Chapter Nine

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Who could have my number, I only just got a phone....
I decide to answer it
"Hello?" I say confused
"Hello...Is this Cassandra?" A frantic voice says from the other line the voice sounded like a young girl. 14 maybe?
"This is she"
"Oh thank god I've been trying to reach you.... Wait no he's coming back... No no!" Than I hear yelling from the other line. It was a mans voice along with the girl from before. He's saying stuff like 'you stupid little slag' then the line went dead. I just sat there in fear as to what just happened.
"Cass is everything okay?" I didint answer Brooks I was petrified
"Cass, who was that?"
"I don't know... But she knew me" I say starting to hyperventilate all the boys freaked out they didn't know what to do. I was having a panic attack... Aly is normally here and she always knows exactly what to say... But now I'm here with these boys that are just as scared as me.
"Hey hey... It's okay... Just breathe" Brooks pulled me to him and held me. I focused on his heart beat, it was steady, calm. Almost like he knew what he was doing. After awhile I calmed down. And began to explain to the boys what happened
"So who was that?" Mikey asked looking at me.
"I don't know, she asked for me, she knew my name was Cassandra"
"What else did she say" Andy asked
"She said she's been trying to get in touch with me, then she was screaming" the boys looked at me concerned.
"She started to say there was a man, then she screamed for him to stop, he was yelling at her, calling her a slag and a slut, then...." My voice cracked "Then the line went dead"
"We need to call the police" rye said
"Than my aunt will know where I am, she'll come here, she will drag me back to jersey!" I explain
"We won't let her" Brooklyn said looking me in the eyes "we'll protect you" I smiled at him
"Okay" Andy called the cops and they soon showed up, I told them my side but because the number was blocked the police had no way of tracking it, calling them was pretty much a dead end.
"Hey do you wanna go get some air?" Brook asked me after the cops left and I nod. me and him went for a little walk
"Hey it's okay, we did what we could"
"Yeah but what if she's hurt... Or worse" I say
"It's okay, there's nothing more we can do now." He said
"Yeah..." We walked in silence for a little bit then I spoke up.
*********Brooklyn's POV********
We continued to walk around, it was just the two of us, the sun had set and it was around 9 pm. We were quiet for a while just enjoying each others presents. She broke the silence first.
"So uh... The other day when that fan came up to you..." She started awkwardly
"Yeah?" I asks
"We're you gonna... You know... Kiss me?" She asked I could tell she was nervous.... Honestly so was I.
"I don't know.. Did you want me to kiss you?"
"Well... Did you wanna kiss me?"
I come right out and say it "god yes" I look at her and through the moon light I can see her blush
"Would that have been a bad thing?" I ask her
" I, don't know..." She hesitates "I guess not?" She almost questions it
"Is that a question?" I ask her as we sit on the bench in the park
"I just...I've never felt like before... I really like you Brooks... Andy says that I've fallen for you, but to be honest I don't know how I feel, all I know is that when I look at you, your the only person that matters, and that when you hold me I wish for that moment to last forever... I don't know how you feel but what I do know is I can't loose you..."
"I feel the exact same way. From the minute I saw you I fell head over heals. You never leave my mind, when I'm not beside you I freak out because if anything ever happened to you id loose my mind. I was unsure how you felt... And I didn't wanna rush anything, but us is the only thing I ever think about" I say to her and I smile. She's already got the biggest smile on her face. Everything about this moment, about us, it felt so right!
"So what if I did kiss you?" I ask
"I'd maybe probably kiss you back."  She said... Wait what??! She'd kiss me back? Should I kiss her? Or was that more of a 'what if'? Do I kiss her? My eyes move from her eyes to her lips back to her eyes. The space between us gets smaller and smaller until our lips finally meet. It was all I ever imagined and so much more

THEY FINALLY KISSED!! I mean It's about time right?!

But in all seriousness I start school tomorrow, so I might not update as much as I've been lately, but I will try my best! I might be starting another RTTV story, an Andy fowler story, but idkk yet.... So yeah I'll let y'all know. I hope y'all are liking the story so far! Have a good day/night!!

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