a few days ago..."
"And you really like her?"
"Man... I think I love her" I say
"Look, I'm not here to break your arm and say you can't be with her, she's like a daughter to me, and she has been through a lot of shit that no one should ever go through, all i wanna say is look out for her. I can tell your a good guy, and I see the way you look at her, just protect her okay?" He said to me as we walked outside
"Yeah, she's a strong girl, and I can't imagine what she has been through, but I care about her more than anything, and I will do everything I can to keep her safe." I say as we reach the truck and begin taking the dresser out.
"Oh but if you do anything to her I might just have to break your arm" he jokes and I laugh
"Noted" I smile and we begin taking the dresser inside.
After everything is all set up we're all in the living room relaxing
"Okay who's hungry?" Aly asked
"I am!"
Everyone yelled
"Alright well I gotta get going" Jeff said
"Awe I thought you were staying the night?" Cass said sad
"Yeah I was going to but I was called by the office and apparently tomorrow we have a huge meeting with the board and I must be there." He explains
"Okay" She gets up and hugs him
"By boys!" He said
"Nice meeting you" I say
"Yeah!" Rye said
"Come back soon" Andy added
"Will do!" He laughed and Aly and Cass hugged him. He then left
"Okay so food?" Mikey said
"How about pizza?" I suggest
"Yessss!!" Jack said
"Pizza!" Mikey yelled
"Large sausage?" Rye asked
"Perfect!" Cass answers
"My favorite" Aly added
"I'll go order it!" Andy said
Andy left to go order the pizza and returned a little while later
"Their delivery guy got sick so I'll have to go pick it up in like fifteen minuets"
"Can I join you?" Aly asked
"Sure! We leave in ten" he said

HEY GUYS! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have been very busy lately, I'm trying my best to update as much as I can. On the other side YESTERDAY WAS BROOKLYN'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY BABE! 😘
And this happened yesterday and it made me so extremely happy... I love these boys so much!


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