~5~ Drawings, Lyrics, and Dates?

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Maya's POV

I hear a knock at the door, and despite the fact that it's the middle of the day, I go to answer it. "Look man, whatever you're selling, we don't want any and whatever you're preaching, I don't want to-" I stop mid sentence after realizing its Riles. "Oh. Sorry. We just get a lot of salesmen and preachers."

"It's fine. I just wanted to see if you wanted to maybe hang out?" She looks down and twiddled her thumbs. She's so damn cute.

"Yeah, sure. Come on in!" I step to the side and motion for her to step inside. "You want something to drink? Or to munch on? I think we've got some Dr. Pepper and some hot cheetos?" I start walking towards the kitchen while I wait for a response.

"Yeah that's fine." She plops down on the couch and pulls out a.. sketchbook? She doesn't strike me as the type to draw, but at least we have that in common.

"What's that you're drawing Riles?" I try to take a peek but she quickly shuts the sketchbook and snaps her head towards me.


"Yeah. It's my new nickname for you. So what was that drawing of?" I look down at her. She smells like honey spread on a warm biscuit.

"Oh. Nothing, just an assignment for my art class. Are you in any classes?" She puts her sketchbook back in her bag as I sit down across from her.

"Um, no, actually I'm not. I was homeschooled for my entire life and I technically graduated last year because I was ahead." I find myself staring at her, looking her up and down. She's so beautiful it hurts. I'm totally falling for her. "So, I guess if we're gonna try being," I hesitate, "friends we should get to know each other. What's your middle name?"

"Elizabeth. You?"


"Penelope? Maya Penelope Hart?" She stifles a laugh. "That's cute." I look away, embarrassed. Riley cups my chin and turns my face back towards her. "No, really Peaches. It's cute."

"Peaches?" I place a confused look upon my face.

"Yeah. You smell like peaches, so I'm gonna call you peaches. Is that okay?" She blushes a little. I can't help but wonder if she has a crush on me. Maybe she does, I mean, that would certainly make a relationship easier.

"Yeah. It's perfect. So what was your art assignment? You know, the one in your sketchbook?"

"Oh. Uh... we had to draw something that we thought was beautiful."

"Can I see it?" She reaches down and pulls it back out, then hands it to me.

"Yeah, it's the last filled page." I flip through the pages, seeing beautiful drawings of trees and benches.

"Riles. These are-" I stop mid sentence once I get to the last drawing. It's me. She drew me from the first night we met. It's me singing. It's only evident by the soft music notes drawn in the sky above my head, trailing down towards my mouth. "Riley. These are absolutely amazing. You're so talented!"

"No, I'm not. You can sing much better than I can draw." She takes the sketchbook and pulls away from me. I start humming to myself, thinking about how different we are.

"You like New York City in the day time. I like New York City in the night time." I sing the lines out effortlessly. "Quick! Hand me something to write on." She grabs a piece of paper and slides it towards me. I quickly write down some lyrics.

"Maya? What are you doing?" She looks at me questioningly. I grab my phone and text Farkle.

"Writing. Specifically a song. I'm regretting leaving my guitar at my friends house. Anyways. Riles, your drawings are amazing." I look out the window and notice the sun has gone down. "Hey, it's getting dark. Perhaps you ought to go home? I don't want you to get in trouble." She gets up to leave, but stops at the door.

"Yeah. I should go, but, Maya? Would you want to go hang out sometime? Like... not at your apartment? Like say... Saturday night?" I smile at her attempt at asking me out.

"Hang out? Or are you asking me out on a date?" She blushes and hides her face. "It's a date. Saturday night. Seven o'clock. Anatoly's bowling alley."

"Oh-okay. Bye Maya." With that, she kisses my cheek and leaves.

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