Chapter Seventeen

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Andy POV
I waited and waited. I kept updating Brooklyn. That nothing has changed. I went to the cafeteria to grab some food, when I came back the doctor was waiting by the door. I couldn't read his face, he either had really bad news or really good news. I swallowed, there was a lump in my throat. If he stands here and tells me that Cass took a turn for the worst... I-I I was pulled out of my thoughts by him speaking.
"Hello sir, are any of the others here?"
"No doc, they went to rest, what's up?" I asked nervous
"After her check up this after noon, we decided that visitors can now go inside, she has not woken yet, we ask only one or two people inside at a time."
"Thank you so much doc!" I say as I rip out my phone to text the boys.
"Sir, I'm not suppose to tell you this but I can tell she's very special to you lot." He sighs and continues "It doesn't look like she will wake soon, I've seen similar situations. You guys can't loose hope, talk to her, if she responds in anyway, you need to call a doctor or nurse, let them know, that's a good sign okay?"
"Thank you again" I shake his hand and he walks off as I text in the "Road Trip" group chat
A- were aloud in, doc. Says we need to talk to her, and if there's any response to tell a doc or nurse. I'm heading in until yous arrive only one or two people aloud in her room at a time.

R-that's great! Blair ran to the shop, and Brooklyn is in the shower, as soon as he gets out were headed that way.

M- has her state changed?

A- sorry buddy, she's still out. That's why we're aloud in, us talking to her can help her wake up

J- I hope so...

I put my phone in my pocket and go in her room. There she is. This is no longer a nightmare shielded by a window Pane. She's right here, all bruised, and hooked up to wires....
"I'm sorry." I didn't even realize I was talking at first. I pull up a chair and sit next to her holding her hand so she can squeeze it for a sign.
"Cass, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I need you to do something anything, squeeze my hand, open your eyes, move a finer for god sake... Anything" I look down and squeeze my eyes shut letting tears roll down my face
"I messed up, I- I promised ally, i-i said I would protect you, I said I would make sure your safe, it's like I had one job... One job. And I screwed it up." I look up and wipe my tears. "I blew it, and for that I'm sorry, but cass, cass you, you gotta wake up, you have to. We're gonna fall apart if you don't." I sigh tears still streaming down my face. I sit there for awhile longer, just holding her hand, observing her for any sign of life. She seems like she's asleep but I know she may not wake up. Then I hear the door open, I look over to see its Mikey. I realize he needs time so I walk out. I walk out to see rye and Jack sat there. And I look at rye confused.
"Mikey couldn't wait" he explained
"But Brooklyn is gonna be mad"
"Blair is on his way home he's gonna get Brooks and bring him here a little later. He needs time to think" he told me
"Yeah" I sigh and sit down


A/N ALMOST TO 1K reads! That's crazy guys!! Thank you all so much!! I'm so sorry that i don't update as often as I would like to, when I started this book I planed to update twice a week, as you can see that didn't happen. Then I changed it to updating once a week on Saturday. However that also didn't happen, I've been very busy lately and I'm trying my best. I'm so sorry to let y'all down with my updates, but I'm going to try to push myself more to
update. Thanks again to all of my readers! 💙💙 ~ your author {Kelso}

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