~2~ Riley's Dream

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It's Time. Here's your update fam! Enjoy!!

Author's POV

The entire walk home, Riley couldn't help but think about the mysterious blonde beauty that was Maya Hart. The girl in the alley was truly stunning. She even had a great singing voice. Riley could totally see Maya becoming a famous singer someday. Yet, Riley was curious as to why the girl had been unnaturally cold, for just a bit of rain. Riley, however, just shrugged it off upon her arrival at her home. As she entered, she hung up her coat and placed her umbrella in the rack. Riley was then greeted by the sight of her parents watching television on the couch.

"Hey guys, I'm home." She walked towards the couch, making a disgusted face due to how close her parents were. She may be 16 but she still found her parents intimacy gross, especially in public where it seemed to be worse.

"Riley, supper is on the stove if you're hungry. Feel free to heat some up," Topanga said. Her mother was an excellent and renowned lawyer at a big law firm here in New York. Topanga had never lost a case.

"No mom. I'm good. I ate a couple of the left over pastries from today." Riley then sat on the arm chair and struck up conversation with her father. "Hey dad? When's that history project due again?"

"This upcoming Thursday. How was work sweetie?" Riley was relieved when the infamous history teacher, Mr. Cory Matthews, said it was due Thursday, as it was still Sunday and she had plenty of time to finish it.

"Work was fine. Same old shi-stuff," Riley corrected herself, "different day."

"Nice save." Cory gave her an impressed look. Riley, much like most other teenagers, wasn't allowed to cuss. Although she did when she wasn't around her parents, again, like most other teenagers. "You look tired Ri. Why don't you head on off to bed?"

"Yeah that's a good idea." Riley got up and went to her room. She slipped into an oversized t-shirt and some booty shorts. She would never wear these in public, but found they were quite comfortable for her to sleep in. She turned on her stereo and played some music to fall asleep to, making sure the volume was low enough for her to hear her alarm in the morning. Soon, she drifted off to sleep. Little did she know she was under the watchful eye of a certain blonde on the fire escape, who had followed the brunette home.

Maya's POV

Why couldn't I get this girl off my mind? I mean, it doesn't help that I followed her home, but what is so different about her? I can smell her through the window and she smells sweet, like honey. I couldn't bring myself to kill her earlier, which is unnatural for me. Ask any other vampire in the clan. I'm a cold blooded killer. I don't hesitate to take any life. Why her?

Riley's POV

I was standing in a meadow filled with an assortment of beautiful flowers. I scan my surroundings and notice Maya standing inside the hollowed out trunk of a tree. She's motioning for me to come towards her and I feel my body start to move, as if I am in a trance. The girl pulls me in and suddenly we're on top of the Empire State Building in the middle of the night. The view is amazing. Suddenly I'm being pulled away from the edge, I didn't even know I was that close. Maya whispers saying not to jump. She says she wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. Then she's pulling me in and we're kissing. Why are we kissing? I don't even know her. She disappears and everything around me is dark. I'm scared. It's cold and damp. I curl up into a ball and sob and shake.

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