Chapter Eighteen

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A/N guess who's updating again just for you guys! I know these next chapters are sad, and I'm sorry, but I'm updating because I love you guys and it's CHRISTMAS! So MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!


Mikey's POV

I walk in to see her there, for a moment she didn't move, then I saw her chest rise and sink again. Andy got up and left and I sat where he once was. I held her hand, and spoke.
"Cass. We need you, we need you to wake up. Y-you don't understand... I tried! I did everything I could. I-it should've been me. I should have answered the door. Then maybe, I would be the one laying in this bed, I would be the one dying, and you... You would be okay, Brooklyn would still be happy. Everyone would, we need you more then you know! we've been waiting, b-Brooklyn he's going crazy without knowing your okay. You need to be okay though. You need to get up and we need to get back to normal like none of this has happened. W-we need you. I-I need you!" I started to cry, and I couldn't stop, I got up and walked out of the room, I went to the bath room, I couldn't breathe, I just sat on the floor with my legs to my chest crying.

Jacks POV

Mikey ran out of the room, Rye followed him. I took this chance to go see cass myself.
I walked in and I sat at the chair besides her. I looked her up and down, looking for any sign of life.
"Cass" I spoke so faintly I could barely hear myself
"Please, Andy said to talk to you, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry?" I say more as a question.
"I'm sorry. I should've been there, I should've been fast enough, I should've been smart enough, I knew you were going through tough times. I should have realized that you didn't come back inside after answering the door. I-i" there were too many thoughts going through my head I couldn't even think of words."It's all my fault" I stared at her hand and for a moment I swear I saw her finger move. No. It couldn't have been, I'm just seeing things I want to see, it didn't really move. I was interrupted by a knock, it was the doctor.
"Sorry sir, we need to do another check up, you will need to leave"
I wipe my eyes and walk out and I sit next to Andy. He put his hand on my back. I knew this was destroying him, but he was trying to be strong, for us. He was doing it for Brooklyn, Mikey and I, because we couldn't be strong. Brooklyn comes running up all out of breath.
"Brook" Andy says leaving my side to go to him and hug him.
"C-can I?" He asks
"The doctor is in there" Andy answered
They break the hug just as Mikey and Rye come back. Mikey is pale and his eyes are puffy from Crying.
I was going to ask if he was okay but Rye gave me that 'don't ask' look. The doctor came out and fathers us around.
"She seems to be getting better, what ever it is you guys have been doing keep it up, she should be awake in no time" he said and he walked away.
Brooklyn walked in the room and we all prepared for the worst.

Brooklyn's POV

How is it that she's bruised and broken and hooked up to a million machines and she still looks gorgeous? Was the first thing I thought when I saw her. I sit next to her. Staring at her face. I grab a hold of her hand. She looks so peaceful, almost like she's just taking a nap.
I begin to talk, "Cassie" I sigh
"You still look beautiful, even hooked up to all these machines. My baby girl. H-how could this have happened? Things were so good, I-it's crazy to think less then forty-eight hours ago you were safe in my arms. Cass... I- I think I'm in love with you." I cleared my throat "When I got that call from Jack. It was like a million knives stabbing me right in the heart. I- I've never felt this way before, I've never been in a real relationship. But the moment I met you I knew you were different. Call it love at first sight, call me crazy, but I know when I'm with you I'm happy. And so are you, and that's all that matters. Cass. Your so important to me. You need to pull through. We haven't even been together for a year! you have yet to meet my family, i want to be with you forever. I want to start a family with you, I want to grow old with you. I want you. No, I need you! P-please" my voice was trembling "you can't leave me like this" I haven't even realized that I was crying. I haven't cried this much since before I joined the band. These boys make me so happy, and so do you, but right now I'm breaking. "I'm never going to leave your side again".

Hours passed I just sat there with one of the most important people in my life, my head rested on her bed, still holding her hand, just waiting... For anything.

A/N I've never cried more while writing a chapter.... Sorry, MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAIN!!!!


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