Chapter Fifteen

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Brooklyn's POV
We all sat down and waited for the doctor to continue. It seems like he took forever. Then his next sentence made my heart drop.
"Cassandra lost a lot of blood from the fall, due to that and her operation, she is currently in a coma" he told us. The room started to spin, I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying any more. All I could think about was Cassie.
"Brook... Brooklyn.. Hey, you okay?" I heard Rye ask me but I wasn't, I was in pieces. I couldn't comprehend anything. Then I feel Rye help me up and take me outside to go get some air. He took me to one of the benches. We sat there in silence for a while.
"T-this changes everything..." I could barley hear myself speak
"I thought that she'd just have a concussion or something... But... A-a coma?" My vision goes blurry from the tears fighting my eyes. I focused on a single rock by my foot, and just stared at it and continued to talk 
"Comas... That's almost equivalent to dead...." A single tear slipped down my cheek
"I only just met her a few weeks ago... To think I've fallen in love with her, and now this happens and I might be loosing her..." I looked up to Rye and he was looking at me already "I-I can't loose her!"
"Come on Brooklyn, you can't think like that, you need to stay positive, think about how life will be when she comes out of this" he tells me with a small smile. His phone goes off and he checks it.
"It's Andy, he needs to talk to me, you coming?"
"No I think I'm gonna sit here for a minuet..." I answer him and he walks inside

Andy POV

I wait for Rye by the vending machine. I wanted to talk to him away from the boys.
"Hey" I say as he walked up to me.
"Hey"  he looked worried
"How is he?" I asked nervous
"Not good, he's a mess... He's really in love with her, he can't even think straight" he told me
"Yeah Mikey isint well either, he thinks if anything happens to Cass that it'll be his fault, and Jack... He's being so hard on himself" I fill rye in.
"It pains me to see them like this..." He tells me
"Yeah me too... Me too" I pulled him into a hug
Blair comes around the corner
"Go get Brooklyn, come to the waiting room the doctor wants to tell us something" he said and I ran out to get Brook
"Brooklyn, there's something new" I said and he quickly got up and we both rushed inside and the doctor spoke
"Okay it is looking like Cassandra will pull through"
"So can we see her?" Brooklyn asks
"You can't go into the room with her but you can sit on the chairs out side of her room, there is a window you can see her through, you will be able to go in her room tomorrow after her update check up" he informs us
"Just point us in the direction" 
He took us down the halls it felt like hours before we finally reached the door. When we finally got there it all hit me... This is real... This isint a joke or a dream... There she was laying on the bed with all the wires hooked up all over her. Bruises on her arms and cheek. She looked like she was in so much pain. I just wanted to run in there right now. She's barely moving, I can very faintly see her chest skink then rise again, that helped me relax just a bit. All of us sat on the chairs by the room, Brooklyn just stood there watching for any sudden movements, any sign of her waking up.
"She'll be okay... She's strong" I told Brooklyn
"Yeah... She is strong, I'm just scared... I'm so scared" He tells met tears still in his eyes not looking away from her
"Brook..." I started
"I think we should call Aly..."
He nods and clears his throat "yeah... I'll be right back"
"I can do it Brook. Stay here with Cassie" i offered
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah..." I told him
I walk out of the hospital and go to a near by bench. I pull up Aly's number and click the 'call ' button then I put the phone to my ear.
"Hello? Andy?" I here her voice from the other line
"Hey, Aly..."
"What's wrong?" She asked
"Andy, your not smiling, I can here the pain in your voice, the boys aren't with you... What happened?" Shit... She knows...
"U-um it's Cass..." I start
"What happened!?!" I can tell she's upset and worried
"She- someone- we don't exactly know who... But someone attacked her, in the process she fell down the stairs, luckily Mikey and Jack were there, shes in the hospital right now, s-she's..." My voice cracks
"Shes in a coma... They don't know when she will wake up" it goes silent on the other line.
"H-how... When!?!"
"This morning..."
"Where were you!?! Why weren't you there!?! YOU PROMISED ME! YOU PROMISED THAT YOU WOULD PROTECT HER!" she yelled through the phone

Thank you all so much for nearly 500 reads!! This means so much to me! Please don't hate me!!! I'm going to try to update once a week at least because I'm busy... thanks again guys!! -Kelsey🍍

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