Chapter Eight

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**Cass POV**

"BROOKLYN COME JOIN MY TEAM THIS IS SO UNFAIR!" I heard Jack yell from the park
"Would you mind?" Brook asked me
"Just give me your key?" I ask him and he hands me it
I walk inside and up the the apartment to see Andy sitting on his bed editing a vlog
"Hey Andy" I say as I walk into the room
"Hi Cass, where's the boys?"
"Outside playing football"
"Oh okay" I get changed into pajamas then go back into the room and sit on the couch. I just stair at the floor.
"Hey you okay?" Andy asked
"Yeah just thinking" I say, he got off his bed and sits next to me
"What about?" He asks me
"Today... Life... Brook..." I say quite
"Talk to me" he said
"I don't know... Today was really weird"
"Weird how?"
"It was like a perfect day out of a book or something..."
"How so?"
"Me and Brooks got pizza then frozen yogurt, went for a walk, he gave me his jacket..." I motion to the blue jacket I'm wearing
"Then this thing happened... It was just for a moment... It was like time froze, and it was just me and Brooklyn in the entire world, then a roadie asked for a picture" I said
"Did you two ya know... Kiss?" Andy asked and my cheeks go pink
"You did!!!" He nearly yelled
"No! But almost... I think...." I smile and my cheeks are bright red now
"Wait really!!?! Just almost? What not really? Was it the fan? They have the worst timing ever!" He jokes
"But in that moment it was crazy... I've never felt it before..."
"I think someone's in love..." Andy jokes
"You know that's the exact thing Brooklyn said when we brought it up to him" he told me
"Really?" I ask
"Yeah! Then he got all excited like you are right now" he said. I couldn't help but smile and just sit there for a moment
"You should talk to him"
"!" I say defensive
"I don't know... I don't need to loose him as a friend if it doesn't work out... And i don't even know how I really feel"
"Well all I know is Brooklyn is one of the most amazing sweetest loyal people I've ever met, and he really cares about you"
"I just.... I've never really had anyone... I don't know..."
"Well now you have us, and Brooklyn, he's perfect for you"
"You really think so?" I ask
"Absolutely!" He nearly yelled then we hear the door open and the boys coming in all making their way to their beds. Andy moved back to his bed.
"Absolutely what?" Mikey asked
"Nothing..... Uh how was the game?" I ask them
"SO UNFAIR!!" Jack yelled
"Oh come on your just a sore looser!" Rye said
"So my guess is you lost" I say looking at Brooklyn
"Yeah only because King fowler over here said he would come and be on my team and never showed!" Jack said upset sitting next to Mikey.
"But you had Brooks, fair and square" rye stated
"Hey!!! What's that supposed to mean!?" Brooklyn nearly yelled
I laughed hysterically
"Oh you think that's funny?" He said smirking. I couldn't help but laugh, Brooklyn came over to me and started tickling me.
"Brook.....stopppp....... I can't......" I said between laughs
"Nope... No one laughs at Brooklyn and gets away with it" Brooks said not stoping
"Okay.......okayyyyyy..... I'm sorry...." I said and he stopped
"Are you tho?" He asked
"If I say yes will you leave me alone?" I say all out of breath
"Maybe..." He tickled me agin
"Than yessssss" he sat back on his bed and I finally caught my breath
"I ship it" Rye said
"Yeah me too bro" Mikey said
"Yup so cute" Jack joined in
Mine and Brooks face goes bright red.
"GUYSSS look their embarrassed!!" Andy said smiling
I just went on my phone and messaged Aly
C-Hey we need to have a girl talk!!
A-what about?!
C-Boys... Brooks...
A-AGHGH Wait What!?!
C-how about tomorrow like 12 we can FaceTime?
A-YESS! I need to see you! And the boys your staying with!
C-ok but I need to talk to u alone than I'll have you meet the boys, okay?
A-okay can't wait!! Sleep well! See you tmrw!
C-Love you💜
A-Love you more💙
C-not possible!💜
A-Yess possible!💙
And I turned off my phone.
"I'll take the floor tonight" I say
"You've tried this before.... You won't win" Brooklyn argued
"You deserve to have one good night of sleep!" I say
"UGHHHGG fineeeeeeeeeeee" I finally give up
"So guys... Me and Cass were talking today..."Brooklyn started and got everyone's attention
"ARE YOU TWO FINALLY GETTING TOGETHER!?" Rye nearly jumped off his bed
"NOOOOOOO!" Brook yelled I giggled a little
"Okay so you all know how the flat across the hall is bigger right?" Brooklyn started and everyone said 'yeah' or 'okay'
"Well what if... We give Blair this place back and we-being us and Cass- rent out the flat across the hall, it would be Cass in her own room, then three and two, and we would even have a ligit  living room!" He explained
"That would be sick!" Mikey said
"I call Andy!!!"
"I call rye!!"  Rye and Andy yell at the same time
"I ship it!" I say smiling at rye
"RANDY RANDY RANDY!" I start chanting. Rye throws a pillow at me.
"HEY!" I laugh out
"But is everyone in?" Brook asks
"Yes!" Everyone yells
"We just need and okay from Blair" Brooklyn said looking at me
"Cool, once he gives the okay I'll call my agent" I said then we all got situated and went to bed

