Chapter Nineteen

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HEY GUYS! Before you start this I just wanted to let you know I have a new Road Trip story out and published. Me and my very good friend rori are working on it together. It's called "happiest storms" if you have time I'd love for you to go check it out. ALSO I'm working on another book so keep an eye out for that... Okay LETS GO! (BIG CHAPTER)
Brooklyn's POV

Hours passed I just sat there with one of the most important people in my life, my head rested on her bed, still holding her hand, just waiting... For anything.

I heard the door open and then felt a hand on my back, it was rye, I got up and let him have time with cass, it's the right thing to do.


I walked in and placed my hand on his back, then unexpectedly Brooklyn got up and gave me the room, I thought it would've been tougher then that. I guess he's just so worn from the crying.   I sat down next to her. I  didint even really look at her, I just sat there, talking. "Cass, your one hell of a girl... Who would've known that finding you that night in the ally, that so much would happen. Who knew that one person could change this band forever. You've become apart of us, apart of road trip. Im not gonna say if you don't pull through we will fall to pieces because I know you will pull through. This... this isn't right, your so strong, you've been through hell, you don't deserve this. No one does. You know Brooklyn loves you... We all do, hell even Blair is outside worried sick about you. He will probably come in here next..." I look her actually noticing her now, how still she was. "Please, Cass if you don't wake up for me, do it for the sake of this band, we are no longer a five piece and Blair band... We're a five piece, Blair and Cassie band, we need you". I see cass' arm move... Or at lease I thought I did. Then Andy texts me and says he needs to talk to me, I leave to talk to him

Blair POV

I walk in after Andy and Rye leave. This reminds me of my cousin, when he was about twelve he got into a car accident and went into a coma... He never woke up.
"Cassandra, I know we didn't start off on the right foot, but you belong here. You make Brooklyn happy, you make all the boys happy.  Ever since the accident they've all been a mess, Brooklyn can't eat, sleep, think, he can barley shower on his own. Jack, all he does is sleep. Mikey, he's been keeping himself busy. And as far as Andy goes, he's trying to be strong but I've known him a long time, I can see right through his act. Rye is even messed up from all this. Please, if we loose you, were also loosing road trip, you have to fight this! Do it for peppa, for sun sets, for the beach, do it for your future, please cas" I finished and I looked up to see her hand moving, I'm sure she can hear me.

"Doctor! Doctor!" I yelled and everyone came running in,
"What is it what happend Blair!?!" Jack asked hopeful
"She moved, her hand it moved" I said then the doctor ordered us out of the room so they can do tests.

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