~12~ Apprehension

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Maya's POV

Love is strange. You would do anything for the one you love, even if that means devoting the rest of your afterlife to finding the one who attempted to kill her. I've decided to take a break from Riley to find her killer. Now I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't just leave her high and dry. I left her in the care of Farkle and Lucas.

After Lucas gave me his description of the vampire he saw, I started my hunt. Do you have any idea how many 5' 7" brown hair green eyed vampires there are in New York City? The answer is a fuck ton, but I've narrowed it down to a handful...

"Do you know this girl?" I asked to the boy strapped in the chair as I show him a picture of Riley.

"N-no. I've n-never seen her b-before."

"Well, today is your lucky day, because now I won't make your death as painful." I quickly rip his head off and set the chair on fire, turning him into a pile of smoldering ash.

"One down, two more to go." I continue my hunt, almost unsuccessfully, but then I find my next target... unfortunately he wasn't the killer either. I hope to god this last target is the one.

A few days later...

"Charlie Gardner!!" He turns around quickly, staring at me with the dear in the headlights look. He starts to run, but I'm too quick. I easily catch him. "You're coming with me." I smash his head against the building to knock him out.

Charlie's POV

I wake up in an empty warehouse. There is graffiti all over the walls and a lone couch in the middle of the large room. I'm tied to a chair in one corner. My head is throbbing and I can feel the dry blood caked on my forehead.

"It's about time you woke up Charlie... I've just been dying, well, I guess that's a poor choice of words. I've just been waiting so long for you to wake up. I started wondering if I had accidentally killed you. Of course you know why you're here right?"

"N-no. I d-don't."

"What's with the stuttering Charlie? Is it because you realized you fucked with the wrong vampire? Because you chose the brunette girl taking out trash at a bakery?"

"Are you talking about that pathetic excuse of a human I slaughtered outside of Topanga's the other week?"

"Well, yes and no. Because you didn't slaughter her. You didn't finish the fucking job numbskull. Luckily I found her and had my friend change her. That was my fucking girlfriend, you ass. I hadn't planned on telling her I was a vampire, or even turning her. However, because of you, I fucking had to. Now... guess who is going to fucking pay for it?!?!"

"Wait!! You can't kill me. Please! Someone paid me to do it. Please, let me live and I'll tell you who it was." I roll my eyes and then think for a moment...

"Fine. You tell me who paid you and all the information you have, and then I'll let you go, but you have to promise to leave New York City and never come back."

"Okay, okay. I'll spill."

"Better get to spilling then."

"Lucas. Lucas Friar."


"Yes." I punch the wall next to me. How could I be so stupid to have trusted him?!? And I left my girl with him!

"Why? Why did he pay you to kill her?" I grab his throat so he can barely breathe.

"Because he's in love with you Maya."

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