*********TIME SKIP*******
It was now the morning and we needed to tell Blair our ideas.
"Hey Blair can you come in here a minuet?" Brooklyn yelled a few moments later he came in and sit I the couch
"Okay so we have an idea" we all explained him the idea and he loved it! He loved how the boys were growing up and he loved how he was gonna get the place to him and ginger.
"Let me go call Shelly!" I said walking out of the flat
When I came back in the all looked at me.
"So?" They all say at the same time
"She's gonna notify the landlord and let me know" I explained
"Okay what should we do today?" I ask
"We've gotta film a cover today" Andy said
"Oh okay..."
"You can watch?" Brooks said
"Well I need to call Aly, what time?"
"Not till 2" Andy said
"Okay I'll be there, I'm gonna go to the park to talk to Aly, see you soon!" I walked outside to the park and sat on the bench and called Aly
"AHGG OH MY GOD ALY MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!" I say through the phone
"I miss you too Cass!!!" We talk for a while before she brings up the boys
"Soooo spill the beans!!"
"Okay well I think I might like Brooklyn just a little bit maybe? And Andy said he feels the same way but i don't knowwwwww!" I say
"Awwwww you totally like him!!!!!! I've never see you this way!" Aly said smiling
" I need to meet the boys!!!!!" She nearly yelled
"Okay okay!!! Let me just go inside!" I walk back to the building and up to flat 46
"Boys my friend Aly want to meet you all!" I say walking inside
"Hi Aly!!!!!" Mikey yelled
"Which one is that?" She asked me
"That's Mikey"
"He seems like a happy person"
"Yeah he is" I laugh
"Hi Aly!" Jack said
"Is that Irish I hear in your accent?" She asked
"Yeaz" he said
"Ooooooo that mist make you Jack" she said
"Hi Aly!"
"That one is rye" I told her
"Hello rye!" She said back
"Finally get to meet the famous Aly do I?" Andy said
"Let me guess Andy?" She said to me
"Yeah" I laugh
"Can I talk to him?"
"Hi Andy, put ur head phones in would you?" She said
Oh god....
He did so I couldn't hear what she was saying but they were definitely talking about me.
"Here ya go Cass" Andy gave me my phone back
"Now to meet Brooklyn" she said as he walked in the room after a shower
"Who's meeting me?" Brooks asked
"It's Aly, she's on face time" he took the phone from me and started talking to her then my phone buzzed meaning I got a text
"Who was it?" I asked Brook
"Shelly, she said they accepted your offer!!!" He nearly yelled
"Wait what!?" Aly asked
"I got an apartment!" I said to her
"We got an apartment" Brooklyn said
"Let's go tell Blair!" Andy said getting off his bed
"Wait who's we?" Aly asked
"Me and the boys, it's okay I get my own room" I said to her while Brooks was still holding the phone.
"YAY OH MY GOD!!!!!!" She nearly yelled
"I'm gonna come down there to help you move!" She said
"Nooooo I don't even have stuff to move" I told her
"So I'll help the boys move, and we will get stuff, my dad has an entire storage container with furniture, we will bring everything we can!" She said as I sit on the bed next to Brooklyn
"NOOOOOO don't!! Stop!! You don't need to!" I tell her through the phone
"That's not gonna stop me!" She says
"UGHGH okayyyy... Just let me know when you get close so I can tell you the address"
"Okay! See you soon! Love you!" She said
"Love you more!"
"Not possible"
"Yess possible" I say smiling and I hang up the phone
"That's cute" Miley said to me as I hung up the phone
"Thanks, that's like mine and aly's thing" I explain
"Blair said we can start packing stuff up now and when ever Shelly comes over to give the key were out" Andy said coming in the room
"Yay!!!" Rye nearly yelled
"Someone's excited!" I say to rye
"Yeah! I don't need to share a room with Brooklyn any more!" I laugh at rye's comment
"HEY!!" He said to rye any this made me laugh harder
"What did I say about laughing at me!" Brooklyn said smiling and he looked at me
"No! Please... Stop! I'm sorry!!" I said as he started to tickle me and I just kept laughing.
My phone rings so Brooks stops I check my phone to see who's calling me, it's a blocked number.
Who could have my number, I only just got a phone....

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