Chapter Four

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*Andys pov*
I come in the kitchen to see all four boys waiting for me
"What's up?"
"Who is she?" Jack asked
"We met on the plane, her name is cass, she just turned 18"
"Okay and why is she staying with us?" Jack asked again
"Okay listen, this girl is going through something, she came to LA alone and she has no place to stay, and she nearly got killed a few hours ago. Tell me that I should have left her for dead..." Andy said clearly angry
"Well no but you could have got her a hotel room or something" Mikey suggested
"Guys it's one night! Will it really kill you's to wear clothes for one night?" He asked
We hear the door to our apartment close
"Damnit!" Rye yelled and me and Brooklyn ran out the door
"You go talk to the guys, I'll talk to her" Brooklyn yelled as he ran down the stairs

*Cassandra's POV*

"CASS WAIT!" Was all I heard Brooklyn yell from behind me I continued to run
I soon feel an hand grab my left hand and stop me from running. There were tears running down my face and I could barely breath after all the running.
"Hey.. Hey it's okay" Brooklyn said and he pulled me into a hug rubbing my back. After about three minutes I calm down and he pulls away to check on me.
"Hey, It's okay, don't cry" he comforted me
We sat on the park bench and talked.
"Why'd you run out of there?" He asked
"You guys don't want me to stay, so I'm leaving"
"No that's not true, Jack was just upset that now he has to sleep in real cloths" he joked
"I'm. Just always messing up people's lives."
"Come on don't talk likethat..."
"Believe me... I am!" I sigh
"How?" He asked and tears begin to dwell in my eyes again
"I just cause so many problems!"
"No you don't!"
"I am like the definition of bad luck, so unless you wanna hate life, just let me leave"
"You are not! Come on don't be so hard of yourself!"he argued
"I am!" I nearly yell
"I'm the reason my dad left! I'm the reason my mom died! I'm the reason my sister will never remember me! I'm the reason my aunt hates me! It's all my fault!" I scream at him crying again, he just pulls me to his lap and holds me.
I didn't calm down for about twenty minutes
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here, i won't leave you, I promise" brook said and I look up at him and smile
"I doubt anything you said was your fault, but if you wanna talk I'm here for you"
I gave Brook a hug because he is one of the first people I think I can actually trust. I hear foot steps behind me and I turn around to see the other four boys. All standing there looking at there feet in shame.
"Look cass, we're sorry..." Rye started
"It's not that we don't want you here, it's just unexpected." Mikey added
"I don't know what you herd back there but I really don't mind if you stay with us." Jack said feeling bad because of what he said earlier.
"Besides I did promise Aly that you'd stay with one of us..." Andy finished
"It's okay guys, I get it, it was a lot to take in all at once, I'll stay the night then I'll be out of your hair, no need to worry about me..." I answers them
"Come on guys... We should get back inside" rye said looking around
"Yeah, let's" Brooklyn added and we got up from the bench and followed the other four boys.
"Cass, you can take my bed tonight" Brooklyn offered
"No, it's fine, I'm used to the floor anyway..." I answer
"I insist! and if you don't I'll just wait till you fall asleep and move you there" he said and I couldn't help but smile, he's so sweet to me, but why?
"Thanks..." I say knowing I wouldn't Win. We walk inside and all the boys get situated in bed. I lay awake for a while just thinking. Thinking about everything, wondering why these boys were so nice to me, thinking about where Im going to live, thinking about how I'm going to pay for food and how I'm going to make it in LA alone. Then suddenly a single tear slips down my cheek. I dont even know why I'm crying, I just couldn't stop. I hear Someone moving so I try to keep quiet, I soon feel the same two strong arms from before around me. Brooklyn laid next to me and pulled me to his chest, I cried once more. That's the third time today! It must be a record. I soon drifted to sleep in Brooklyn's arms, that was probably the first good night sleep I've had in a long time.

YAY! New update!! A relationship is starting to form between Cass and Brook... Who's as excited as I am?!!? Anyway I hope you like this chapter! Comment! Like! Do what ever u want... Lol more chapters coming soon!

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